6 research outputs found

    Algorithms and Complexity for Functions on General Domains

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    Error bounds and complexity bounds in numerical analysis and information-based complexity are often proved for functions that are defined on very simple domains, such as a cube, a torus, or a sphere. We study optimal error bounds for the approximation or integration of functions defined on Dd⊂RdD_d \subset R^d and only assume that DdD_d is a bounded Lipschitz domain. Some results are even more general. We study three different concepts to measure the complexity: order of convergence, asymptotic constant, and explicit uniform bounds, i.e., bounds that hold for all nn (number of pieces of information) and all (normalized) domains. It is known for many problems that the order of convergence of optimal algorithms does not depend on the domain Dd⊂RdD_d \subset R^d. We present examples for which the following statements are true: 1) Also the asymptotic constant does not depend on the shape of DdD_d or the imposed boundary values, it only depends on the volume of the domain. 2) There are explicit and uniform lower (or upper, respectively) bounds for the error that are only slightly smaller (or larger, respectively) than the asymptotic error bound.Comment: minor revision; to appear in Journal of Complexit

    Counting via entropy: new preasymptotics for the approximation numbers of Sobolev embeddings

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    In this paper, we reveal a new connection between approximation numbers of periodic Sobolev type spaces, where the smoothness weights on the Fourier coefficients are induced by a (quasi-)norm ∥⋅∥\|\cdot\| on Rd\mathbb{R}^d, and entropy numbers of the embedding id:ℓ∥⋅∥d→ℓ∞d\textrm{id}: \ell_{\|\cdot\|}^d \to \ell_\infty^d. This connection yields preasymptotic error bounds for approximation numbers of isotropic Sobolev spaces, spaces of analytic functions, and spaces of Gevrey type in L2L_2 and H1H^1, which find application in the context of Galerkin methods. Moreover, we observe that approximation numbers of certain Gevrey type spaces behave preasymptotically almost identical to approximation numbers of spaces of dominating mixed smoothness. This observation can be exploited, for instance, for Galerkin schemes for the electronic Schr\"odinger equation, where mixed regularity is present

    Tight error bounds for rank-1 lattice sampling in spaces of hybrid mixed smoothness

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    We consider the approximate recovery of multivariate periodic functions from a discrete set of function values taken on a rank-ss integration lattice. The main result is the fact that any (non-)linear reconstruction algorithm taking function values on a rank-ss lattice of size MM has a dimension-independent lower bound of 2−(α+1)/2M−α/22^{-(\alpha+1)/2} M^{-\alpha/2} when considering the optimal worst-case error with respect to function spaces of (hybrid) mixed smoothness α>0\alpha>0 on the dd-torus. We complement this lower bound with upper bounds that coincide up to logarithmic terms. These upper bounds are obtained by a detailed analysis of a rank-1 lattice sampling strategy, where the rank-1 lattices are constructed by a component-by-component (CBC) method. This improves on earlier results obtained in [25] and [27]. The lattice (group) structure allows for an efficient approximation of the underlying function from its sampled values using a single one-dimensional fast Fourier transform. This is one reason why these algorithms keep attracting significant interest. We compare our results to recent (almost) optimal methods based upon samples on sparse grids

    ss-Numbers of Embeddings of Weighted Wiener Algebras

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    In this paper we study the asymptotic behavior of Kolmogorov, approximation, Bernstein and Weyl numbers of embeddings Amixs,r(Td)→L2(Td) \mathcal{A}^{s,r}_{\rm mix}(\mathbb{T}^d) \to L_2(\mathbb{T}^d) and Amixs,r(Td)→A(Td)\mathcal{A}^{s,r}_{\rm mix}(\mathbb{T}^d) \to \mathcal{A}(\mathbb{T}^d), where Amixs,r(Td)\mathcal{A}^{s,r}_{\rm mix}(\mathbb{T}^d) is a weighted Wiener algebra of mixed smoothness ss and A(Td)\mathcal{A}(\mathbb{T}^d) is the Wiener algebra itself, both defined on the dd-dimensional torus Td\mathbb{T}^d. Our main interest consists in the calculation of the associated asymptotic constants.Comment: 25 page

    How anisotropic mixed smoothness affects the decay of singular numbers of Sobolev embeddings

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    We continue the research on the asymptotic and preasymptotic decay of singular numbers for tensor product Hilbert-Sobolev type embeddings in high dimensions with special emphasis on the influence of the underlying dimension dd. The main focus in this paper lies on tensor products involving univariate Sobolev type spaces with different smoothness. We study the embeddings into L2L_2 and H1H^1. In other words, we investigate the worst-case approximation error measured in L2L_2 and H1H^1 when only nn linear samples of the function are available. Recent progress in the field shows that accurate bounds on the singular numbers are essential for recovery bounds using only function values. The asymptotic bounds in our setting are known for a long time. In this paper we contribute the correct asymptotic constant and explicit bounds in the preasymptotic range for nn. We complement and improve on several results in the literature. In addition, we refine the error bounds coming from the setting where the smoothness vector is moderately increasing, which has been already studied by Papageorgiou and Wo{\'z}niakowski

    Hyperbolic Cross Approximation

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    Hyperbolic cross approximation is a special type of multivariate approximation. Recently, driven by applications in engineering, biology, medicine and other areas of science new challenging problems have appeared. The common feature of these problems is high dimensions. We present here a survey on classical methods developed in multivariate approximation theory, which are known to work very well for moderate dimensions and which have potential for applications in really high dimensions. The theory of hyperbolic cross approximation and related theory of functions with mixed smoothness are under detailed study for more than 50 years. It is now well understood that this theory is important both for theoretical study and for practical applications. It is also understood that both theoretical analysis and construction of practical algorithms are very difficult problems. This explains why many fundamental problems in this area are still unsolved. Only a few survey papers and monographs on the topic are published. This and recently discovered deep connections between the hyperbolic cross approximation (and related sparse grids) and other areas of mathematics such as probability, discrepancy, and numerical integration motivated us to write this survey. We try to put emphases on the development of ideas and methods rather than list all the known results in the area. We formulate many problems, which, to our knowledge, are open problems. We also include some very recent results on the topic, which sometimes highlight new interesting directions of research. We hope that this survey will stimulate further active research in this fascinating and challenging area of approximation theory and numerical analysis.Comment: 185 pages, 24 figure