36,455 research outputs found

    Data mining based cyber-attack detection

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    Datamining for Web-Enabled Electronic Business Applications

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    Web-Enabled Electronic Business is generating massive amount of data on customer purchases, browsing patterns, usage times and preferences at an increasing rate. Data mining techniques can be applied to all the data being collected for obtaining useful information. This chapter attempts to present issues associated with data mining for web-enabled electronic-business

    Finding Temporal Patterns in Noisy Longitudinal Data: A Study in Diabetic Retinopathy

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    This paper describes an approach to temporal pattern mining using the concept of user defined temporal prototypes to define the nature of the trends of interests. The temporal patterns are defined in terms of sequences of support values associated with identified frequent patterns. The prototypes are defined mathematically so that they can be mapped onto the temporal patterns. The focus for the advocated temporal pattern mining process is a large longitudinal patient database collected as part of a diabetic retinopathy screening programme, The data set is, in itself, also of interest as it is very noisy (in common with other similar medical datasets) and does not feature a clear association between specific time stamps and subsets of the data. The diabetic retinopathy application, the data warehousing and cleaning process, and the frequent pattern mining procedure (together with the application of the prototype concept) are all described in the paper. An evaluation of the frequent pattern mining process is also presented

    Searching for patterns in political event sequences: Experiments with the KEDs database

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    This paper presents an empirical study on the possibility of discovering interesting event sequences and sequential rules in a large database of international political events. A data mining algorithm first presented by Mannila and Toivonen (1996), has been implemented and extended, which is able to search for generalized episodes in such event databases. Experiments conducted with this algorithm on the Kansas Event Data System (KEDS) database, an event data set covering interactions between countries in the Persian Gulf region, are described. Some qualitative and quantitative results are reported, and experiences with strategies for reducing the problem complexity and focusing on the search on interesting subsets of events are described
