18 research outputs found

    Assessing certainty of activation or inactivation in test–retest fMRI studies

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    Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) is widely used to study activation in the human brain. In most cases, data are commonly used to construct activation maps corresponding to a given paradigm. Results can be very variable, hence quantifying certainty of identified activation and inactivation over studies is important. This paper provides a model-based approach to certainty estimation from data acquired over several replicates of the same experimental paradigm. Specifically, the p-values derived from the statistical analysis of the data are explicitly modeled as a mixture of their underlying distributions; thus, unlike the methodology currently in use, there is no subjective thresholding required in the estimation process. The parameters governing the mixture model are easily obtained by the principle of maximum likelihood. Further, the estimates can also be used to optimally identify voxel-specific activation regions along with their corresponding certainty measures. The methodology is applied to a study involving a motor paradigm performed on a single subject several times over a period of two months. Simulation experiments used to calibrate performance of the method are promising. The methodology is also seen to be robust in determining areas of activation and their corresponding certainties

    Spatial CUSUM for Signal Region Detection

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    Detecting weak clustered signal in spatial data is important but challenging in applications such as medical image and epidemiology. A more efficient detection algorithm can provide more precise early warning, and effectively reduce the decision risk and cost. To date, many methods have been developed to detect signals with spatial structures. However, most of the existing methods are either too conservative for weak signals or computationally too intensive. In this paper, we consider a novel method named Spatial CUSUM (SCUSUM), which employs the idea of the CUSUM procedure and false discovery rate controlling. We develop theoretical properties of the method which indicates that asymptotically SCUSUM can reach high classification accuracy. In the simulation study, we demonstrate that SCUSUM is sensitive to weak spatial signals. This new method is applied to a real fMRI dataset as illustration, and more irregular weak spatial signals are detected in the images compared to some existing methods, including the conventional FDR, FDRL_L and scan statistics

    Spatial Multiresolution Cluster Detection Method

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    A novel multi-resolution cluster detection (MCD) method is proposed to identify irregularly shaped clusters in space. Multi-scale test statistic on a single cell is derived based on likelihood ratio statistic for Bernoulli sequence, Poisson sequence and Normal sequence. A neighborhood variability measure is defined to select the optimal test threshold. The MCD method is compared with single scale testing methods controlling for false discovery rate and the spatial scan statistics using simulation and f-MRI data. The MCD method is shown to be more effective for discovering irregularly shaped clusters, and the implementation of this method does not require heavy computation, making it suitable for cluster detection for large spatial data

    Fast spatial inference in the homogeneous Ising model

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    The Ising model is important in statistical modeling and inference in many applications, however its normalizing constant, mean number of active vertices and mean spin interaction are intractable. We provide accurate approximations that make it possible to calculate these quantities numerically. Simulation studies indicate good performance when compared to Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods and at a tiny fraction of the time. The methodology is also used to perform Bayesian inference in a functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging activation detection experiment.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figure, 3 table

    Classification with the matrix-variate-t distribution

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    Matrix-variate distributions can intuitively model the dependence structure of matrix-valued observations that arise in applications with multivariate time series, spatio-temporal or repeated measures. This paper develops an Expectation-Maximization algorithm for discriminant analysis and classification with matrix-variate t-distributions. The methodology shows promise on simulated datasets or when applied to the forensic matching of fractured surfaces or the classification of functional Magnetic Resonance, satellite or hand gestures images

    CatSIM: A Categorical Image Similarity Metric

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    We introduce CatSIM, a new similarity metric for binary and multinary two- and three-dimensional images and volumes. CatSIM uses a structural similarity image quality paradigm and is robust to small perturbations in location so that structures in similar, but not entirely overlapping, regions of two images are rated higher than using simple matching. The metric can also compare arbitrary regions inside images. CatSIM is evaluated on artificial data sets, image quality assessment surveys and two imaging applicationsComment: 17 pages, 16 figures, 10 table

    Fast Adaptive Smoothing and Thresholding for Improved Activation Detection in Low-Signal fMRI

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    Functional magnetic resonance imaging is a noninvasive tool for studying cerebral function. Many factors challenge activation detection, especially in low-signal scenarios that arise in the performance of high-level cognitive tasks. We provide a fully automated fast adaptive smoothing and thresholding (FAST) algorithm that uses smoothing and extreme value theory on correlated statistical parametric maps for thresholding. Performance on experiments spanning a range of low-signal settings is very encouraging. The methodology also performs well in a study to identify the cerebral regions that perceive only-auditory-reliable or only-visual-reliable speech stimuli