5 research outputs found

    The Diagnosticity of Argument Diagrams

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    Can argument diagrams be used to diagnose and predict argument performance? Argumentation is a complex domain with robust and often contradictory theories about the structure and scope of valid arguments. Argumentation is central to advanced problem solving in many domains and is a core feature of day-to-day discourse. Argumentation is quite literally, all around us, and yet is rarely taught explicitly. Novices often have difficulty parsing and constructing arguments particularly in written and verbal form. Such formats obscure key argumentative moves and often mask the strengths and weaknesses of the argument structure with complicated phrasing or simple sophistry. Argument diagrams have a long history in the philosophy of argument and have been seen increased application as instructional tools. Argument diagrams reify important argument structures, avoid the serial limitations of text, and are amenable to automatic processing. This thesis addresses the question posed above. In it I show that diagrammatic models of argument can be used to predict students' essay grades and that automatically-induced models can be competitive with human grades. In the course of this analysis I survey analytical tools such as Augmented Graph Grammars that can be applied to formalize argument analysis, and detail a novel Augmented Graph Grammar formalism and implementation used in the study. I also introduce novel machine learning algorithms for regression and tolerance reduction. This work makes contributions to research on Education, Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Machine Learning, Educational Datamining, Graph Analysis, and online grading

    An influence model of the experience of learning programming

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    Learning to program is difficult for many students all over the world with programming courses often experiencing high failure and attrition rates. The teaching of programming is still considered a major challenge by educators. At the same time, programming is becoming a key skill required not only of IT graduates but also of students in other disciplines and is becoming more important to a wider range of people. Today’s university students also practice their learning in an extended learning environment that extends well beyond the classroom. There has been considerable research into the teaching of programming in the computing education field, with many studies focussing on content and delivery. More recently, researchers have recognised the need for a greater understanding of how students experience learning to program, from the student’s perspective. This study contributes to this growing body of knowledge by exploring, in depth, the wide range of influences on the student learning experience of programming. A qualitative study was conducted that interviewed 31 Information Systems students about their experiences in learning programming. The interview transcripts were analysed using a Grounded Theory methodology. A new theory of the Influences on the Student Learning Experience of Programming was developed from the analysis, which is more holistic and comprehensive than previous theories. The learning experience of programming involves a complex interaction of a wide range of influences. A major influence is the student’s Perceived Personal Relevance towards programming. Students who perceive that programming is relevant to their future career goals are far more motivated to learn it. Perceived Personal Relevance, together with Learning Trait and Skill Level describe the Learner Nature of the student, which influences their Learning Behaviours. The influences within Learning Behaviours include Core Learning Perspectives (Ownership of learning, Learning Task Intent and Problem solving Behaviours), Patterns of Collaboration and Patterns of Information Use. Patterns of Collaboration describe how students interact with and use their Personal Networks, and include four levels of dependency: One Way Dependent, Two Way Co-Dependent, Collaborative Independent and Solitary Independent. Patterns of Information Use describe the different ways students interact with and use their information sources. The theory includes Programming Learner Profiles, which encapsulate the relationships and influences between Learner Nature and Learning Behaviours. Each profile describes, in essence, the nature and behaviour of different types of students. Seven distinct Programming Learner Profiles were identified in the study: Reluctant Beginner, Willing Beginner, Keen Beginner, Budding Manager, Budding Practitioner, Budding Developer and Advanced Developer. This new theory gives educators a greater insight into what students are thinking and doing when learning to program and potential strategies that can improve learning outcomes