6 research outputs found

    Astrophysics in S.Co.P.E

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    S.Co.P.E. is one of the four projects funded by the Italian Government in order to provide Southern Italy with a distributed computing infrastructure for fundamental science. Beside being aimed at building the infrastructure, S.Co.P.E. is also actively pursuing research in several areas among which astrophysics and observational cosmology. We shortly summarize the most significant results obtained in the first two years of the project and related to the development of middleware and Data Mining tools for the Virtual Observatory

    Mining Knowledge in Astrophysical Massive Data Sets

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    Modern scientific data mainly consist of huge datasets gathered by a very large number of techniques and stored in very diversified and often incompatible data repositories. More in general, in the e-science environment, it is considered as a critical and urgent requirement to integrate services across distributed, heterogeneous, dynamic "virtual organizations" formed by different resources within a single enterprise. In the last decade, Astronomy has become an immensely data rich field due to the evolution of detectors (plates to digital to mosaics), telescopes and space instruments. The Virtual Observatory approach consists into the federation under common standards of all astronomical archives available worldwide, as well as data analysis, data mining and data exploration applications. The main drive behind such effort being that once the infrastructure will be completed, it will allow a new type of multi-wavelength, multi-epoch science which can only be barely imagined. Data Mining, or Knowledge Discovery in Databases, while being the main methodology to extract the scientific information contained in such MDS (Massive Data Sets), poses crucial problems since it has to orchestrate complex problems posed by transparent access to different computing environments, scalability of algorithms, reusability of resources, etc. In the present paper we summarize the present status of the MDS in the Virtual Observatory and what is currently done and planned to bring advanced Data Mining methodologies in the case of the DAME (DAta Mining & Exploration) project.Comment: Pages 845-849 1rs International Conference on Frontiers in Diagnostics Technologie

    The DAME/VO-Neural Infrastructure: an Integrated Data Mining System Support for the Science Community

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    Astronomical data are gathered through a very large number of heterogeneous techniques and stored in very diversified and often incompatible data repositories. Moreover in the e-science environment, it is needed to integrate services across distributed, heterogeneous, dynamic "virtual organizations" formed by different resources within a single enterprise and/or external resource sharing and service provider relationships. The DAME/VONeural project, run jointly by the University Federico II, INAF (National Institute of Astrophysics) Astronomical Observatories of Napoli and the California Institute of Technology, aims at creating a single, sustainable, distributed e-infrastructure for data mining and exploration in massive data sets, to be offered to the astronomical (but not only) community as a web application. The framework makes use of distributed computing environments (e.g. S.Co.P.E.) and matches the international IVOA standards and requirements. The integration process is technically challenging due to the need of achieving a specific quality of service when running on top of different native platforms. In these terms, the result of the DAME/VO-Neural project effort will be a service-oriented architecture, obtained by using appropriate standards and incorporating Grid paradigms and restful Web services frameworks where needed, that will have as main target the integration of interdisciplinary distributed systems within and across organizational domains.Comment: 10 pages, Proceedings of the Final Workshop of the Grid Projects of the Italian National Operational Programme 2000-2006 Call 1575; Edited by Cometa Consortium, 2009, ISBN: 978-88-95892-02-

    DAME: A distributed data mining and exploration framework within the virtual observatory

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    Nowadays, many scientific areas share the same broad requirements of being able to deal with massive and distributed datasets while, when possible, being integrated with services and applications. In order to solve the growing gap between the incremental generation of data and our understanding of it, it is required to know how to access, retrieve, analyze, mine and integrate data from disparate sources. One of the fundamental aspects of any new generation of data mining software tool or package which really wants to become a service for the community is the possibility to use it within complex workflows which each user can fine tune in order to match the specific demands of his scientific goal. These workflows need often to access different resources (data, providers, computing facilities and packages) and require a strict interoperability on (at least) the client side. The project DAME (DAta Mining & Exploration) arises from these requirements by providing a distributed WEB-based data mining infrastructure specialized on Massive Data Sets exploration with Soft Computing methods. Originally designed to deal with astrophysical use cases, where first scientific application examples have demonstrated its effectiveness, the DAME Suite results as a multi-disciplinary platformindependent tool perfectly compliant with modern KDD (Knowledge Discovery in Databases) requirements and Information & Communication Technology trends