2 research outputs found

    On IO-efficient viewshed algorithms and their accuracy

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    Given a terrain T and a point v, the viewshed or visibility map of v is the set of points in T that are visible from v. To decide whether a point p is visible one needs to interpolate the elevation of the terrain along the line-of-sight (LOS) vp. Existing viewshed algorithms differ widely in which and how many points they chose to interpolate, how many lines-of-sight they consider, and how they interpolate the terrain. These choices crucially affect the running time and accuracy of the algorithms. In this paper our goal was to obtain an IO-efficient algorithm that computes the viewshed on a grid terrain with as much accuracy as possible given the resolution of the data. We describe two algorithms which are based on computing and merging horizons, and we prove that the complexity of horizons on a grid of n points is O(n), improving on the general O(na(n)) bound on triangulated terrains. Our finding is that, in practice, horizons on grids are significantly smaller than their theoretical worst case bound, which makes horizon-based approaches very fast. To measure the differences between viewsheds computed with various algorithms we implement an error metric that averages differences over a large number of viewsheds computed from a set of viewpoints with topological significance, like valleys and ridges. Using this metric we compare our current approach, Van Kreveld's model used in our previous work [7], the algorithm of Ferreira et al. [6], and the viewshed module r.los in the open source GIS GRASS

    Abstract Approximating the Visible Region of a Point on a Terrain βˆ—

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    Given a terrain T and a point p on or above it, we wish to compute the region Rp that is visible from p. We present a generic radar-like algorithm for computing an approximation of Rp. The algorithm extrapolates the visible region between two consecutive rays (emanating from p) whenever the rays are close enough; that is, whenever the difference between the sets of visible segments along the cross sections in the directions specified by the rays is below some threshold. Thus the density of the sampling by rays is sensitive to the shape of the visible region. We suggest a specific way to measure the resemblance (difference) and to extrapolate the visible region between two consecutive rays. We also present an alternative algorithm, which uses circles of increasing radii centered at p instead of rays emanating from p. Both algorithms compute a representation of the (approximated) visible region that is especially suitable for visibility from p queries. Finally, we report on the experiments that we performed with these algorithms and with their corresponding fixed versions, using a natural error measure. Our main conclusion is that the radar-like algorithm is significantly better than the others.