10,564 research outputs found

    Integration of technologies for understanding the functional relationship between reef habitat and fish growth and production

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    Functional linkage between reef habitat quality and fish growth and production has remained elusive. Most current research is focused on correlative relationships between a general habitat type and presence/absence of a species, an index of species abundance, or species diversity. Such descriptive information largely ignores how reef attributes regulate reef fish abundance (density-dependent habitat selection), trophic interactions, and physiological performance (growth and condition). To determine the functional relationship between habitat quality, fish abundance, trophic interactions, and physiological performance, we are using an experimental reef system in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico where we apply advanced sensor and biochemical technologies. Our study site controls for reef attributes (size, cavity space, and reef mosaics) and focuses on the processes that regulate gag grouper (Mycteroperca microlepis) abundance, behavior and performance (growth and condition), and the availability of their pelagic prey. We combine mobile and fixed-active (fisheries) acoustics, passive acoustics, video cameras, and advanced biochemical techniques. Fisheries acoustics quantifies the abundance of pelagic prey fishes associated with the reefs and their behavior. Passive acoustics and video allow direct observation of gag and prey fish behavior and the acoustic environment, and provide a direct visual for the interpretation of fixed fisheries acoustics measurements. New application of biochemical techniques, such as Electron Transport System (ETS) assay, allow the in situ measurement of metabolic expenditure of gag and relates this back to reef attributes, gag behavior, and prey fish availability. Here, we provide an overview of our integrated technological approach for understanding and quantifying the functional relationship between reef habitat quality and one element of production – gag grouper growth on shallow coastal reefs

    A novel behavioral fish model of nociception for testing analgesics

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    Pain is a major symptom in many medical conditions, and often interferes significantly with a person's quality of life. Although a priority topic in medical research for many years, there are still few analgesic drugs approved for clinical use. One reason is the lack of appropriate animal models that faithfully represent relevant hallmarks associated with human pain. Here we propose zebrafish (Danio rerio) as a novel short-term behavioral model of nociception, and analyse its sensitivity and robustness. Firstly, we injected two different doses of acetic acid as the noxious stimulus. We studied individual locomotor responses of fish to a threshold level of nociception using two recording systems: a video tracking system and an electric biosensor (the MOBS system). We showed that an injection dose of 10% acetic acid resulted in a change in behavior that could be used to study nociception. Secondly, we validated our behavioral model by investigating the effect of the analgesic morphine. In time-course studies, first we looked at the dose-response relationship of morphine and then tested whether the effect of morphine could be modulated by naloxone, an opioid antagonist. Our results suggest that a change in behavioral responses of zebrafish to acetic acid is a reasonable model to test analgesics. The response scales with stimulus intensity, is attenuated by morphine, and the analgesic effect of morphine is blocked with naloxone. The change in behavior of zebrafish associated with the noxious stimulus can be monitored with an electric biosensor that measures changes in water impedance. © 2011 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Cameras and carcasses: historical and current methods for using artificial food falls to study deep-water animals

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    Deep-ocean animals remain poorly understood compared to their shallow-water relatives, mainly because of the great cost and difficulty involved in obtaining reliable ecological data. This is a serious issue as exploitation of deep-water resources progresses without sufficient data being available to assess its risks and impacts. First described almost 40 years ago, the use of baited cameras was pioneered by deep-sea biologists and is now a widely used technique for the assessing patterns of animal behaviour, abundance and biodiversity. The technique provides a non-destructive and cost-effective means of collecting data, where other techniques such as trawling are difficult or impractical. This review will first describe the evolution of baited camera techniques in deep-sea research from the early deployments, through recent programs to investigate trends in animal distribution with depth, latitude, and ocean basin. In the second section the techniques used for imaging, baiting, and analysis are synthesized, with special consideration for the modeling techniques used in assessing animal abundance and biomass

    Use of stereo camera systems for assessment of rockfish abundance in untrawlable areas and for recording pollock behavior during midwater trawls

