738 research outputs found

    Asymmetric bias in user guided segmentations of brain structures

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    Brain morphometric studies often incorporate comparative hemispheric asymmetry analyses of segmented brain structures. In this work, we present evidence that common user guided structural segmentation techniques exhibit strong left-right asymmetric biases and thus fundamentally influence any left-right asymmetry analyses. In this study, MRI scans from ten pediatric subjects were employed for studying segmentations of amygdala, globus pallidus, putamen, caudate, and lateral ventricle. Additionally, two pediatric and three adult scans were used for studying hippocampus segmentation. Segmentations of the sub-cortical structures were performed by skilled raters using standard manual and semi-automated methods. The left-right mirrored versions of each image were included in the data and segmented in a random order to assess potential left-right asymmetric bias. Using shape analysis we further assessed whether the asymmetric bias is consistent across subjects and raters with the focus on the hippocampus

    Segmentation of image ensembles via latent atlases

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    Spatial priors, such as probabilistic atlases, play an important role in MRI segmentation. However, the availability of comprehensive, reliable and suitable manual segmentations for atlas construction is limited. We therefore propose a method for joint segmentation of corresponding regions of interest in a collection of aligned images that does not require labeled training data. Instead, a latent atlas, initialized by at most a single manual segmentation, is inferred from the evolving segmentations of the ensemble. The algorithm is based on probabilistic principles but is solved using partial differential equations (PDEs) and energy minimization criteria. We evaluate the method on two datasets, segmenting subcortical and cortical structures in a multi-subject study and extracting brain tumors in a single-subject multi-modal longitudinal experiment. We compare the segmentation results to manual segmentations, when those exist, and to the results of a state-of-the-art atlas-based segmentation method. The quality of the results supports the latent atlas as a promising alternative when existing atlases are not compatible with the images to be segmented.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (National Institute for Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (U.S.)/National Alliance for Medical Image Computing (U.S.) U54-EB005149)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (National Center for Research Resources (U.S.)/Neuroimaging Analysis Center (U.S.) P41-RR13218)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (U.S.) R01-NS051826)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (National Center for Research Resources (U.S.)/Biomedical Informatics Research Network U24-RR021382)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (CAREER Award 0642971)German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina (Fellowship LPDS 2009-10)Academy of Finland (Grant 133611

    Cellular automata segmentation of brain tumors on post contrast MR images

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    In this paper, we re-examine the cellular automata(CA) al- gorithm to show that the result of its state evolution converges to that of the shortest path algorithm. We proposed a complete tumor segmenta- tion method on post contrast T1 MR images, which standardizes the VOI and seed selection, uses CA transition rules adapted to the problem and evolves a level set surface on CA states to impose spatial smoothness. Val- idation studies on 13 clinical and 5 synthetic brain tumors demonstrated the proposed algorithm outperforms graph cut and grow cut algorithms in all cases with a lower sensitivity to initialization and tumor type

    Volumetric analysis of the piriform cortex in temporal lobe epilepsy

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    The piriform cortex, at the confluence of the temporal and frontal lobes, generates seizures in response to chemical convulsants and electrical stimulation. Resection of more than 50% of the piriform cortex in anterior temporal lobe resection for refractory temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) was associated with a 16-fold higher chance of seizure freedom. The objectives of the current study were to implement a robust protocol to measure piriform cortex volumes and to quantify the correlation of these volumes with clinical characteristics of TLE. Sixty individuals with unilateral TLE (33 left) and 20 healthy controls had volumetric analysis of left and right piriform cortex and hippocampi. A protocol for segmenting and measuring the volumes of the piriform cortices was implemented, with good inter-rater and test-retest reliability. The right piriform cortex volume was consistently larger than the left piriform cortex in both healthy controls and patients with TLE. In controls, the mean volume of the right piriform cortex was 17.7% larger than the left, and the right piriform cortex extended a mean of 6 mm (Range: -4 to 12) more anteriorly than the left. This asymmetry was also seen in left and right TLE. In TLE patients overall, the piriform cortices were not significantly smaller than in controls. Hippocampal sclerosis was associated with decreased ipsilateral and contralateral piriform cortex volumes. The piriform cortex volumes, both ipsilateral and contralateral to the epileptic temporal lobe, were smaller with a longer duration of epilepsy. There was no significant association between piriform cortex volumes and the frequency of focal seizures with impaired awareness or the number of anti-seizure medications taken. Implementation of robust segmentation will enable consistent neurosurgical resection in anterior temporal lobe surgery for refractory TLE.

    Investigating the impact of supervoxel segmentation for unsupervised abnormal brain asymmetry detection

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    Several brain disorders are associated with abnormal brain asymmetries (asymmetric anomalies). Several computer-based methods aim to detect such anomalies automatically. Recent advances in this area use automatic unsupervised techniques that extract pairs of symmetric supervoxels in the hemispheres, model normal brain asymmetries for each pair from healthy subjects, and treat outliers as anomalies. Yet, there is no deep understanding of the impact of the supervoxel segmentation quality for abnormal asymmetry detection, especially for small anomalies, nor of the added value of using a specialized model for each supervoxel pair instead of a single global appearance model. We aim to answer these questions by a detailed evaluation of different scenarios for supervoxel segmentation and classification for detecting abnormal brain asymmetries. Experimental results on 3D MR-T1 brain images of stroke patients confirm the importance of high-quality supervoxels fit anomalies and the use of a specific classifier for each supervoxel. Next, we present a refinement of the detection method that reduces the number of false-positive supervoxels, thereby making the detection method easier to use for visual inspection and analysis of the found anomalies.</p

    A normative spatiotemporal MRI atlas of the fetal brain for automatic segmentation and analysis of early brain growth.

