30 research outputs found

    Neural correlates of motion-induced blindness in the human brain

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    Motion-induced blindness (MIB) is a visual phenomenon in which highly salient visual targets spontaneously disappear from visual awareness (and subsequently reappear) when superimposed on a moving background of distracters. Such fluctuations in awareness of the targets, although they remain physically present, provide an ideal paradigm to study the neural correlates of visual awareness. Existing behavioral data on MIB are consistent both with a role for structures early in visual processing and with involvement of high-level visual processes. To further investigate this issue, we used high field functional MRI to investigate signals in human low-level visual cortex and motion-sensitive area V5/MT while participants reported disappearance and reappearance of an MIB target. Surprisingly, perceptual invisibility of the target was coupled to an increase in activity in low-level visual cortex plus area V5/MT compared with when the target was visible. This increase was largest in retinotopic regions representing the target location. One possibility is that our findings result from an active process of completion of the field of distracters that acts locally in the visual cortex, coupled to a more global process that facilitates invisibility in general visual cortex. Our findings show that the earliest anatomical stages of human visual cortical processing are implicated in MIB, as with other forms of bistable perception

    Motion-Induced Scotoma

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    The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: The research leading to these results received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Program (FP7/2007–2013)/ERC Grant Agreement No. AG324070 to P. C.Peer reviewedPostprin

    The integration of bottom-up and top-down signals in human perception in health and disease

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    To extract a meaningful visual experience from the information falling on the retina, the visual system must integrate signals from multiple levels. Bottom-up signals provide input relating to local features while top-down signals provide contextual feedback and reflect internal states of the organism. In this thesis I will explore the nature and neural basis of this integration in two key areas. I will examine perceptual filling-in of artificial scotomas to investigate the bottom-up signals causing changes in perception when filling-in takes place. I will then examine how this perceptual filling-in is modified by top-down signals reflecting attention and working memory. I will also investigate hemianopic completion, an unusual form of filling-in, which may reflect a breakdown in top-down feedback from higher visual areas. The second part of the thesis will explore a different form of top-down control of visual processing. While the effects of cognitive mechanisms such as attention on visual processing are well-characterised, other types of top-down signal such as reward outcome are less well explored. I will therefore study whether signals relating to reward can influence visual processing. To address these questions, I will employ a range of methodologies including functional MRI, magnetoencephalography and behavioural testing in healthy participants and patients with cortical damage. I will demonstrate that perceptual filling-in of artificial scotomas is largely a bottom-up process but that higher cognitive functions can modulate the phenomenon. I will also show that reward modulates activity in higher visual areas in the absence of concurrent visual stimulation and that receiving reward leads to enhanced activity in primary visual cortex on the next trial. These findings reveal that integration occurs across multiple levels even for processes rooted in early retinotopic regions, and that higher cognitive processes such as reward can influence the earliest stages of cortical visual processing

    The interplay between spontaneous and evoked brain activity during visual perception

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    The vast majority of studies in cognitive neuroscience have focused on the brain’s response to a task or stimulus. However, the brain is very active even in the absence of explicit input or output, as its enormous energy consumption at rest suggests. This ongoing brain activity is present at all timescales; as spontaneous neuronal firing measured by electrophysiology, and as slow fluctuations in the BOLD signal measured by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Its significance for behaviour is still unclear. This thesis explores the nature of the brain’s spontaneous activity, with an emphasis on its interaction with brain activity devoted to visual perception. Using a theoretical approach, I first show that the amount of energy expended on evoked brain activity related to a perceptual decision is minute compared to the energy expenditure associated with spontaneous activity. I then focus on spontaneous brain activity measured in the fMRI signal, the so-called resting-state fluctuations. Using simultaneous fMRI-electrophysiology in awake monkeys, I demonstrate that these fMRI resting-state fluctuations are strongly correlated to underlying fluctuations in neural activity, and are therefore likely to be neural in origin. A further fMRI study in humans shows that resting-state fluctuations in visual cortex can account for a significant degree to the variability in cortical, and to a lesser degree to the variability in behavioural responses to a visual stimulus at perceptual threshold. Lastly, I use a visual illusion called motion-induced blindness as a model system for studying the effect of spontaneous fluctuations in internal brain state on bistable perception. Using fMRI in humans, I show that while the retinal input remains constant, activity in early visual cortex reflects awareness of the stimulus. In the final, behavioural experiments, I manipulate the brain’s internal state by examining the influence of endogenous attention on the temporal dynamics of motion-induced blindness. Taken together, these studies show that spontaneous brain activity plays an important role in visual perception, and argue that understanding the brain’s internal dynamics is essential to understanding the brain as a whole

