21 research outputs found

    A deep learning system accurately classifies primary and metastatic cancers using passenger mutation patterns.

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    In cancer, the primary tumour's organ of origin and histopathology are the strongest determinants of its clinical behaviour, but in 3% of cases a patient presents with a metastatic tumour and no obvious primary. Here, as part of the ICGC/TCGA Pan-Cancer Analysis of Whole Genomes (PCAWG) Consortium, we train a deep learning classifier to predict cancer type based on patterns of somatic passenger mutations detected in whole genome sequencing (WGS) of 2606 tumours representing 24 common cancer types produced by the PCAWG Consortium. Our classifier achieves an accuracy of 91% on held-out tumor samples and 88% and 83% respectively on independent primary and metastatic samples, roughly double the accuracy of trained pathologists when presented with a metastatic tumour without knowledge of the primary. Surprisingly, adding information on driver mutations reduced accuracy. Our results have clinical applicability, underscore how patterns of somatic passenger mutations encode the state of the cell of origin, and can inform future strategies to detect the source of circulating tumour DNA

    A deep learning system accurately classifies primary and metastatic cancers using passenger mutation patterns

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    In cancer, the primary tumour's organ of origin and histopathology are the strongest determinants of its clinical behaviour, but in 3% of cases a patient presents with a metastatic tumour and no obvious primary. Here, as part of the ICGC/TCGA Pan-Cancer Analysis of Whole Genomes (PCAWG) Consortium, we train a deep learning classifier to predict cancer type based on patterns of somatic passenger mutations detected in whole genome sequencing (WGS) of 2606 tumours representing 24 common cancer types produced by the PCAWG Consortium. Our classifier achieves an accuracy of 91% on held-out tumor samples and 88% and 83% respectively on independent primary and metastatic samples, roughly double the accuracy of trained pathologists when presented with a metastatic tumour without knowledge of the primary. Surprisingly, adding information on driver mutations reduced accuracy. Our results have clinical applicability, underscore how patterns of somatic passenger mutations encode the state of the cell of origin, and can inform future strategies to detect the source of circulating tumour DNA

    Assessing sheep behavior through low-power microcontrollers in smart agriculture scenarios

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    Automatic animal monitoring can bring several advantages to the livestock sector. The emergence of low-cost and low-power miniaturized sensors, together with the ability of handling huge amounts of data, has led to a boost of new intelligent farming solutions. One example is the SheepIT solution that is being commercialized by iFarmtec. The main objectives of the solution are monitoring the sheep’s posture while grazing in vineyards, and conditioning their behaviour using appropriate stimuli, such that they only feed from the ground or from the lower branches of the vines. The quality of the monitoring procedure has a linear correlation with the animal condition capability of the solution, i.e., on the effectiveness of the applied stimuli. Thus, a Real-Time mechanism capable of identifying animal behaviour such as infraction, eating, walking or running movements and standing position is required. On a previous work we proposed a solution based on low-power microcontrollers enclosed in collars wearable by sheep. Machine Learning techniques have been rising as a useful tool for dealing with big amounts of data. From the wide range of techniques available, the use of Decision Trees is particularly relevant since it allows the retrieval of a set of conditions easily transformed in lightweight machine code. The goal of this paper is to evaluate an enhanced animal monitoring mechanism and compare it to existing ones. In order to achieve this goal, a real deployment scenario was availed to gather relevant data from sheep’s collar. After this step, we evaluated the impact of several feature transformations and pre-processing techniques on the model learned from the system. Due to the natural behaviour of sheep, which spend most of the time grazing, several pre-processing techniques were tested to deal with the unbalanced dataset, particularly resorting on features related with stateful history. Albeit presenting promising results, with accuracy over 96%, these features resulted in unfeasible implementations. Hence, the best feasible model was achieved with 10 features obtained from the sensors’ measurements plus an additional temporal feature. The global accuracy attained was above 91%. Howbeit, further research shall assess a way of dealing with this kind of unbalanced datasets and take advantage of the insights given by the results achieved when using the state’s history.publishe

