2 research outputs found

    Hrvatske sakralne vode. Od vilinske, ljekovite vode u imaginariju do suvremene vodne/riječne umjetnosti

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    This article broadly surveys the role of water in Croatian ethnic tradition. Beginning with pre-Christian perceptions of healing (babas or hags) and fairies associated with watery sites, the essay offers a summary of previous works on Croatian water lore. Moving into the present, this article considers water traditions of the Slavic folklore, how these have endured and been renegotiated over time and how they now find expression in contemporary water and river art.Članak interpretira ulogu vode u hrvatskoj etnotradiciji, s naglaskom na vilinskoj, ljekovitoj vodi, sa završnim segmentom o suvremenoj vizualnoj praksi land arta – vodne/riječne umjetnosti (engl. water/river art), koja se doslovno vraća svojim izvorima, kao i lokalnom znanju o vodi. Ili kao što Celeste Ray naglašava: “Paradigma svete vode je sveljudska, a sakralnost izvora naročito se iznova imaginira i ponovno se međukulturalno i transvremenski interpretira” (Ray 2019: 267)

    Cantos de ballenas en la composición musical contemporánea

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    La idea de crear música a través del sonido animal, en concreto de los cetáceos, es el eje y tema central de esta disertación. En ella exploraremos diferentes áreas que implican el estudio de ambas materias. A su vez, revisaremos las principales ideas sobre el paisaje sonoro y lo relacionaremos directamente con los sonidos del mar y las ballenas, revisando sus principales cualidades, características y problemáticas medioambientales. Por otra parte, realizaremos una búsqueda de obras y autores que han trabajado con el sonido de los cetáceos para conocer lo que se ha hecho en la música contemporánea, y así, tener una mayor perspectiva. La creación de una serie de obras compuestas a partir de todas estas ideas, respaldadas por una base teórica y conceptual, será el propósito de esta disertación.The idea of creating music through animal sound, specifically cetaceans, is the central theme of this dissertation. We will explore different areas that involve the study of both disciplines. At the same time, we will review the main ideas about the soundscapes and we will relate it directly with the sounds of the sea and the whales, reviewing their main sonorous qualities, characteristics and environmental problems. We will search for works and composers who have worked with the sound of cetaceans to know what has been done in contemporary music, and thus have a greater perspective. The creation of a series of works composed from all these ideas, supported by a theoretical and conceptual base will be the purpose of this dissertation