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    We describe the application of two types of stereo camera systems in fisheries research, including the design, calibration, analysis techniques, and precision of the data obtained with these systems. The first is a stereo video system deployed by using a quick-responding winch with a live feed to provide species- and size- composition data adequate to produce acoustically based biomass estimates of rockfish. This system was tested on the eastern Bering Sea slope where rockfish were measured. Rockfish sizes were similar to those sampled with a bottom trawl and the relative error in multiple measurements of the same rockfish in multiple still-frame images was small. Measurement errors of up to 5.5% were found on a calibration target of known size. The second system consisted of a pair of still-image digital cameras mounted inside a midwater trawl. Processing of the stereo images allowed fish length, fish orientation in relation to the camera platform, and relative distance of the fish to the trawl netting to be determined. The video system was useful for surveying fish in Alaska, but it could also be used broadly in other situations where it is difficult to obtain species-composition or size-composition information. Likewise, the still-image system could be used for fisheries research to obtain data on size, position, and orientation of fish

    AW0521 - Determining potential impacts of Precision Breeding on Animal Welfare FINAL REPORT

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    1. Introduction of the Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Act in 2023 paved the way for the use of precision breeding technologies (e.g., genome editing) in livestock in England. However, while recognising that there may be major benefits inferred by increased disease resistance and other traits, concern has been raised about the possible wider effects of the use of the technology on animal welfare. This project aimed to understand the current situation with respect to level of use and development of precision-bred animals and to consider what welfare indicators should be used to assess welfare in general, and for specific types of edits.2. A mapping and scoping phase indicated that few companies have initiated data collection or development of precision-bred animals that might be present in/be imported into England. The pig and fish sectors were the only sectors to indicate that development has commenced. Mapping suggested that the first animals are bred in research/university environments where animals are kept under the auspices of ASPA. Apart from the fish and pig sectors, the chicken, cattle and sheep sectors also expressed some interest in developing precision-bred animals in the near future (I.e.., in the next 5 years). For the equine sector, only a few stakeholders expressed some interest in using precison-breeding technologies to improve specific traits such as disease resistance or resilience to environmental stress, but there is no intention to use PB in equine breeding practice in the immediate future. 3. Expert consultation and a review of the literature indicated that the Five Domains Model was the most appropriate of current animal welfare models to use to build indicator lists. This model includes nutritional state, health, environmental responses, behavioural interactions and mental state. While most animal welfare assessment protocols assess the effects of housing and management on welfare outcomes for animals, it is biological functioning that is the most important aspect to assess in the precision breeding context.4. Welfare assessment indicator lists were drawn up for the three main species that are in the most advanced stage of use of precision breeding. These were pigs, poultry and salmon. Indicator lists were constructed that drew on industry handbooks, current animal welfare assessment schemes and relevant literature. These indicator lists aimed to facilitate a holistic assessment of overall animal welfare to detect changes in functioning across the Five Domains. The indicator lists contain welfare indicators that assess the animal across its EVID4 Evidence Project Final Report (Rev. 06/11) Page 3 of 21lifetime, compared with a control group of the same breed and same age and sex ratio. Three levels of assessment were considered: basic, enhanced and enhanced plus. The basic level of assessment does not fully cover the five domains in all three species, so SRUC strongly recommends that the enhanced level of assessment is adopted.5. In addition to the overall welfare assessment indicator lists, three cases studies were considered to determine how and when to add additional welfare indicators to these lists. The aim was to cover welfare-related traits and production-relate traits. To this end, the specific traits considered were PRRS virus, avian influenza and the hypothetical case of myostatin in fish. As animals carrying these edits are not available for inspection, a risk assessment was limited to ‘consequence characterisation’: ie., identifying possible consequences of gene editing on welfare. These case studies showed that a wider consideration of the edit and the pathways involved needs to be investigated. In addition to the overall holistic assessment using the Basic, Enhanced or Enhanced Plus levels, assessment using additional welfare indicators that are relevant to the specific edit may be required.6. Three webinars/workshops were held to present results to stakeholders. In addition, a meeting was held with equine stakeholders and numerous discussions were held with individual stakeholders to gain information on aspects of precision breeding

    AW0521 - Determining potential impacts of Precision Breeding on Animal Welfare FINAL REPORT

