1,294 research outputs found

    Systematic construction of exact MHD models for astrophysical winds and jets

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    By a systematic method we construct general classes of exact and selfconsistent axisymmetric MHD solutions describing flows which originate at the near environment of a central gravitating astrophysical object. The unifying scheme contains two large groups of exact MHD outflow models, (I) meridionally self-similar ones with spherical critical surfaces and (II) radially self-similar models with conical critical surfaces. The classification includes known polytropic models, such as the classical Park er model of a stellar wind and the Blandford and Payne (1982) model of a disk-wind; it also contains nonpolytropic models, such as those of winds/jets in Sauty and Tsinganos (1994), Lima et al (1996) and Trussoni et al (1997). Besides the unification of these known cases under a common scheme, several new classes emerge and some are briefly analysed; they could be explored for a further understanding of the physical properties of MHD outflows from various magnetized and rotating astrophysical objects in stellar or galactic systems.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure

    A statistical physics perspective on criticality in financial markets

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    Stock markets are complex systems exhibiting collective phenomena and particular features such as synchronization, fluctuations distributed as power-laws, non-random structures and similarity to neural networks. Such specific properties suggest that markets operate at a very special point. Financial markets are believed to be critical by analogy to physical systems but few statistically founded evidence have been given. Through a data-based methodology and comparison to simulations inspired by statistical physics of complex systems, we show that the Dow Jones and indices sets are not rigorously critical. However, financial systems are closer to the criticality in the crash neighborhood.Comment: 23 pages, 19 figure

    Symbolic extensions and uniform generators for topological regular flows

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    Building on the theory of symbolic extensions and uniform generators for discrete transformations we develop a similar theory for topological regular flows. In this context a symbolic extension is given by a suspension flow over a subshift

    The distribution of cycles in breakpoint graphs of signed permutations

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    Breakpoint graphs are ubiquitous structures in the field of genome rearrangements. Their cycle decomposition has proved useful in computing and bounding many measures of (dis)similarity between genomes, and studying the distribution of those cycles is therefore critical to gaining insight on the distributions of the genomic distances that rely on it. We extend here the work initiated by Doignon and Labarre, who enumerated unsigned permutations whose breakpoint graph contains kk cycles, to signed permutations, and prove explicit formulas for computing the expected value and the variance of the corresponding distributions, both in the unsigned case and in the signed case. We also compare these distributions to those of several well-studied distances, emphasising the cases where approximations obtained in this way stand out. Finally, we show how our results can be used to derive simpler proofs of other previously known results