726 research outputs found

    Balanced Combinations of Solutions in Multi-Objective Optimization

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    For every list of integers x_1, ..., x_m there is some j such that x_1 + ... + x_j - x_{j+1} - ... - x_m \approx 0. So the list can be nearly balanced and for this we only need one alternation between addition and subtraction. But what if the x_i are k-dimensional integer vectors? Using results from topological degree theory we show that balancing is still possible, now with k alternations. This result is useful in multi-objective optimization, as it allows a polynomial-time computable balance of two alternatives with conflicting costs. The application to two multi-objective optimization problems yields the following results: - A randomized 1/2-approximation for multi-objective maximum asymmetric traveling salesman, which improves and simplifies the best known approximation for this problem. - A deterministic 1/2-approximation for multi-objective maximum weighted satisfiability

    On the Maximum Satisfiability of Random Formulas

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    Maximum satisfiability is a canonical NP-hard optimization problem that appears empirically hard for random instances. Let us say that a Conjunctive normal form (CNF) formula consisting of kk-clauses is pp-satisfiable if there exists a truth assignment satisfying 1−2−k+p2−k1-2^{-k}+p 2^{-k} of all clauses (observe that every kk-CNF is 0-satisfiable). Also, let Fk(n,m)F_k(n,m) denote a random kk-CNF on nn variables formed by selecting uniformly and independently mm out of all possible kk-clauses. It is easy to prove that for every k>1k>1 and every pp in (0,1](0,1], there is Rk(p)R_k(p) such that if r>Rk(p)r >R_k(p), then the probability that Fk(n,rn)F_k(n,rn) is pp-satisfiable tends to 0 as nn tends to infinity. We prove that there exists a sequence δk→0\delta_k \to 0 such that if r<(1−δk)Rk(p)r <(1-\delta_k) R_k(p) then the probability that Fk(n,rn)F_k(n,rn)is pp-satisfiable tends to 1 as nn tends to infinity. The sequence δk\delta_k tends to 0 exponentially fast in kk
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