7,202 research outputs found

    Relaxations for inference in restricted Boltzmann machines

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    We propose a relaxation-based approximate inference algorithm that samples near-MAP configurations of a binary pairwise Markov random field. We experiment on MAP inference tasks in several restricted Boltzmann machines. We also use our underlying sampler to estimate the log-partition function of restricted Boltzmann machines and compare against other sampling-based methods.Comment: ICLR 2014 workshop track submissio

    Inferring Sparsity: Compressed Sensing using Generalized Restricted Boltzmann Machines

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    In this work, we consider compressed sensing reconstruction from MM measurements of KK-sparse structured signals which do not possess a writable correlation model. Assuming that a generative statistical model, such as a Boltzmann machine, can be trained in an unsupervised manner on example signals, we demonstrate how this signal model can be used within a Bayesian framework of signal reconstruction. By deriving a message-passing inference for general distribution restricted Boltzmann machines, we are able to integrate these inferred signal models into approximate message passing for compressed sensing reconstruction. Finally, we show for the MNIST dataset that this approach can be very effective, even for M<KM < K.Comment: IEEE Information Theory Workshop, 201

    Monotone deep Boltzmann machines

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    Deep Boltzmann machines (DBMs), one of the first ``deep'' learning methods ever studied, are multi-layered probabilistic models governed by a pairwise energy function that describes the likelihood of all variables/nodes in the network. In practice, DBMs are often constrained, i.e., via the \emph{restricted} Boltzmann machine (RBM) architecture (which does not permit intra-layer connections), in order to allow for more efficient inference. In this work, we revisit the generic DBM approach, and ask the question: are there other possible restrictions to their design that would enable efficient (approximate) inference? In particular, we develop a new class of restricted model, the monotone DBM, which allows for arbitrary self-connection in each layer, but restricts the \emph{weights} in a manner that guarantees the existence and global uniqueness of a mean-field fixed point. To do this, we leverage tools from the recently-proposed monotone Deep Equilibrium model and show that a particular choice of activation results in a fixed-point iteration that gives a variational mean-field solution. While this approach is still largely conceptual, it is the first architecture that allows for efficient approximate inference in fully-general weight structures for DBMs. We apply this approach to simple deep convolutional Boltzmann architectures and demonstrate that it allows for tasks such as the joint completion and classification of images, within a single deep probabilistic setting, while avoiding the pitfalls of mean-field inference in traditional RBMs

    Learning Generative Models with Visual Attention

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    Attention has long been proposed by psychologists as important for effectively dealing with the enormous sensory stimulus available in the neocortex. Inspired by the visual attention models in computational neuroscience and the need of object-centric data for generative models, we describe for generative learning framework using attentional mechanisms. Attentional mechanisms can propagate signals from region of interest in a scene to an aligned canonical representation, where generative modeling takes place. By ignoring background clutter, generative models can concentrate their resources on the object of interest. Our model is a proper graphical model where the 2D Similarity transformation is a part of the top-down process. A ConvNet is employed to provide good initializations during posterior inference which is based on Hamiltonian Monte Carlo. Upon learning images of faces, our model can robustly attend to face regions of novel test subjects. More importantly, our model can learn generative models of new faces from a novel dataset of large images where the face locations are not known.Comment: In the proceedings of Neural Information Processing Systems, 201

    Modeling Documents with Deep Boltzmann Machines

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    We introduce a Deep Boltzmann Machine model suitable for modeling and extracting latent semantic representations from a large unstructured collection of documents. We overcome the apparent difficulty of training a DBM with judicious parameter tying. This parameter tying enables an efficient pretraining algorithm and a state initialization scheme that aids inference. The model can be trained just as efficiently as a standard Restricted Boltzmann Machine. Our experiments show that the model assigns better log probability to unseen data than the Replicated Softmax model. Features extracted from our model outperform LDA, Replicated Softmax, and DocNADE models on document retrieval and document classification tasks.Comment: Appears in Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI2013