3 research outputs found

    Deterministic massively parallel connectivity

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    We consider the problem of designing fundamental graph algorithms on the model of Massive Parallel Computation (MPC). The input to the problem is an undirected grap

    Approximations of General Independent Distributions

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    We describe efficient constructions of small probability spaces that approximate the independent distribution for general random variables. Previous work on efficient constructions concentrate on approximations of the independent distribution for the special case of uniform boolean-valued random variables. Our results yield efficient constructions of small sets with low discrepancy in high dimensional space and have applications to derandomizing randomized algorithms. 1 Introduction The problem of constructing small sample spaces that "approximate" the independent distribution on n random variables has received considerable attention recently (cf. [6, Chor Goldreich] [8, Karp Wigderson], [11, Luby], [1, Alon Babai Itai], [13, Naor Naor], [2, Alon Goldreich Hastad Peralta], [3, Azar Motwani Naor]). The primary motivation for this line of research is that random variables that are "approximately" independent suffices for the analysis of many interesting randomized algorithm and hence c..