    A Sandbox in Which to Learn and Develop Soar Agents

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    It is common for military personnel to leverage simulations (and simulators) as cost-effective tools to train and become proficient at various tasks (e.g., flying an aircraft and/or performing a mission, among others). These training simulations often need to represent humans within the simulated world in a realistic manner. Realistic implies creating simulated humans that exhibit behaviors that mimic real-world decision making and actions. Typically, to create the decision-making logic, techniques developed from the domain of artificial intelligence are used. Although there are several approaches to developing intelligent agents; we focus on leveraging and open source project called Soar, to define agent behavior. This research took an off-the-shelf open-source software product (called the AI sandbox) that facilitates the creation of 3D virtual worlds and interfaced it to the Soar package. Because the world created by the sandbox is rich in features, easily configurable using a simple scripting system, and visually engaging, it\u27s ideal as a learning platform to develop Soar agents more aligned with military simulations. In summary, this research develops a platform (or learning environment) to learn how to develop Soar-based agents

    An Overview of Computational Approaches for Interpretation Analysis

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    It is said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But how exactly can we characterize such discrepancies in interpretation? For example, are there any specific features of an image that makes person A regard an image as beautiful while person B finds the same image displeasing? Such questions ultimately aim at explaining our individual ways of interpretation, an intention that has been of fundamental importance to the social sciences from the beginning. More recently, advances in computer science brought up two related questions: First, can computational tools be adopted for analyzing ways of interpretation? Second, what if the "beholder" is a computer model, i.e., how can we explain a computer model's point of view? Numerous efforts have been made regarding both of these points, while many existing approaches focus on particular aspects and are still rather separate. With this paper, in order to connect these approaches we introduce a theoretical framework for analyzing interpretation, which is applicable to interpretation of both human beings and computer models. We give an overview of relevant computational approaches from various fields, and discuss the most common and promising application areas. The focus of this paper lies on interpretation of text and image data, while many of the presented approaches are applicable to other types of data as well.Comment: Preprint submitted to Digital Signal Processin

    Thematic Network Project Aligning a European Higher Education Structure in Sport Science - Report of the First Year

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    The motivation for creating a new ERASMUS Thematic Network project was related to potential fundamental changes in the structure of the Higher Education sector because of the Bologna process. While these changes are clearly influencing the development of the sport science sector in Europe, their actual implementation in the educational system is particularly complex, heterogeneous and sometimes contradictory especially in the sport science sector. For these reasons, the Bologna process strengthens the need of pooling together and capitalising on previous experience and developments made in the sector in order to fully support the process activated by the Bologna Declaration and to take into consideration all its implications. The project relates to the impact of the Bologna declaration on the “Alignment of Educational Structures in the Sport Sector” by concentrating on two major foci of interest in the sport science sector. The first focus concerns the integration of the programmes and time frames of the educational structures; the second intends to ensure that the identified structures relate to the needs of the labour market. To achieve these, the generic and sector specific competences will be defined with the aid of the methodology set up in the frame of the Pilot Project “Tuning Educational Structure in Europe”. For the two key aspects, the impact and the opportunities provided by ICT and e-learning facilities with specific adaptation to the sector will be analysed, compared and evaluated for further implementation at different levels. Given the complexity of what is called “sport and physical activity”, the project focuses on four main areas in the sports science sector: Sport Management, Physical Education, Health and Fitness, Sport Coaching. These are the key areas in the environment of sport and physical activity both for their prevalence in the educational and research offer and for the impact on the labour market. The involvement of a significant number of partners from the new applicant countries will also allow that their educational systems - which have often been characterised by very different standards and structures in the sport sector - could be incorporated in the European alignment but also bring a significant support with specific experience and practices to the new process. The target groups of the project are primarily European sport science students, teachers and policy makers at universities and institutions dealing with education and research in the mentioned areas. Key employer organisations, groups and networks in the areas identified will also be involved in the data collection and implementation of the results: i.e. directors and institute managers, researchers, teachers, students, graduates, designers of curricula, managers of communication and information inside the institutions, and national and regional governments, national and international associations and confederations of sport organisations as well as workers' unions and associations of employers in the sector