7 research outputs found

    A Survey of DeFi Security: Challenges and Opportunities

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    DeFi, or Decentralized Finance, is based on a distributed ledger called blockchain technology. Using blockchain, DeFi may customize the execution of predetermined operations between parties. The DeFi system use blockchain technology to execute user transactions, such as lending and exchanging. The total value locked in DeFi decreased from \$200 billion in April 2022 to \$80 billion in July 2022, indicating that security in this area remained problematic. In this paper, we address the deficiency in DeFi security studies. To our best knowledge, our paper is the first to make a systematic analysis of DeFi security. First, we summarize the DeFi-related vulnerabilities in each blockchain layer. Additionally, application-level vulnerabilities are also analyzed. Then we classify and analyze real-world DeFi attacks based on the principles that correlate to the vulnerabilities. In addition, we collect optimization strategies from the data, network, consensus, smart contract, and application layers. And then, we describe the weaknesses and technical approaches they address. On the basis of this comprehensive analysis, we summarize several challenges and possible future directions in DeFi to offer ideas for further research

    Secure fingerprinting on sound foundations

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    The rapid development and the advancement of digital technologies open a variety of opportunities to consumers and content providers for using and trading digital goods. In this context, particularly the Internet has gained a major ground as a worldwiede platform for exchanging and distributing digital goods. Beside all its possibilities and advantages digital technology can be misuesd to breach copyright regulations: unauthorized use and illegal distribution of intellectual property cause authors and content providers considerable loss. Protections of intellectual property has therefore become one of the major challenges of our information society. Fingerprinting is a key technology in copyright protection of intellectual property. Its goal is to deter people from copyright violation by allowing to provably identify the source of illegally copied and redistributed content. As one of its focuses, this thesis considers the design and construction of various fingerprinting schemes and presents the first explicit, secure and reasonably efficient construction for a fingerprinting scheme which fulfills advanced security requirements such as collusion-tolerance, asymmetry, anonymity and direct non-repudiation. Crucial for the security of such s is a careful study of the underlying cryptographic assumptions. In case of the fingerprinting scheme presented here, these are mainly assumptions related to discrete logarithms. The study and analysis of these assumptions is a further focus of this thesis. Based on the first thorough classification of assumptions related to discrete logarithms, this thesis gives novel insights into the relations between these assumptions. In particular, depending on the underlying probability space we present new reuslts on the reducibility between some of these assumptions as well as on their reduction efficency.Die Fortschritte im Bereich der Digitaltechnologien bieten Konsumenten, Urhebern und Anbietern große Potentiale für innovative Geschäftsmodelle zum Handel mit digitalen Gütern und zu deren Nutzung. Das Internet stellt hierbei eine interessante Möglichkeit zum Austausch und zur Verbreitung digitaler Güter dar. Neben vielen Vorteilen kann die Digitaltechnik jedoch auch missbräuchlich eingesetzt werden, wie beispielsweise zur Verletzung von Urheberrechten durch illegale Nutzung und Verbreitung von Inhalten, wodurch involvierten Parteien erhebliche Schäden entstehen können. Der Schutz des geistigen Eigentums hat sich deshalb zu einer der besonderen Herausforderungen unseres Digitalzeitalters entwickelt. Fingerprinting ist eine Schlüsseltechnologie zum Urheberschutz. Sie hat das Ziel, vor illegaler Vervielfältigung und Verteilung digitaler Werke abzuschrecken, indem sie die Identifikation eines Betrügers und das Nachweisen seines Fehlverhaltens ermöglicht. Diese Dissertation liefert als eines ihrer Ergebnisse die erste explizite, sichere und effiziente Konstruktion, welche die Berücksichtigung besonders fortgeschrittener Sicherheitseigenschaften wie Kollusionstoleranz, Asymmetrie, Anonymität und direkte Unabstreitbarkeit erlaubt. Entscheidend für die Sicherheit kryptographischer Systeme ist die präzise Analyse der ihnen zugrunde liegenden kryptographischen Annahmen. Den im Rahmen dieser Dissertation konstruierten Fingerprintingsystemen liegen hauptsächlich kryptographische Annahmen zugrunde, welche auf diskreten Logarithmen basieren. Die Untersuchung dieser Annahmen stellt einen weiteren Schwerpunkt dieser Dissertation dar. Basierend auf einer hier erstmals in der Literatur vorgenommenen Klassifikation dieser Annahmen werden neue und weitreichende Kenntnisse über deren Zusammenhänge gewonnen. Insbesondere werden, in Abhängigkeit von dem zugrunde liegenden Wahrscheinlichkeitsraum, neue Resultate hinsichtlich der Reduzierbarkeit dieser Annahmen und ihrer Reduktionseffizienz erzielt

    Towards Least Privilege Principle: Limiting Unintended Accesses in Software Systems.

