4,551 research outputs found

    Exploiting multi-agent system technology within an autonomous regional active network management system

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    This paper describes the proposed application of multi-agent system (MAS) technology within AuRA-NMS, an autonomous regional network management system currently being developed in the UK through a partnership between several UK universities, distribution network operators (DNO) and a major equipment manufacturer. The paper begins by describing the challenges facing utilities and why those challenges have led the utilities, a major manufacturer and the UK government to invest in the development of a flexible and extensible active network management system. The requirements the utilities have for a network automation system they wish to deploy on their distribution networks are discussed in detail. With those requirements in mind the rationale behind the use of multi-agent systems (MAS) within AuRA-NMS is presented and the inherent research and design challenges highlighted including: the issues associated with robustness of distributed MAS platforms; the arbitration of different control functions; and the relationship between the ontological requirements of Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agent (FIPA) compliant multi-agent systems, legacy protocols and standards such as IEC 61850 and the common information model (CIM)

    Contracts Ex Machina

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    Smart contracts are self-executing digital transactions using decentralized cryptographic mechanisms for enforcement. They were theorized more than twenty years ago, but the recent development of Bitcoin and blockchain technologies has rekindled excitement about their potential among technologists and industry. Startup companies and major enterprises alike are now developing smart contract solutions for an array of markets, purporting to offer a digital bypass around traditional contract law. For legal scholars, smart contracts pose a significant question: Do smart contracts offer a superior solution to the problems that contract law addresses? In this article, we aim to understand both the potential and the limitations of smart contracts. We conclude that smart contracts offer novel possibilities, may significantly alter the commercial world, and will demand new legal responses. But smart contracts will not displace contract law. Understanding why not brings into focus the essential role of contract law as a remedial institution. In this way, smart contracts actually illuminate the role of contract law more than they obviate it

    Deadlock avoidance with virtual channels

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    High Performance Computing is a rapidly evolving area of computer science which attends to solve complicated computational problems with the combination of computational nodes connected through high speed networks. This work concentrates on the networks problems that appear in such networks and specially focuses on the Deadlock problem that can decrease the efficiency of the communication or even destroy the balance and paralyze the network. Goal of this work is the Deadlock avoidance with the use of virtual channels, in the switches of the network where the problem appears. The deadlock avoidance assures that will not be loss of data inside network, having as result the increased latency of the served packets, due to the extra calculation that the switches have to make to apply the policy.La computación de alto rendimiento es una zona de rápida evolución de la informática que busca resolver complicados problemas de cálculo con la combinación de los nodos de cómputo conectados a través de redes de alta velocidad. Este trabajo se centra en los problemas de las redes que aparecen en este tipo de sistemas y especialmente se centra en el problema del "deadlock" que puede disminuir la eficacia de la comunicación con la paralización de la red. El objetivo de este trabajo es la evitación de deadlock con el uso de canales virtuales, en los conmutadores de la red donde aparece el problema. Evitar el deadlock asegura que no se producirá la pérdida de datos en red, teniendo como resultado el aumento de la latencia de los paquetes, debido al overhead extra de cálculo que los conmutadores tienen que hacer para aplicar la política.La computació d'alt rendiment és una àrea de ràpida evolució de la informàtica que pretén resoldre complicats problemes de càlcul amb la combinació de nodes de còmput connectats a través de xarxes d'alta velocitat. Aquest treball se centra en els problemes de les xarxes que apareixen en aquest tipus de sistemes i especialment se centra en el problema del "deadlock" que pot disminuir l'eficàcia de la comunicació amb la paralització de la xarxa. L'objectiu d'aquest treball és l'evitació de deadlock amb l'ús de canals virtuals, en els commutadors de la xarxa on apareix el problema. Evitar deadlock assegura que no es produirà la pèrdua de dades en xarxa, tenint com a resultat l'augment de la latència dels paquets, degut al overhead extra de càlcul que els commutadors han de fer per aplicar la política

    Coordination in software agent systems

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    The Question of Spectrum: Technology, Management, and Regime Change

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    There is general agreement that the traditional command-and-control regulation of radio spectrum by the FCC (and NTIA) has failed. There is no general agreement on which regime should succeed it. Property rights advocates take Ronald Coase's advice that spectrum licenses should be sold off and traded in secondary markets, like any other assets. Commons advocates argue that new technologies cannot be accommodated by a licensing regime (either traditional or property rights) and that a commons regime leads to the most efficient means to deliver useful spectrum to the American public. This article reviews the scholarly history of this controversy, outlines the revolution of FCC thinking, and parses the question of property rights vs. commons into four distinct parts: new technology, spectrum uses, spectrum management, and the overarching legal regime. Advocates on both sides find much to agree about on the first three factors; the disagreement is focused on the choice of overarching regime to most efficiently and effectively make spectrum and its applications available to the American public. There are two feasible regime choices: a property rights regime and a mixed licensed/commons regime subject to regulation. The regime choice depends upon four factors: dispute resolution, transactions costs, tragedies of the commons and anticommons, and flexibility to changing technologies and demands. Each regime is described and analyzed against these four factors. With regard to pure transactions costs, commons may hold an advantage but it appears quite small. For all other factors, the property rights regime holds very substantial advantages relative to the mixed regime. I conclude that the choice comes down to markets vs. regulation as mechanism for allocating resources.

    Experimental comparison of compulsory and non compulsory arbitration mechanisms

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    We run a series of experiments to compare the well known arbitration scheme FOA (Final Offer Arbitration) with a new arbitration scheme, non compulsory, we proposed in a companion paper (Tanimura and Thoron (2008)): ROC (Recursive Offer Conciliation). The two mechanisms are also compared with a negotiation without arbitration. We observe that the ROC mechanism seems to cumulate the advantages of the two other procedures, it avoids the high frequency of impasses observed under the FOA procedure and it is as efficient as the Free procedure in this respect. Furthermore, in an asymmetric treatment, it helps the subjects to find an agreement around the equal split of the surplus, like the arbitrator of the FOA procedure does, but without imposing anything on them.negotiation; bargaining; arbitration; Raiffa solution; chilling effect; dispute resolution; experiments

    International Governance of the Internet: An Economic Analysis.

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    ICANN currently determines which top level domains are available on the A-root server and so restricts the choices facing Internet users. Thus ICANN redistributes wealth and has become the focus of rent-seeking activities. Yet, despite my belief that the Internet will become substantially more regulated in the future, I am convinced that technology will trump the best efforts of regulators to “promote the public interest”.

    Creating an Agent Based Framework to Maximize Information Utility

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    With increased reliance on communications to conduct military operations, information centric network management becomes vital. A Defense department study of information management for net-centric operations lists the need for tools for information triage (based on relevance, priority, and quality) to counter information overload, semi-automated mechanisms for assessment of quality and relevance of information, and advances to enhance cognition and information understanding in the context of missions [30]. Maximizing information utility to match mission objectives is a complex problem that requires a comprehensive solution in information classification, in scheduling, in resource allocation, and in QoS support. Of these research areas, the resource allocation mechanism provides a framework to build the entire solution. Through an agent based mindset, the lessons of robot control architecture are applied to the network domain. The task of managing information flows is achieved with a hybrid reactive architecture. By demonstration, the reactive agent responds to the observed state of the network through the Unified Behavior Framework (UBF). As information flows relay through the network, agents in the network nodes limit resource contention to improve average utility and create a network with smarter bandwidth utilization. While this is an important result for information maximization, the agent based framework may have broader applications for managing communication networks