    Fechner Day 2022. Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics.

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    Basic prediction mechanisms as a precursor for schizophrenia studies

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    Traditionally, early visual cortex (V1-3) was thought of as merely a relay centre for feedforward retinal input, providing entry to the cortical visual processing steam. However, in addition to feedforward retinal input, V1 receives a large amount of intracortical information through feedback and lateral connections. Human visual perception is constructed from combining feedforward inputs with these feedback and lateral contributions. Feedback connections allow the visual cortical response to feedforward information to be affected by expectation, knowledge, and context; even at the level of early visual cortex. In Chapter 1 we discuss the feedforward and feedback visual processing streams. We consider historical philosophical and scientific propositions about constructive vision. We introduce modern theories of constructive vision, which suggest that vision is an active process that aims to infer or predict the cause of sensory inputs. We discuss how V1 therefore represents not only retinal input but also high-level effects related to constructive predictive perception. Visual illusions are a ‘side effect’ of constructive and inferential visual perception. For the vast majority of stimulus inputs, integration with context and knowledge facilitates clearer, more veridical perception. In illusion these constructive mechanisms produce incorrect percepts. Illusory effects can be observed in early visual cortex, even when there is no change in the feedforward visual input. We suggest that illusions therefore provide us with a tool to probe feedforward and feedback integration, as they exploit the difference between retinal stimulation and resulting perception. Thus, illusions allow us to see the changes in activation and perception induced only by feedback without changes in feedforward input. We discuss a few specific examples of illusion generation through feedback and the accompanying effects on V1 processing. In Schizophrenia, the integration of feedback and feedforward information is thought to be dysfunctional, with unbalanced contributions of the two sources. This is evidenced by disrupted contextual binding in visual perception and corresponding deficits in contextual illusion perception. We propose that illusions can provide a window into constructive and inferential visual perception in Schizophrenia. Use of illusion paradigms could help elucidate the deficits existing within feedback and feedforward integration. If we can establish clear effects of illusory feedback to V1 in a typical population, we can apply this knowledge to clinical subjects to observe the differences in feedback and feedforward information. Chapter 2 describes a behavioural study of the rubber hand illusion. We probe how multimodal illusory experience arises under varying reliabilities of visuotactile feedforward input. We recorded Likert ratings of illusion experience from subjects, after their hidden hand was stimulated either synchronously or asynchronously with a visible rubber hand (200, 300, 400, or 600ms visuotactile asynchronicity). We used two groups, assessed by a questionnaire measuring a subject’s risk of developing Schizophrenia - moderate/high scorers and a control group of zero-scorers. We therefore consider how schizotypal symptoms contribute to rubber hand illusory experience and interact with visuotactile reliability. Our results reveal that the impact of feedforward information on higher level illusory body schema is modulated by its reliability. Less reliable feedforward inputs (increasing asynchronicity) reduce illusion perception. Our data suggests that some illusions may not be affected on a spectrum of schizotypal traits but only in the full schizophrenic disorder, as we found no effect of group on illusion perception. In Chapter 3 we present an fMRI investigation of the rubber hand illusion in typical participants. Cortical feedback allows information about other modalities and about cognitive states to be represented at the level of V1. Using a multimodal illusion, we investigated whether crossmodal and illusory states could be represented in early visual cortex in the absence of differential visual input. We found increased BOLD activity in motion area V5 and global V1 when the feedforward tactile information and the illusory outcome were incoherent (for example when the subject was experiencing the illusion during asynchronous stimulation). This is suggestive of increased predictive error, supporting predictive coding models of cognitive function. Additionally, we reveal that early visual cortex contains pattern representations specific to the illusory state, irrespective of tactile stimulation and under identical feedforward visual