726,538 research outputs found

    An optimal bifactor approximation algorithm for the metric uncapacitated facility location problem

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    We obtain a 1.5-approximation algorithm for the metric uncapacitated facility location problem (UFL), which improves on the previously best known 1.52-approximation algorithm by Mahdian, Ye and Zhang. Note, that the approximability lower bound by Guha and Khuller is 1.463. An algorithm is a {\em (λf\lambda_f,λc\lambda_c)-approximation algorithm} if the solution it produces has total cost at most λf⋅F∗+λc⋅C∗\lambda_f \cdot F^* + \lambda_c \cdot C^*, where F∗F^* and C∗C^* are the facility and the connection cost of an optimal solution. Our new algorithm, which is a modification of the (1+2/e)(1+2/e)-approximation algorithm of Chudak and Shmoys, is a (1.6774,1.3738)-approximation algorithm for the UFL problem and is the first one that touches the approximability limit curve (γf,1+2e−γf)(\gamma_f, 1+2e^{-\gamma_f}) established by Jain, Mahdian and Saberi. As a consequence, we obtain the first optimal approximation algorithm for instances dominated by connection costs. When combined with a (1.11,1.7764)-approximation algorithm proposed by Jain et al., and later analyzed by Mahdian et al., we obtain the overall approximation guarantee of 1.5 for the metric UFL problem. We also describe how to use our algorithm to improve the approximation ratio for the 3-level version of UFL.Comment: A journal versio

    A near-optimal approximation algorithm for Asymmetric TSP on embedded graphs

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    We present a near-optimal polynomial-time approximation algorithm for the asymmetric traveling salesman problem for graphs of bounded orientable or non-orientable genus. Our algorithm achieves an approximation factor of O(f(g)) on graphs with genus g, where f(n) is the best approximation factor achievable in polynomial time on arbitrary n-vertex graphs. In particular, the O(log(n)/loglog(n))-approximation algorithm for general graphs by Asadpour et al. [SODA 2010] immediately implies an O(log(g)/loglog(g))-approximation algorithm for genus-g graphs. Our result improves the O(sqrt(g)*log(g))-approximation algorithm of Oveis Gharan and Saberi [SODA 2011], which applies only to graphs with orientable genus g; ours is the first approximation algorithm for graphs with bounded non-orientable genus. Moreover, using recent progress on approximating the genus of a graph, our O(log(g) / loglog(g))-approximation can be implemented even without an embedding when the input graph has bounded degree. In contrast, the O(sqrt(g)*log(g))-approximation algorithm of Oveis Gharan and Saberi requires a genus-g embedding as part of the input. Finally, our techniques lead to a O(1)-approximation algorithm for ATSP on graphs of genus g, with running time 2^O(g)*n^O(1)

    On Conceptually Simple Algorithms for Variants of Online Bipartite Matching

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    We present a series of results regarding conceptually simple algorithms for bipartite matching in various online and related models. We first consider a deterministic adversarial model. The best approximation ratio possible for a one-pass deterministic online algorithm is 1/21/2, which is achieved by any greedy algorithm. D\"urr et al. recently presented a 22-pass algorithm called Category-Advice that achieves approximation ratio 3/53/5. We extend their algorithm to multiple passes. We prove the exact approximation ratio for the kk-pass Category-Advice algorithm for all k≥1k \ge 1, and show that the approximation ratio converges to the inverse of the golden ratio 2/(1+5)≈0.6182/(1+\sqrt{5}) \approx 0.618 as kk goes to infinity. The convergence is extremely fast --- the 55-pass Category-Advice algorithm is already within 0.01%0.01\% of the inverse of the golden ratio. We then consider a natural greedy algorithm in the online stochastic IID model---MinDegree. This algorithm is an online version of a well-known and extensively studied offline algorithm MinGreedy. We show that MinDegree cannot achieve an approximation ratio better than 1−1/e1-1/e, which is guaranteed by any consistent greedy algorithm in the known IID model. Finally, following the work in Besser and Poloczek, we depart from an adversarial or stochastic ordering and investigate a natural randomized algorithm (MinRanking) in the priority model. Although the priority model allows the algorithm to choose the input ordering in a general but well defined way, this natural algorithm cannot obtain the approximation of the Ranking algorithm in the ROM model
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