38 research outputs found

    Asymptotic convergence of constrained primal–dual dynamics

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    This paper studies the asymptotic convergence properties of the primal–dual dynamics designed for solving constrained concave optimization problems using classical notions from stability analysis. We motivate the need for this study by providing an example that rules out the possibility of employing the invariance principle for hybrid automata to study asymptotic convergence. We understand the solutions of the primal–dual dynamics in the Caratheodory sense and characterize their existence, uniqueness, and continuity with respect to the initial condition. We use the invariance principle for discontinuous Caratheodory systems to establish that the primal–dual optimizers are globally asymptotically stable under the primal–dual dynamics and that each solution of the dynamics converges to an optimizer

    Continuous-time integral dynamics for Aggregative Game equilibrium seeking

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    In this paper, we consider continuous-time semi-decentralized dynamics for the equilibrium computation in a class of aggregative games. Specifically, we propose a scheme where decentralized projected-gradient dynamics are driven by an integral control law. To prove global exponential convergence of the proposed dynamics to an aggregative equilibrium, we adopt a quadratic Lyapunov function argument. We derive a sufficient condition for global convergence that we position within the recent literature on aggregative games, and in particular we show that it improves on established results

    Linear Convergence of Primal-Dual Gradient Methods and their Performance in Distributed Optimization

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    In this work, we revisit a classical incremental implementation of the primal-descent dual-ascent gradient method used for the solution of equality constrained optimization problems. We provide a short proof that establishes the linear (exponential) convergence of the algorithm for smooth strongly-convex cost functions and study its relation to the non-incremental implementation. We also study the effect of the augmented Lagrangian penalty term on the performance of distributed optimization algorithms for the minimization of aggregate cost functions over multi-agent networks