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    Adhering to the least privilege principle involves ensuring that only legitimate subjects have access rights to objects. Sometimes, this is hard because of permission irrevocability, changing security requirements, infeasibility of access control mechanisms, and permission creeps. If subjects turn rogue, the accesses can be abused. This thesis examines three scenarios where accesses are commonly abused and lead to security issues, and proposes three systems, SEAL, DeGap, and Expose to detect and, where practical, eliminate unintended accesses. Firstly, we examine abuse of email addresses, whose leakages are irreversible. Also, users can only hope that businesses requiring their email addresses for validating affiliations do not misuse them. SEAL uses semi-private aliases, which permits gradual and selective controls while providing privacy for affiliation validations. Secondly, access control mechanisms may be ineffective as subject roles change and administrative oversights lead to permission gaps, which should be removed expeditiously. Identifying permission gaps can be hard since another reference point besides granted permissions is often unavailable. DeGap uses access logs to estimate the gaps while using a common logic for various system services. DeGap also recommends configuration changes towards reducing the gaps. Lastly, unintended software code re-use can lead to intellectual property theft and license violations. Determining whether an application uses a library can be difficult. Compiler optimizations, function inlining, and lack of symbols make using syntactic methods a challenge, while pure semantic analysis is slow. Given a library and a set of applications, Expose combines syntactic and semantic analysis to efficiently help identify applications that re-use the library.PhDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/99976/1/bengheng_1.pd

    Standardized development of computer software. Part 2: Standards

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    This monograph contains standards for software development and engineering. The book sets forth rules for design, specification, coding, testing, documentation, and quality assurance audits of software; it also contains detailed outlines for the documentation to be produced

    Psychosocial support in emergency situations

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    In recent decades we have witnessed a growing number of major accidents and emergencies caused by natural hazards (floods, earthquakes, cyclones) and human factors (chemical and nuclear accidents, conflicts, terrorism). In such situations, people’s lives are fundamentally changed and accompanied by various social consequences: loss of loved ones, loss of control over one’s own life, loss of the sense of security, hope and initiative, social infrastructure, access to services and assets. Reactions may be various; shock, tears, anger, rage, a sense of hopelessness and an anxiety are just part of the whole range of unpleasant experiences. However, the intensity of the stress responses differs among individuals, but also communities, and thus the needs for interventions are different. The role of organizations dealing with the protection and rescue is to provide immediate assistance and protection, and also psychosocial assistance and support. The psychosocial support is the process of facilitating the recovery of individuals, family and communities from the effects of hazards and it plays a key role in the interventions at major accidents involving large number of victims. Psychosocial support means that in the approach to a person two dimensions are involved influencing each other mutually: psychological (inner, emotional and meditative processes, feelings and reactions of individual) and social (relationships with other people, family networks, social values and culture of the community). The third dimension involves the first responders. Stress can initiate the development of depression, depressive disorders, anxiety, professional burn-out, depersonalization, distress, emotional exhaustion and related mental health problems, as well as other indicators of psychological distress among members of rescue teams. Bearing in mind the importance of psychosocial programs of the nineties, their implementation is supported in many projects and it is proposed that the psychosocial care becomes an integral part of the emergency response of the public health care system

    Tematski zbornik radova međunarodnog značaja. Tom 2 / Međunarodni naučni skup “Dani Arčibalda Rajsa”, Beograd, 3-4. mart 2015

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    In front of you is the Thematic Collection of Papers presented at the International Scientific Confer-ence “Archibald Reiss Days”, which was organized by the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies in Belgrade, in co-operation with the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Education, Science and Techno-logical Development of the Republic of Serbia, National Police University of China, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Volgograd Academy of the Russian Internal Affairs Ministry, Faculty of Security in Skopje, Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security in Ljubljana, Police Academy “Alexandru Ioan Cuza“ in Bucharest, Academy of Police Force in Bratislava and Police College in Banjaluka, and held at the Academy of Crimi-nalistic and Police Studies, on 3 and 4 March 2015.International Scientific Conference “Archibald Reiss Days” is organized for the fifth time in a row, in memory of the founder and director of the first modern higher police school in Serbia, Rodolphe Archibald Reiss, PhD, after whom the Conference was named.The Thematic Collection of Papers contains 168 papers written by eminent scholars in the field of law, security, criminalistics, police studies, forensics, informatics, as well as members of national security system participating in education of the police, army and other security services from Spain, Russia, Ukraine, Bela-rus, China, Poland, Armenia, Portugal, Turkey, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Macedonia, Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Srpska and Serbia. Each paper has been reviewed by two reviewers, international experts competent for the field to which the paper is related, and the Thematic Conference Proceedings in whole has been reviewed by five competent international reviewers.The papers published in the Thematic Collection of Papers contain the overview of contemporary trends in the development of police education system, development of the police and contemporary secu-rity, criminalistic and forensic concepts. Furthermore, they provide us with the analysis of the rule of law activities in crime suppression, situation and trends in the above-mentioned fields, as well as suggestions on how to systematically deal with these issues. The Collection of Papers represents a significant contribution to the existing fund of scientific and expert knowledge in the field of criminalistic, security, penal and legal theory and practice. Publication of this Collection contributes to improving of mutual cooperation between educational, scientific and expert institutions at national, regional and international level

    Tune your brown clustering, please

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    Brown clustering, an unsupervised hierarchical clustering technique based on ngram mutual information, has proven useful in many NLP applications. However, most uses of Brown clustering employ the same default configuration; the appropriateness of this configuration has gone predominantly unexplored. Accordingly, we present information for practitioners on the behaviour of Brown clustering in order to assist hyper-parametre tuning, in the form of a theoretical model of Brown clustering utility. This model is then evaluated empirically in two sequence labelling tasks over two text types. We explore the dynamic between the input corpus size, chosen number of classes, and quality of the resulting clusters, which has an impact for any approach using Brown clustering. In every scenario that we examine, our results reveal that the values most commonly used for the clustering are sub-optimal