18,502 research outputs found

    Superexpanders from group actions on compact manifolds

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    It is known that the expanders arising as increasing sequences of level sets of warped cones, as introduced by the second-named author, do not coarsely embed into a Banach space as soon as the corresponding warped cone does not coarsely embed into this Banach space. Combining this with non-embeddability results for warped cones by Nowak and Sawicki, which relate the non-embeddability of a warped cone to a spectral gap property of the underlying action, we provide new examples of expanders that do not coarsely embed into any Banach space with nontrivial type. Moreover, we prove that these expanders are not coarsely equivalent to a Lafforgue expander. In particular, we provide infinitely many coarsely distinct superexpanders that are not Lafforgue expanders. In addition, we prove a quasi-isometric rigidity result for warped cones.Comment: 16 pages, to appear in Geometriae Dedicat

    Algorithm and Complexity for a Network Assortativity Measure

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    We show that finding a graph realization with the minimum Randi\'c index for a given degree sequence is solvable in polynomial time by formulating the problem as a minimum weight perfect b-matching problem. However, the realization found via this reduction is not guaranteed to be connected. Approximating the minimum weight b-matching problem subject to a connectivity constraint is shown to be NP-Hard. For instances in which the optimal solution to the minimum Randi\'c index problem is not connected, we describe a heuristic to connect the graph using pairwise edge exchanges that preserves the degree sequence. In our computational experiments, the heuristic performs well and the Randi\'c index of the realization after our heuristic is within 3% of the unconstrained optimal value on average. Although we focus on minimizing the Randi\'c index, our results extend to maximizing the Randi\'c index as well. Applications of the Randi\'c index to synchronization of neuronal networks controlling respiration in mammals and to normalizing cortical thickness networks in diagnosing individuals with dementia are provided.Comment: Added additional section on application

    Random local algorithms

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    Consider the problem when we want to construct some structure on a bounded degree graph, e.g. an almost maximum matching, and we want to decide about each edge depending only on its constant radius neighbourhood. We show that the information about the local statistics of the graph does not help here. Namely, if there exists a random local algorithm which can use any local statistics about the graph, and produces an almost optimal structure, then the same can be achieved by a random local algorithm using no statistics.Comment: 9 page

    Bootstrap percolation in directed and inhomogeneous random graphs

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    Bootstrap percolation is a process that is used to model the spread of an infection on a given graph. In the model considered here each vertex is equipped with an individual threshold. As soon as the number of infected neighbors exceeds that threshold, the vertex gets infected as well and remains so forever. We perform a thorough analysis of bootstrap percolation on a novel model of directed and inhomogeneous random graphs, where the distribution of the edges is specified by assigning two distinct weights to each vertex, describing the tendency of it to receive edges from or to send edges to other vertices. Under the assumption that the limiting degree distribution of the graph is integrable we determine the typical fraction of infected vertices. Our model allows us to study a variety of settings, in particular the prominent case in which the degree distribution has an unbounded variance. Among other results, we quantify the notion of "systemic risk", that is, to what extent local adverse shocks can propagate to large parts of the graph through a cascade, and discover novel features that make graphs prone/resilient to initially small infections
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