1 research outputs found

    Approximation Schemes for Binary Quadratic Programming Problems with Low cp-Rank Decompositions

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    Binary quadratic programming problems have attracted much attention in the last few decades due to their potential applications. This type of problems are NP-hard in general, and still considered a challenge in the design of efficient approximation algorithms for their solutions. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the approximability for a class of such problems where the constraint matrices are {\it completely positive} and have low {\it cp-rank}. In the first part of the paper, we show that a completely positive rational factorization of such matrices can be computed in polynomial time, within any desired accuracy. We next consider binary quadratic programming problems of the following form: Given matrices Q1,...,Qn∈R+nΓ—nQ_1,...,Q_n\in\mathbb{R}_+^{n\times n}, and a system of mm constrains xTQix≀Ci2x^TQ_ix\le C_i^2 (xTQixβ‰₯Ci2x^TQ_ix\ge C_i^2), i=1,...,mi=1,...,m, we seek to find a vector xβˆ—βˆˆ{0,1}nx^*\in \{0,1\}^n that maximizes (minimizes) a given function ff. This class of problems generalizes many fundamental problems in discrete optimization such as packing and covering integer programs/knapsack problems, quadratic knapsack problems, submodular maximization, etc. We consider the case when mm and the cp-ranks of the matrices QiQ_i are bounded by a constant. Our approximation results for the maximization problem are as follows. For the case when the objective function is nonnegative submodular, we give an (1/4βˆ’Ο΅)(1/4-\epsilon)-approximation algorithm, for any Ο΅>0\epsilon>0; when the function ff is linear, we present a PTAS. We next extend our PTAS result to a wider class of non-linear objective functions including quadratic functions, multiplicative functions, and sum-of-ratio functions. The minimization problem seems to be much harder due to the fact that the relaxation is {\it not} convex. For this case, we give a QPTAS for m=1m=1