input. In Chapter 4 we use the motion-induced blindness illusion to demonstrate that feedback modulates stimulus representations in V1 during illusory disappearance. We recorded fMRI data from subjects viewing a 2D cross array rotating around a central axis, passing over an oriented Gabor patch target (45°/ 135°). We attempted to decode the target orientation from V1 when the target was either visible or invisible to subjects. Target information could be decoded during target visibility but not during motion-induced blindness. This demonstrates that the target representation in V1 is distorted or destroyed when the target is perceptually invisible. This illusion therefore has effects not only at higher cortical levels, as previously shown, but also in early sensory areas. The representation of the stimulus in V1 is related to perceptual awareness. Importantly, Chapter 4 demonstrated that intracortical processing can disturb constant feedforward information and overwrite feedforward representations. We suggest that the distortion observed occurs through feedback from V5 about the cross array in motion, overwriting feedforward orientation information. The flashed face distortion illusion is a relatively newly discovered illusion in which quickly presented faces become monstrously distorted. The neural underpinnings of the illusion remain unclear; however it has been hypothesised to be a face-specific effect. In Chapter 5 we challenged this account by exploiting two hallmarks of face-specific processing - the other-race effect and left visual field superiority. In two experiments, two ethnic groups of subjects viewed faces presented bilaterally in the visual periphery. We varied the race of the faces presented (same or different than subject), the visual field that the faces were presented in, and the duration of successive presentations (250, 500, 750 or 1000ms per face before replacement). We found that perceived distortion was not affected by stimulus race, visual field, or duration of successive presentations (measured by forced choice in experiment 1 and Likert scale in experiment 2). We therefore provide convincing evidence that FFD is not face-specific and instead suggest that it is an object-general effect created by comparisons between successive stimuli. These comparisons are underlined by a fed back higher level model which dictates that objects cannot immediately replace one another in the same retinotopic space without movement. In Chapter 6 we unify these findings. We discuss how our data show fed back effects on perception to produce visual illusion; effects which cannot be explained through purely feedforward activity processing. We deliberate how lateral connections and attention effects may contribute to our results. We describe known neural mechanisms which allow for the integration of feedback and feedforward information. We discuss how this integration allows V1 to represent the content of visual awareness, including during some of the illusions presented in this thesis. We suggest that a unifying theory of brain computation, Predictive Coding, may explain why feedback exerts top-down effects on feedforward processing. Lastly we discuss how our findings, and others that demonstrate feedback and prediction effects, could help develop the study and understanding of schizophrenia, including our understanding of the underlying neurological pathologies

    Change blindness: eradication of gestalt strategies

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    Arrays of eight, texture-defined rectangles were used as stimuli in a one-shot change blindness (CB) task where there was a 50% chance that one rectangle would change orientation between two successive presentations separated by an interval. CB was eliminated by cueing the target rectangle in the first stimulus, reduced by cueing in the interval and unaffected by cueing in the second presentation. This supports the idea that a representation was formed that persisted through the interval before being 'overwritten' by the second presentation (Landman et al, 2003 Vision Research 43149–164]. Another possibility is that participants used some kind of grouping or Gestalt strategy. To test this we changed the spatial position of the rectangles in the second presentation by shifting them along imaginary spokes (by ±1 degree) emanating from the central fixation point. There was no significant difference seen in performance between this and the standard task [F(1,4)=2.565, p=0.185]. This may suggest two things: (i) Gestalt grouping is not used as a strategy in these tasks, and (ii) it gives further weight to the argument that objects may be stored and retrieved from a pre-attentional store during this task

    A right hemisphere advantage for processing blurred faces

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    Activity in area V3A predicts positions of moving objects

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