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    Longitudinal characterization of early brain growth in-utero has been limited by a number of challenges in fetal imaging, the rapid change in size, shape and volume of the developing brain, and the consequent lack of suitable algorithms for fetal brain image analysis. There is a need for an improved digital brain atlas of the spatiotemporal maturation of the fetal brain extending over the key developmental periods. We have developed an algorithm for construction of an unbiased four-dimensional atlas of the developing fetal brain by integrating symmetric diffeomorphic deformable registration in space with kernel regression in age. We applied this new algorithm to construct a spatiotemporal atlas from MRI of 81 normal fetuses scanned between 19 and 39 weeks of gestation and labeled the structures of the developing brain. We evaluated the use of this atlas and additional individual fetal brain MRI atlases for completely automatic multi-atlas segmentation of fetal brain MRI. The atlas is available online as a reference for anatomy and for registration and segmentation, to aid in connectivity analysis, and for groupwise and longitudinal analysis of early brain growth

    Graph Refinement based Airway Extraction using Mean-Field Networks and Graph Neural Networks

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    Graph refinement, or the task of obtaining subgraphs of interest from over-complete graphs, can have many varied applications. In this work, we extract trees or collection of sub-trees from image data by, first deriving a graph-based representation of the volumetric data and then, posing the tree extraction as a graph refinement task. We present two methods to perform graph refinement. First, we use mean-field approximation (MFA) to approximate the posterior density over the subgraphs from which the optimal subgraph of interest can be estimated. Mean field networks (MFNs) are used for inference based on the interpretation that iterations of MFA can be seen as feed-forward operations in a neural network. This allows us to learn the model parameters using gradient descent. Second, we present a supervised learning approach using graph neural networks (GNNs) which can be seen as generalisations of MFNs. Subgraphs are obtained by training a GNN-based graph refinement model to directly predict edge probabilities. We discuss connections between the two classes of methods and compare them for the task of extracting airways from 3D, low-dose, chest CT data. We show that both the MFN and GNN models show significant improvement when compared to one baseline method, that is similar to a top performing method in the EXACT'09 Challenge, and a 3D U-Net based airway segmentation model, in detecting more branches with fewer false positives.Comment: Accepted for publication at Medical Image Analysis. 14 page

    Large-Scale Automatic Reconstruction of Neuronal Processes from Electron Microscopy Images

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    Automated sample preparation and electron microscopy enables acquisition of very large image data sets. These technical advances are of special importance to the field of neuroanatomy, as 3D reconstructions of neuronal processes at the nm scale can provide new insight into the fine grained structure of the brain. Segmentation of large-scale electron microscopy data is the main bottleneck in the analysis of these data sets. In this paper we present a pipeline that provides state-of-the art reconstruction performance while scaling to data sets in the GB-TB range. First, we train a random forest classifier on interactive sparse user annotations. The classifier output is combined with an anisotropic smoothing prior in a Conditional Random Field framework to generate multiple segmentation hypotheses per image. These segmentations are then combined into geometrically consistent 3D objects by segmentation fusion. We provide qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the automatic segmentation and demonstrate large-scale 3D reconstructions of neuronal processes from a 27,000\mathbf{27,000} μm3\mathbf{\mu m^3} volume of brain tissue over a cube of 30  μm\mathbf{30 \; \mu m} in each dimension corresponding to 1000 consecutive image sections. We also introduce Mojo, a proofreading tool including semi-automated correction of merge errors based on sparse user scribbles

    A 3D Fully Convolutional Neural Network With Top-Down Attention-Guided Refinement for Accurate and Robust Automatic Segmentation of Amygdala and Its Subnuclei

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    Recent advances in deep learning have improved the segmentation accuracy of subcortical brain structures, which would be useful in neuroimaging studies of many neurological disorders. However, most existing deep learning based approaches in neuroimaging do not investigate the specific difficulties that exist in segmenting extremely small but important brain regions such as the subnuclei of the amygdala. To tackle this challenging task, we developed a dual-branch dilated residual 3D fully convolutional network with parallel convolutions to extract more global context and alleviate the class imbalance issue by maintaining a small receptive field that is just the size of the regions of interest (ROIs). We also conduct multi-scale feature fusion in both parallel and series to compensate the potential information loss during convolutions, which has been shown to be important for small objects. The serial feature fusion enabled by residual connections is further enhanced by a proposed top-down attention-guided refinement unit, where the high-resolution low-level spatial details are selectively integrated to complement the high-level but coarse semantic information, enriching the final feature representations. As a result, the segmentations resulting from our method are more accurate both volumetrically and morphologically, compared with other deep learning based approaches. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first deep learning-based approach that targets the subregions of the amygdala. We also demonstrated the feasibility of using a cycle-consistent generative adversarial network (CycleGAN) to harmonize multi-site MRI data, and show that our method generalizes well to challenging traumatic brain injury (TBI) datasets collected from multiple centers. This appears to be a promising strategy for image segmentation for multiple site studies and increased morphological variability from significant brain pathology
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