5 research outputs found

    Assessing the accuracy of industrial robots through metrology for the enhancement of automated non-destructive testing

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    This work presents the study of the accuracy of an industrial robot KR5 arc HW, used to perform quality inspections of components with complex shapes. Metrology techniques such as laser tracking and large volume photogrammetry were deployed to quantify both pose and dynamic path accuracies of the robot in accordance with ISO 9283:1998. The overall positioning pose inaccuracy of the robot is found to be almost 1 mm and path inaccuracy at 100% of the robot rated velocity is 4.5 mm. The maximum pose orientation inaccuracy is found to be 14 degrees and the maximum path orientation inaccuracy is 5 degrees. Despite of the significant maximum inaccuracies, uncertainty of a robotic scanning application is estimated to be 0.5mm. Local positional errors manifest pronounced dependence on the position of the robot end effector in the working envelope. The uncertainties of the measurements are discussed and deemed to be caused by the tool center point calibration, the reference coordinate system transformation and the low accuracy of the photogrammetry system

    Multi degree-of-freedom position sensing by combination of laser speckle correlation and range-resolved interferometry

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    This paper reports on the development of an end-effector mounted, multi degree-of-freedom positioning sensor capable of measuring the (x,y,z) movements relative to an object. The instrument termed wPOS (workpiece Positioning Sensor), combines two complimentary non-contact optical techniques; laser speckle correlation (LSC) and Range-Resolved Interferometry (RRI). Laser speckle correlation is used to measure the in-plane position (x,y) relative to a reference point, while the RRI system provides an out-of-plane (z) absolute range measurement and correction of the in-plane LSC measurement for varying working distance. The concept and operating principles of the instrument is described along with details of the prototype sensor implementation and exemplar results showing accuracies of <30µm after 0.75m lateral travel and repeatability between measurements of ~7 µ

    Characterizing the specifications of a 6 DoF industrial robotic arm

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    En aquest projecte es presenta l’estudi i la caracterització de les especificacions més importants del braços robòtics de sis graus de llibertat. El document presenta un protocol replicable de proves vàlid per a qualsevol tipus de robot industrial, però està centrat en el braç robòtic CM607-L de CM robotics. L’objectiu principal del projecte és crear i presentar un protocol de tests i alguns possibles equipaments necessaris per realitzar les proves per a què en un futur es pugui utilitzar en la caracterització de diversos robots, tot i això es crearan alguns setups i es realitzaran de forma pràctica algunes de les proves per comprovar que el protocol és correcte. Degut a la curta durada del projecte, i la gran quantitat de proves necessàries per a la total caracterització del robot, en aquest document es presentaran els resultats de les proves de velocitat de cada eix, la velocitat total i el màxim rang de funcionament de cada eix. El document està dividit en diverses seccions. En el primer apartat es poden trobar la motivació i els objectius del projecte, el segon apartat comenta les principals característiques del robot utilitzat (CM607-L), el tercer apartat presenta les diferents alternatives estudiades i el protocol de test definitiu, el quart apartat mostra els setups dissenyats per a realitzar les proves pràctiques i en el cinquè apartat estan recollits els resultats de les proves. Finalment, es poden trobar l’estudi ambiental, l’econòmic i les conclusions.En este proyecto se presenta el estudio y caracterización de las especificaciones más importantes de los brazos robóticos de seis grados de libertad. El documento presenta un protocolo replicable de pruebas válido para cualquier tipo de robot industrial, pero está centrado en el brazo robótico CM607-L de CM robotics. El objetivo principal del proyecto es crear y presentar un protocolo de tests y algunos posibles equipamientos necesarios para realizar las pruebas para que en un futuro se pueda utilizar en la caracterización de varios robots, sin embargo, se crearán algunos setups y se realizarán de forma práctica algunas de las pruebas para comprobar que el protocolo es correcto. Debido a la corta duración del proyecto, y la gran cantidad de pruebas necesarias para la total caracterización del robot, en este documento se presentarán los resultados de las pruebas de velocidad de cada eje, la velocidad total y el máximo rango de funcionamiento de cada eje. El documento está dividido en varias secciones. En el primer apartado se puede encontrar la motivación y los objetivos del proyecto, el segundo apartado comenta las principales características del robot utilizado (CM607-L), el tercer apartado presenta las diferentes alternativas estudiadas y el protocolo de test definitivo, el cuarto apartado muestra los setups diseñados para realizar las pruebas prácticas y en el quinto apartado están recogidos los resultados de las pruebas. Por último, se pueden encontrar el estudio ambiental, el económico y las conclusiones.This project presents the study and characterization of the most important specifications of the robotic arm with six degrees of freedom. The paper presents a replicable test protocol valid for any type of industrial robot, but is focused on the CM robotics CM607-L robotic arm. The main objective of the project is to create and present a test protocol and some possible equipment needed to carry out the tests so that in the future it can be used in the characterization of several robots, although some setups will be created and carried out to practice some of the tests to verify that the protocol is correct. Due to the short duration of the project, and the large number of tests necessary for the full characterization of the robot, this document will present the results of the speed tests of each axis, the total speed and the maximum operating range of each shaft The document is divided into several sections. In the first section you can find the motivation and objectives of the project, the second section comments on the main characteristics of the robot used (CM607-L), the third section presents the different alternatives studied and the definitive test protocol, the fourth section shows the setups designed to carry out the practical tests and in the fifth section the results of the tests are collected. Finally, you can find the environmental study, the economic study and the conclusions

    Assessing the accuracy of industrial robots through metrology for the enhancement of automated non-destructive testing

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    This work presents the study of the accuracy of an industrial robot, KUKA KR5 arc HW, used to perform quality inspections of components with complex shapes. Laser tracking and large volume photo grammetry were deployed to quantify both pose and dynamic path accuracies of the robot in accordance with ISO 9283:1998. The overall positioning pose inaccuracy of the robot is found to be almost 1 mm and path inaccuracy at 100% of the robot rated velocity is 4.5 mm. The maximum pose orientation inaccuracy is found to be 14 degrees and the maximum path orientation inaccuracy is 5 degrees. Local positional errors manifest pronounced dependence on the position of the robot end effector in the working envelope. The uncertainties of the measurements are discussed and deemed to be caused by the tool centre point calibration, the reference coordinate system transformation and the low accuracy of the photogrammetry system