4,075 research outputs found

    Hypothesis Testing in Feedforward Networks with Broadcast Failures

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    Consider a countably infinite set of nodes, which sequentially make decisions between two given hypotheses. Each node takes a measurement of the underlying truth, observes the decisions from some immediate predecessors, and makes a decision between the given hypotheses. We consider two classes of broadcast failures: 1) each node broadcasts a decision to the other nodes, subject to random erasure in the form of a binary erasure channel; 2) each node broadcasts a randomly flipped decision to the other nodes in the form of a binary symmetric channel. We are interested in whether there exists a decision strategy consisting of a sequence of likelihood ratio tests such that the node decisions converge in probability to the underlying truth. In both cases, we show that if each node only learns from a bounded number of immediate predecessors, then there does not exist a decision strategy such that the decisions converge in probability to the underlying truth. However, in case 1, we show that if each node learns from an unboundedly growing number of predecessors, then the decisions converge in probability to the underlying truth, even when the erasure probabilities converge to 1. We also derive the convergence rate of the error probability. In case 2, we show that if each node learns from all of its previous predecessors, then the decisions converge in probability to the underlying truth when the flipping probabilities of the binary symmetric channels are bounded away from 1/2. In the case where the flipping probabilities converge to 1/2, we derive a necessary condition on the convergence rate of the flipping probabilities such that the decisions still converge to the underlying truth. We also explicitly characterize the relationship between the convergence rate of the error probability and the convergence rate of the flipping probabilities

    Compressive Classification

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    This paper derives fundamental limits associated with compressive classification of Gaussian mixture source models. In particular, we offer an asymptotic characterization of the behavior of the (upper bound to the) misclassification probability associated with the optimal Maximum-A-Posteriori (MAP) classifier that depends on quantities that are dual to the concepts of diversity gain and coding gain in multi-antenna communications. The diversity, which is shown to determine the rate at which the probability of misclassification decays in the low noise regime, is shown to depend on the geometry of the source, the geometry of the measurement system and their interplay. The measurement gain, which represents the counterpart of the coding gain, is also shown to depend on geometrical quantities. It is argued that the diversity order and the measurement gain also offer an optimization criterion to perform dictionary learning for compressive classification applications.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, submitted to the 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2013

    Minimax testing of a composite null hypothesis defined via a quadratic functional in the model of regression

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    We consider the problem of testing a particular type of composite null hypothesis under a nonparametric multivariate regression model. For a given quadratic functional QQ, the null hypothesis states that the regression function ff satisfies the constraint Q[f]=0Q[f]=0, while the alternative corresponds to the functions for which Q[f]Q[f] is bounded away from zero. On the one hand, we provide minimax rates of testing and the exact separation constants, along with a sharp-optimal testing procedure, for diagonal and nonnegative quadratic functionals. We consider smoothness classes of ellipsoidal form and check that our conditions are fulfilled in the particular case of ellipsoids corresponding to anisotropic Sobolev classes. In this case, we present a closed form of the minimax rate and the separation constant. On the other hand, minimax rates for quadratic functionals which are neither positive nor negative makes appear two different regimes: "regular" and "irregular". In the "regular" case, the minimax rate is equal to n−1/4n^{-1/4} while in the "irregular" case, the rate depends on the smoothness class and is slower than in the "regular" case. We apply this to the issue of testing the equality of norms of two functions observed in noisy environments

    A Linear Programming Approach to Sequential Hypothesis Testing

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    Under some mild Markov assumptions it is shown that the problem of designing optimal sequential tests for two simple hypotheses can be formulated as a linear program. The result is derived by investigating the Lagrangian dual of the sequential testing problem, which is an unconstrained optimal stopping problem, depending on two unknown Lagrangian multipliers. It is shown that the derivative of the optimal cost function with respect to these multipliers coincides with the error probabilities of the corresponding sequential test. This property is used to formulate an optimization problem that is jointly linear in the cost function and the Lagrangian multipliers and an be solved for both with off-the-shelf algorithms. To illustrate the procedure, optimal sequential tests for Gaussian random sequences with different dependency structures are derived, including the Gaussian AR(1) process.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Sequential Analysi

    Global testing under sparse alternatives: ANOVA, multiple comparisons and the higher criticism

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    Testing for the significance of a subset of regression coefficients in a linear model, a staple of statistical analysis, goes back at least to the work of Fisher who introduced the analysis of variance (ANOVA). We study this problem under the assumption that the coefficient vector is sparse, a common situation in modern high-dimensional settings. Suppose we have pp covariates and that under the alternative, the response only depends upon the order of p1−αp^{1-\alpha} of those, 0≀α≀10\le\alpha\le1. Under moderate sparsity levels, that is, 0≀α≀1/20\le\alpha\le1/2, we show that ANOVA is essentially optimal under some conditions on the design. This is no longer the case under strong sparsity constraints, that is, α>1/2\alpha>1/2. In such settings, a multiple comparison procedure is often preferred and we establish its optimality when α≄3/4\alpha\geq3/4. However, these two very popular methods are suboptimal, and sometimes powerless, under moderately strong sparsity where 1/2<α<3/41/2<\alpha<3/4. We suggest a method based on the higher criticism that is powerful in the whole range α>1/2\alpha>1/2. This optimality property is true for a variety of designs, including the classical (balanced) multi-way designs and more modern "p>np>n" designs arising in genetics and signal processing. In addition to the standard fixed effects model, we establish similar results for a random effects model where the nonzero coefficients of the regression vector are normally distributed.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/11-AOS910 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org
