53 research outputs found

    Image stitching with perspective-preserving warping

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    Image stitching algorithms often adopt the global transformation, such as homography, and work well for planar scenes or parallax free camera motions. However, these conditions are easily violated in practice. With casual camera motions, variable taken views, large depth change, or complex structures, it is a challenging task for stitching these images. The global transformation model often provides dreadful stitching results, such as misalignments or projective distortions, especially perspective distortion. To this end, we suggest a perspective-preserving warping for image stitching, which spatially combines local projective transformations and similarity transformation. By weighted combination scheme, our approach gradually extrapolates the local projective transformations of the overlapping regions into the non-overlapping regions, and thus the final warping can smoothly change from projective to similarity. The proposed method can provide satisfactory alignment accuracy as well as reduce the projective distortions and maintain the multi-perspective view. Experiments on a variety of challenging images confirm the efficiency of the approach.Comment: ISPRS 2016 - XXIII ISPRS Congress: Prague, Czech Republic, 201

    Piecewise planar underwater mosaicing

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    A commonly ignored problem in planar mosaics, yet often present in practice, is the selection of a reference homography reprojection frame where to attach the successive image frames of the mosaic. A bad choice for the reference frame can lead to severe distortions in the mosaic and can degenerate in incorrect configurations after some sequential frame concatenations. This problem is accentuated in uncontrolled underwater acquisition setups as those provided by AUVs or ROVs due to both the noisy trajectory of the acquisition vehicle - with roll and pitch shakes - and to the non-flat nature of the seabed which tends to break the planarity assumption implicit in the mosaic construction. These scenarios can also introduce other undesired effects, such as light variations between successive frames, scattering and attenuation, vignetting, flickering and noise. This paper proposes a novel mosaicing pipeline, also including a strategy to select the best reference homography in planar mosaics from video sequences which minimizes the distortions induced on each image by the mosaic homography itself. Moreover, a new non-linear color correction scheme is incorporated to handle strong color and luminosity variations among the mosaic frames. Experimental evaluation of the proposed method on real, challenging underwater video sequences shows the validity of the approach, providing clear and visually appealing mosaic

    High-quality Panorama Stitching based on Asymmetric Bidirectional Optical Flow

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    In this paper, we propose a panorama stitching algorithm based on asymmetric bidirectional optical flow. This algorithm expects multiple photos captured by fisheye lens cameras as input, and then, through the proposed algorithm, these photos can be merged into a high-quality 360-degree spherical panoramic image. For photos taken from a distant perspective, the parallax among them is relatively small, and the obtained panoramic image can be nearly seamless and undistorted. For photos taken from a close perspective or with a relatively large parallax, a seamless though partially distorted panoramic image can also be obtained. Besides, with the help of Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), this algorithm can complete the whole stitching process at a very fast speed: typically, it only takes less than 30s to obtain a panoramic image of 9000-by-4000 pixels, which means our panorama stitching algorithm is of high value in many real-time applications. Our code is available at https://github.com/MungoMeng/Panorama-OpticalFlow.Comment: Published at the 5th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Applications (ICCIA 2020
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