4 research outputs found

    Association Rule Extraction from XML Stream Data for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    With the advances of wireless sensor networks, they yield massive volumes of disparate, dynamic and geographically-distributed and heterogeneous data. The data mining community has attempted to extract knowledge from the huge amount of data that they generate. However, previous mining work in WSNs has focused on supporting simple relational data structures, like one table per network, while there is a need for more complex data structures. This deficiency motivates XML, which is the current de facto format for the data exchange and modeling of a wide variety of data sources over the web, to be used in WSNs in order to encourage the interchangeability of heterogeneous types of sensors and systems. However, mining XML data for WSNs has two challenging issues: one is the endless data flow; and the other is the complex tree structure. In this paper, we present several new definitions and techniques related to association rule mining over XML data streams in WSNs. To the best of our knowledge, this work provides the first approach to mining XML stream data that generates frequent tree items without any redundancy

    Mining Association Rules Events over Data Streams

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    Data streams have gained considerable attention in data analysis and data mining communities because of the emergence of a new classes of applications, such as monitoring, supply chain execution, sensor networks, oilfield and pipeline operations, financial marketing and health data industries. Telecommunication advancements have provided us with easy access to stream data produced by various applications. Data in streams differ from static data stored in data warehouses or database. Data streams are continuous, arrive at high-speeds and change through time. Traditional data mining algorithms assume presence of data in conventional storage means where data mining is performed centrally with the luxury of accessing the data multiple times, using powerful processors, providing offline output with no time constraints. Such algorithms are not suitable for dynamic data streams. Stream data needs to be mined promptly as it might not be feasible to store such volume of data. In addition, streams reflect live status of the environment generating it, so prompt analysis may provide early detection of faults, delays, performance measurements, trend analysis and other diagnostics. This thesis focuses on developing a data stream association rule mining algorithm among co-occurring events. The proposed algorithm mines association rules over data streams incrementally in a centralized setting. We are interested in association rules that meet a provided minimum confidence threshold and have a lift value greater than 1. We refer to such association rules as strong rules. Experiments on several datasets demonstrate that the proposed algorithms is efficient and effective in extracting association rules from data streams, thus having a faster processing time and better memory management

    Collaborative Planning and Event Monitoring Over Supply Chain Network

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    The shifting paradigm of supply chain management is manifesting increasing reliance on automated collaborative planning and event monitoring through information-bounded interaction across organizations. An end-to-end support for the course of actions is turning vital in faster incident response and proactive decision making. Many current platforms exhibit limitations to handle supply chain planning and monitoring in decentralized setting where participants may divide their responsibilities and share computational load of the solution generation. In this thesis, we investigate modeling and solution generation techniques for shared commodity delivery planning and event monitoring problems in a collaborative setting. In particular, we first elaborate a new model of Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem (MDVRP) to jointly serve customer demands using multiple vehicles followed by a heuristic technique to search near-optimal solutions for such problem instances. Secondly, we propose two distributed mechanisms, namely: Passive Learning and Active Negotiation, to find near-optimal MDVRP solutions while executing the heuristic algorithm at the participant's side. Thirdly, we illustrate a collaboration mechanism to cost-effectively deploy execution monitors over supply chain network in order to collect in-field plan execution data. Finally, we describe a distributed approach to collaboratively monitor associations among recent events from an incoming stream of plan execution data. Experimental results over known datasets demonstrate the efficiency of the approaches to handle medium and large problem instances. The work has also produced considerable knowledge on the collaborative transportation planning and execution event monitoring