1 research outputs found

    Untersuchungen zur Erkennung, zum Nachweis und zur simultanen Genotypisierung von Hepatitis C-Viren (HCV) mittels Mikroarrays

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    This work shows the possibility to detect and classify different geno- and subtypes of Hepatitis C-Virus in parallel. Based on the development of hierarchical clusted HCV-specific, genotyp-specific and subtyp-specific shortmers within the 5´UTR, it could be demonstrated that the advantages of DNA-Microarrays can be used for identification purposes. The challanges of covering the hugh number of HCV types and subtypes based on their sequence variability could be faced with new normalisation algorithms (intra-array normalisation), and bioinformatics for design of the oligonucleotides as well the analysis of the microarray data