1 research outputs found

    Architectural support for reducing communication overhead in multiprocessor interconnection networks

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    Modern multicomputer interconnection networks offer the delivery of messages with very low latency. However, the message in-flight time is only a small portion of the total time that is required to send a message from source to destination. For fine to medium grained message sizes, the majority of time is spent in overheads for setting up and managing message transmission. It is often possible for compilers/ programmers to separate inter-processor communication traffic into messages that exhibit communication locality, and messages that do not. This paper proposes architectural modifications to network interfaces and routers to enable compilers/programmers to exploit known locality properties of programs in reducing the fixed overhead of transmission These techniques work well on traffic exhibiting communication locality without unduly penalizing “ordinary ” message traffic. The proposed techniques are evaluated using communication traces from 5 application program kernels. Significant reductions in average message latency are possible, and we argue that the approach can be used in the next generation of cluster interconnects