12,186 research outputs found

    Oblivious Bounds on the Probability of Boolean Functions

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    This paper develops upper and lower bounds for the probability of Boolean functions by treating multiple occurrences of variables as independent and assigning them new individual probabilities. We call this approach dissociation and give an exact characterization of optimal oblivious bounds, i.e. when the new probabilities are chosen independent of the probabilities of all other variables. Our motivation comes from the weighted model counting problem (or, equivalently, the problem of computing the probability of a Boolean function), which is #P-hard in general. By performing several dissociations, one can transform a Boolean formula whose probability is difficult to compute, into one whose probability is easy to compute, and which is guaranteed to provide an upper or lower bound on the probability of the original formula by choosing appropriate probabilities for the dissociated variables. Our new bounds shed light on the connection between previous relaxation-based and model-based approximations and unify them as concrete choices in a larger design space. We also show how our theory allows a standard relational database management system (DBMS) to both upper and lower bound hard probabilistic queries in guaranteed polynomial time.Comment: 34 pages, 14 figures, supersedes: http://arxiv.org/abs/1105.281

    Nearly Optimal Private Convolution

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    We study computing the convolution of a private input xx with a public input hh, while satisfying the guarantees of (Ͼ,δ)(\epsilon, \delta)-differential privacy. Convolution is a fundamental operation, intimately related to Fourier Transforms. In our setting, the private input may represent a time series of sensitive events or a histogram of a database of confidential personal information. Convolution then captures important primitives including linear filtering, which is an essential tool in time series analysis, and aggregation queries on projections of the data. We give a nearly optimal algorithm for computing convolutions while satisfying (Ͼ,δ)(\epsilon, \delta)-differential privacy. Surprisingly, we follow the simple strategy of adding independent Laplacian noise to each Fourier coefficient and bounding the privacy loss using the composition theorem of Dwork, Rothblum, and Vadhan. We derive a closed form expression for the optimal noise to add to each Fourier coefficient using convex programming duality. Our algorithm is very efficient -- it is essentially no more computationally expensive than a Fast Fourier Transform. To prove near optimality, we use the recent discrepancy lowerbounds of Muthukrishnan and Nikolov and derive a spectral lower bound using a characterization of discrepancy in terms of determinants

    On Low Treewidth Approximations of Conjunctive Queries

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    We recently initiated the study of approximations of conjunctive queries within classes that admit tractable query evaluation (with respect to combined complexity). Those include classes of acyclic, bounded treewidth, or bounded hypertreewidth queries. Such approximations are always guaranteed to exist. However, while for acyclic and bounded hypertreewidth queries we have shown a number of examples of interesting approximations, for queries of bounded treewidth the study had been restricted to queries over graphs, where such approximations usually trivialize. In this note we show that for relations of arity greater than two, the notion of low treewidth approximations is a rich one, as many queries possess them. In fact we look at approximations of queries of maximum possible treewidth by queries of minimum possible treewidth (i.e., one), and show that even in this case the structure of approximations remain rather rich as long as input relations are not binary

    Structured learning of metric ensembles with application to person re-identification

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    Matching individuals across non-overlapping camera networks, known as person re-identification, is a fundamentally challenging problem due to the large visual appearance changes caused by variations of viewpoints, lighting, and occlusion. Approaches in literature can be categoried into two streams: The first stream is to develop reliable features against realistic conditions by combining several visual features in a pre-defined way; the second stream is to learn a metric from training data to ensure strong inter-class differences and intra-class similarities. However, seeking an optimal combination of visual features which is generic yet adaptive to different benchmarks is a unsoved problem, and metric learning models easily get over-fitted due to the scarcity of training data in person re-identification. In this paper, we propose two effective structured learning based approaches which explore the adaptive effects of visual features in recognizing persons in different benchmark data sets. Our framework is built on the basis of multiple low-level visual features with an optimal ensemble of their metrics. We formulate two optimization algorithms, CMCtriplet and CMCstruct, which directly optimize evaluation measures commonly used in person re-identification, also known as the Cumulative Matching Characteristic (CMC) curve.Comment: 16 pages. Extended version of "Learning to Rank in Person Re-Identification With Metric Ensembles", at http://www.cv-foundation.org/openaccess/content_cvpr_2015/html/Paisitkriangkrai_Learning_to_Rank_2015_CVPR_paper.html. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1503.0154
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