2,133 research outputs found

    Radiation recoil from highly distorted black holes

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    We present results from numerical evolutions of single black holes distorted by axisymmetric, but equatorially asymmetric, gravitational (Brill) waves. Net radiated energies, apparent horizon embeddings, and recoil velocities are shown for a range of Brill wave parameters, including both even and odd parity distortions of Schwarzschild black holes. We find that a wave packet initially concentrated on the black hole throat, a likely model also for highly asymmetric stellar collapse and late stage binary mergers, can generate a maximum recoil velocity of about 150 (23) km/sec for even (odd) parity perturbations, significantly less than that required to eject black holes from galactic cores.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Time for dithering: fast and quantized random embeddings via the restricted isometry property

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    Recently, many works have focused on the characterization of non-linear dimensionality reduction methods obtained by quantizing linear embeddings, e.g., to reach fast processing time, efficient data compression procedures, novel geometry-preserving embeddings or to estimate the information/bits stored in this reduced data representation. In this work, we prove that many linear maps known to respect the restricted isometry property (RIP) can induce a quantized random embedding with controllable multiplicative and additive distortions with respect to the pairwise distances of the data points beings considered. In other words, linear matrices having fast matrix-vector multiplication algorithms (e.g., based on partial Fourier ensembles or on the adjacency matrix of unbalanced expanders) can be readily used in the definition of fast quantized embeddings with small distortions. This implication is made possible by applying right after the linear map an additive and random "dither" that stabilizes the impact of the uniform scalar quantization operator applied afterwards. For different categories of RIP matrices, i.e., for different linear embeddings of a metric space (K⊂Rn,ℓq)(\mathcal K \subset \mathbb R^n, \ell_q) in (Rm,ℓp)(\mathbb R^m, \ell_p) with p,q≥1p,q \geq 1, we derive upper bounds on the additive distortion induced by quantization, showing that it decays either when the embedding dimension mm increases or when the distance of a pair of embedded vectors in K\mathcal K decreases. Finally, we develop a novel "bi-dithered" quantization scheme, which allows for a reduced distortion that decreases when the embedding dimension grows and independently of the considered pair of vectors.Comment: Keywords: random projections, non-linear embeddings, quantization, dither, restricted isometry property, dimensionality reduction, compressive sensing, low-complexity signal models, fast and structured sensing matrices, quantized rank-one projections (31 pages

    Gravity-Inspired Graph Autoencoders for Directed Link Prediction

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    Graph autoencoders (AE) and variational autoencoders (VAE) recently emerged as powerful node embedding methods. In particular, graph AE and VAE were successfully leveraged to tackle the challenging link prediction problem, aiming at figuring out whether some pairs of nodes from a graph are connected by unobserved edges. However, these models focus on undirected graphs and therefore ignore the potential direction of the link, which is limiting for numerous real-life applications. In this paper, we extend the graph AE and VAE frameworks to address link prediction in directed graphs. We present a new gravity-inspired decoder scheme that can effectively reconstruct directed graphs from a node embedding. We empirically evaluate our method on three different directed link prediction tasks, for which standard graph AE and VAE perform poorly. We achieve competitive results on three real-world graphs, outperforming several popular baselines.Comment: ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2019

    The Power of Asymmetry in Binary Hashing

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    When approximating binary similarity using the hamming distance between short binary hashes, we show that even if the similarity is symmetric, we can have shorter and more accurate hashes by using two distinct code maps. I.e. by approximating the similarity between xx and x′x' as the hamming distance between f(x)f(x) and g(x′)g(x'), for two distinct binary codes f,gf,g, rather than as the hamming distance between f(x)f(x) and f(x′)f(x').Comment: Accepted to NIPS 2013, 9 pages, 5 figure
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