1 research outputs found

    Dragon: Decentralization at the cost of Representation after Arbitrary Grouping and Its Applications to Sub-cubic DKG and Interactive Consistency

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    Several distributed protocols, including distributed key generation (DKG) and interactive consistency (IC), depend on O(n)\mathcal{O}(n) instances of Byzantine Broadcast or Byzantine Agreement among nn nodes, resulting in Θ(n3){\Theta}(n^3) communication overhead. In this paper, we provide a new methodology of realizing such broadcasts we call DRAGON: Decentralization at the cost of Representation after Arbitrary GrOupiNg. At the core of it, we arbitrarily group nodes into small ``shards\u27\u27 and paired with multiple new primitives we call consortium-sender (dealer) broadcast (and secret sharing). The new tools enable a shard of nodes to jointly broadcast (or securely contribute a secret) to the whole population only at the cost of one dealer ({\em as if} there is a representative). With our new Dragon method, we construct the first two DKG protocols, both achieving optimal resilience, with sub-cubic total communication and computation. The first DKG generates a secret key within an Elliptic Curve group, incurring O~(n2.5λ)\widetilde{\mathcal{O}}(n^{2.5}\lambda) total communication and computation. The second DKG, while slightly increasing communication and computation by a factor of the statistical security parameter, generates a secret key as a field element, which makes it directly compatible with various off-the-shelf DLog-based threshold cryptographic systems. We also construct a first deterministic IC with sub-cubic communication. Along the way, we also formalize simulation-based security and proved it for publicly verifiable secret sharing (PVSS), making it possible for a modular analysis, which might be of independent interest