3 research outputs found

    A Linear Kernel for Planar Total Dominating Set

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    A total dominating set of a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) is a subset DβŠ†VD \subseteq V such that every vertex in VV is adjacent to some vertex in DD. Finding a total dominating set of minimum size is NP-hard on planar graphs and W[2]-complete on general graphs when parameterized by the solution size. By the meta-theorem of Bodlaender et al. [J. ACM, 2016], there exists a linear kernel for Total Dominating Set on graphs of bounded genus. Nevertheless, it is not clear how such a kernel can be effectively constructed, and how to obtain explicit reduction rules with reasonably small constants. Following the approach of Alber et al. [J. ACM, 2004], we provide an explicit kernel for Total Dominating Set on planar graphs with at most 410k410k vertices, where kk is the size of the solution. This result complements several known constructive linear kernels on planar graphs for other domination problems such as Dominating Set, Edge Dominating Set, Efficient Dominating Set, Connected Dominating Set, or Red-Blue Dominating Set.Comment: 33 pages, 13 figure

    Total Domination, Separated Clusters, CD-Coloring: Algorithms and Hardness

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    Domination and coloring are two classic problems in graph theory. The major focus of this paper is the CD-COLORING problem which combines the flavours of domination and colouring. Let GG be an undirected graph. A proper vertex coloring of GG is a cdβˆ’coloringcd-coloring if each color class has a dominating vertex in GG. The minimum integer kk for which there exists a cdβˆ’coloringcd-coloring of GG using kk colors is called the cd-chromatic number, Ο‡cd(G)\chi_{cd}(G). A set SβŠ†V(G)S\subseteq V(G) is a total dominating set if any vertex in GG has a neighbor in SS. The total domination number, Ξ³t(G)\gamma_t(G) of GG is the minimum integer kk such that GG has a total dominating set of size kk. A set SβŠ†V(G)S\subseteq V(G) is a separatedβˆ’clusterseparated-cluster if no two vertices in SS lie at a distance 2 in GG. The separated-cluster number, Ο‰s(G)\omega_s(G), of GG is the maximum integer kk such that GG has a separated-cluster of size kk. In this paper, first we explore the connection between CD-COLORING and TOTAL DOMINATION. We prove that CD-COLORING and TOTAL DOMINATION are NP-Complete on triangle-free dd-regular graphs for each fixed integer dβ‰₯3d\geq 3. We also study the relationship between the parameters Ο‡cd(G)\chi_{cd}(G) and Ο‰s(G)\omega_s(G). Analogous to the well-known notion of `perfectness', here we introduce the notion of `cd-perfectness'. We prove a sufficient condition for a graph GG to be cd-perfect (i.e. Ο‡cd(H)=Ο‰s(H)\chi_{cd}(H)= \omega_s(H), for any induced subgraph HH of GG) which is also necessary for certain graph classes (like triangle-free graphs). Here, we propose a generalized framework via which we obtain several exciting consequences in the algorithmic complexities of special graph classes. In addition, we settle an open problem by showing that the SEPARATED-CLUSTER is polynomially solvable for interval graphs

    Approximation for minimum total dominating set

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