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    1. Introduction of the Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Act in 2023 paved the way for the use of precision breeding technologies (e.g., genome editing) in livestock in England. However, while recognising that there may be major benefits inferred by increased disease resistance and other traits, concern has been raised about the possible wider effects of the use of the technology on animal welfare. This project aimed to understand the current situation with respect to level of use and development of precision-bred animals and to consider what welfare indicators should be used to assess welfare in general, and for specific types of edits.2. A mapping and scoping phase indicated that few companies have initiated data collection or development of precision-bred animals that might be present in/be imported into England. The pig and fish sectors were the only sectors to indicate that development has commenced. Mapping suggested that the first animals are bred in research/university environments where animals are kept under the auspices of ASPA. Apart from the fish and pig sectors, the chicken, cattle and sheep sectors also expressed some interest in developing precision-bred animals in the near future (I.e.., in the next 5 years). For the equine sector, only a few stakeholders expressed some interest in using precison-breeding technologies to improve specific traits such as disease resistance or resilience to environmental stress, but there is no intention to use PB in equine breeding practice in the immediate future. 3. Expert consultation and a review of the literature indicated that the Five Domains Model was the most appropriate of current animal welfare models to use to build indicator lists. This model includes nutritional state, health, environmental responses, behavioural interactions and mental state. While most animal welfare assessment protocols assess the effects of housing and management on welfare outcomes for animals, it is biological functioning that is the most important aspect to assess in the precision breeding context.4. Welfare assessment indicator lists were drawn up for the three main species that are in the most advanced stage of use of precision breeding. These were pigs, poultry and salmon. Indicator lists were constructed that drew on industry handbooks, current animal welfare assessment schemes and relevant literature. These indicator lists aimed to facilitate a holistic assessment of overall animal welfare to detect changes in functioning across the Five Domains. The indicator lists contain welfare indicators that assess the animal across its EVID4 Evidence Project Final Report (Rev. 06/11) Page 3 of 21lifetime, compared with a control group of the same breed and same age and sex ratio. Three levels of assessment were considered: basic, enhanced and enhanced plus. The basic level of assessment does not fully cover the five domains in all three species, so SRUC strongly recommends that the enhanced level of assessment is adopted.5. In addition to the overall welfare assessment indicator lists, three cases studies were considered to determine how and when to add additional welfare indicators to these lists. The aim was to cover welfare-related traits and production-relate traits. To this end, the specific traits considered were PRRS virus, avian influenza and the hypothetical case of myostatin in fish. As animals carrying these edits are not available for inspection, a risk assessment was limited to ‘consequence characterisation’: ie., identifying possible consequences of gene editing on welfare. These case studies showed that a wider consideration of the edit and the pathways involved needs to be investigated. In addition to the overall holistic assessment using the Basic, Enhanced or Enhanced Plus levels, assessment using additional welfare indicators that are relevant to the specific edit may be required.6. Three webinars/workshops were held to present results to stakeholders. In addition, a meeting was held with equine stakeholders and numerous discussions were held with individual stakeholders to gain information on aspects of precision breeding

    Emerging technologies for reef fisheries research and management [held during the 56th annual Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute meeting in Tortola, British Virgin Islands, November 2003]

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    This publication of the NOAA Professional Paper NMFS Series is the product of a special symposium on “Emerging Technologies for Reef Fisheries Research and Management” held during the 56th annual Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute meeting in Tortola, British Virgin Islands, November 2003. The purpose of this collection is to highlight the diversity of questions and issues in reef fisheries management that are benefiting from applications of technology. Topics cover a wide variety of questions and issues from the study of individual behavior, distribution and abundance of groups and populations, and associations between habitats and fish and shellfish species.(PDF files contains 124 pages.

    Reflex impairment as a measure of vitality and survival potential of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)

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    A ssur ing the v itality and survival potential of live-caught Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) is important for improving the sorting of fish before net penning operations designed to hold fish for growth and later market. When Atlantic cod are captured by Danish seine, the most commonly used fishing gear for live-caught fish, they undergo stressors such as forced swimming, net abrasion, and air exposure. Laboratory experiments (at an air temperature of 9°C and water temperature of 8°C) were conducted with the aim of constructing a RAMP (reflex action mortality predictor) curve for prediction of vitality and survival potential in Atlantic cod captured in Danish seines, by varying the levels of these stressors. Atlantic cod exposed to increased duration in air (5–20 min) showed increased reflex impairment and mortality, with 75% mortality at 10 minutes of air exposure. Forced swimming in combination with net abrasion and air exposure did not increase reflex impairment or mortality above that associated with air exposure alone. The Atlantic cod RAMP curves indicated that fish with reflex impairment less than 50% would not show mortality and would likely recover from capture stress