67,084 research outputs found

    Contextualized word senses: from attention to compositionality

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    The neural architectures of language models are becoming increasingly complex, especially that of Transformers, based on the attention mechanism. Although their application to numerous natural language processing tasks has proven to be very fruitful, they continue to be models with little or no interpretability and explainability. One of the tasks for which they are best suited is the encoding of the contextual sense of words using contextualized embeddings. In this paper we propose a transparent, interpretable, and linguistically motivated strategy for encoding the contextual sense of words by modeling semantic compositionality. Particular attention is given to dependency relations and semantic notions such as selection preferences and paradigmatic classes. A partial implementation of the proposed model is carried out and compared with Transformer-based architectures for a given semantic task, namely the similarity calculation of word senses in context. The results obtained show that it is possible to be competitive with linguistically motivated models instead of using the black boxes underlying complex neural architectures

    A Data Efficient End-To-End Spoken Language Understanding Architecture

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    End-to-end architectures have been recently proposed for spoken language understanding (SLU) and semantic parsing. Based on a large amount of data, those models learn jointly acoustic and linguistic-sequential features. Such architectures give very good results in the context of domain, intent and slot detection, their application in a more complex semantic chunking and tagging task is less easy. For that, in many cases, models are combined with an external language model to enhance their performance. In this paper we introduce a data efficient system which is trained end-to-end, with no additional, pre-trained external module. One key feature of our approach is an incremental training procedure where acoustic, language and semantic models are trained sequentially one after the other. The proposed model has a reasonable size and achieves competitive results with respect to state-of-the-art while using a small training dataset. In particular, we reach 24.02% Concept Error Rate (CER) on MEDIA/test while training on MEDIA/train without any additional data.Comment: Accepted to ICASSP 202

    Assessing hyper parameter optimization and speedup for convolutional neural networks

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    The increased processing power of graphical processing units (GPUs) and the availability of large image datasets has fostered a renewed interest in extracting semantic information from images. Promising results for complex image categorization problems have been achieved using deep learning, with neural networks comprised of many layers. Convolutional neural networks (CNN) are one such architecture which provides more opportunities for image classification. Advances in CNN enable the development of training models using large labelled image datasets, but the hyper parameters need to be specified, which is challenging and complex due to the large number of parameters. A substantial amount of computational power and processing time is required to determine the optimal hyper parameters to define a model yielding good results. This article provides a survey of the hyper parameter search and optimization methods for CNN architectures

    Efficient Estimation of Word Representations in Vector Space

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    We propose two novel model architectures for computing continuous vector representations of words from very large data sets. The quality of these representations is measured in a word similarity task, and the results are compared to the previously best performing techniques based on different types of neural networks. We observe large improvements in accuracy at much lower computational cost, i.e. it takes less than a day to learn high quality word vectors from a 1.6 billion words data set. Furthermore, we show that these vectors provide state-of-the-art performance on our test set for measuring syntactic and semantic word similarities

    Ontology-based patterns for the integration of business processes and enterprise application architectures

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    Increasingly, enterprises are using Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) as an approach to Enterprise Application Integration (EAI). SOA has the potential to bridge the gap between business and technology and to improve the reuse of existing applications and the interoperability with new ones. In addition to service architecture descriptions, architecture abstractions like patterns and styles capture design knowledge and allow the reuse of successfully applied designs, thus improving the quality of software. Knowledge gained from integration projects can be captured to build a repository of semantically enriched, experience-based solutions. Business patterns identify the interaction and structure between users, business processes, and data. Specific integration and composition patterns at a more technical level address enterprise application integration and capture reliable architecture solutions. We use an ontology-based approach to capture architecture and process patterns. Ontology techniques for pattern definition, extension and composition are developed and their applicability in business process-driven application integration is demonstrated

    Analyzing Modular CNN Architectures for Joint Depth Prediction and Semantic Segmentation

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    This paper addresses the task of designing a modular neural network architecture that jointly solves different tasks. As an example we use the tasks of depth estimation and semantic segmentation given a single RGB image. The main focus of this work is to analyze the cross-modality influence between depth and semantic prediction maps on their joint refinement. While most previous works solely focus on measuring improvements in accuracy, we propose a way to quantify the cross-modality influence. We show that there is a relationship between final accuracy and cross-modality influence, although not a simple linear one. Hence a larger cross-modality influence does not necessarily translate into an improved accuracy. We find that a beneficial balance between the cross-modality influences can be achieved by network architecture and conjecture that this relationship can be utilized to understand different network design choices. Towards this end we propose a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture that fuses the state of the state-of-the-art results for depth estimation and semantic labeling. By balancing the cross-modality influences between depth and semantic prediction, we achieve improved results for both tasks using the NYU-Depth v2 benchmark.Comment: Accepted to ICRA 201

    Multi-stream CNN based Video Semantic Segmentation for Automated Driving

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    Majority of semantic segmentation algorithms operate on a single frame even in the case of videos. In this work, the goal is to exploit temporal information within the algorithm model for leveraging motion cues and temporal consistency. We propose two simple high-level architectures based on Recurrent FCN (RFCN) and Multi-Stream FCN (MSFCN) networks. In case of RFCN, a recurrent network namely LSTM is inserted between the encoder and decoder. MSFCN combines the encoders of different frames into a fused encoder via 1x1 channel-wise convolution. We use a ResNet50 network as the baseline encoder and construct three networks namely MSFCN of order 2 & 3 and RFCN of order 2. MSFCN-3 produces the best results with an accuracy improvement of 9% and 15% for Highway and New York-like city scenarios in the SYNTHIA-CVPR'16 dataset using mean IoU metric. MSFCN-3 also produced 11% and 6% for SegTrack V2 and DAVIS datasets over the baseline FCN network. We also designed an efficient version of MSFCN-2 and RFCN-2 using weight sharing among the two encoders. The efficient MSFCN-2 provided an improvement of 11% and 5% for KITTI and SYNTHIA with negligible increase in computational complexity compared to the baseline version.Comment: Accepted for Oral Presentation at VISAPP 201