2 research outputs found

    Asymptotic normality of test statistics under alternative hypotheses

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    The aim of this paper is to present a framework for asymptotic analysis of likelihood ratio and minimum discrepancy test statistics. First order asymptotics are presented in a general framework under minimal regularity conditions and for not necessarily nested models. In particular, these asymptotics give sufficient and in a sense necessary conditions for asymptotic normality of test statistics under alternative hypotheses. Second order asymptotics, and their implications for bias corrections, are also discussed in a somewhat informal manner. As an example, asymptotics of test statistics in the analysis of covariance structures are discussed in detail.primary, 62F05 secondary, 62H25, 62E20 Stochastic optimization Likelihood ratio test statistic Asymptotic normality Asymptotic bias Nonnested models Moment (covariance) structures Discrepancy functions