6 research outputs found

    Batch mode sparse active learning

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    Abstract-Sparse representation, due to its clear and powerful insight deep into the structure of data, has seen a recent surge of interest in the classification community. Based on this, a family of reliable classification methods have been proposed. On the other hand, obtaining sufficiently labeled training data has long been a challenging problem, thus considerable research has been done regarding active selection of instances to be labeled. In our work, we will present a novel unified framework, i.e. BMSAL(Batch Mode Sparse Active Learning). Based on the existing sparse family of classifiers, we define rigorously the corresponding BMSAL family and explore their shared properties, most importantly (approximate) submodularity. We focus on the feasibility and reliability of the BMSAL family: The first one inspires us to optimize the algorithms and conduct experiments comparing with state-of-the-art methods; for reliability, we give error-bounded algorithms, as well as detailed logical deductions and empirical tests for applying sparse in non-linear data sets

    Approximate nearest neighbor and its many variants

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2013.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 53-55).This thesis investigates two variants of the approximate nearest neighbor problem. First, motivated by the recent research on diversity-aware search, we investigate the k-diverse near neighbor reporting problem. The problem is defined as follows: given a query point q, report the maximum diversity set S of k points in the ball of radius r around q. The diversity of a set S is measured by the minimum distance between any pair of points in S (the higher, the better). We present two approximation algorithms for the case where the points live in a d-dimensional Hamming space. Our algorithms guarantee query times that are sub-linear in n and only polynomial in the diversity parameter k, as well as the dimension d. For low values of k, our algorithms achieve sub-linear query times even if the number of points within distance r from a query q is linear in n. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first known algorithms of this type that offer provable guarantees. In the other variant, we consider the approximate line near neighbor (LNN) problem. Here, the database consists of a set of lines instead of points but the query is still a point. Let L be a set of n lines in the d dimensional euclidean space Rd. The goal is to preprocess the set of lines so that we can answer the Line Near Neighbor (LNN) queries in sub-linear time. That is, given the query point ... we want to report a line ... (if there is any), such that ... for some threshold value r, where ... is the euclidean distance between them. We start by illustrating the solution to the problem in the case where there are only two lines in the database and present a data structure in this case. Then we show a recursive algorithm that merges these data structures and solve the problem for the general case of n lines. The algorithm has polynomial space and performs only a logarithmic number of calls to the approximate nearest neighbor subproblem.by Sepideh Mahabadi.S.M

    Approximate nearest subspace search with applications to pattern recognition

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    Linear and affine subspaces are commonly used to describe appearance of objects under different lighting, viewpoint, articulation, and identity. A natural problem arising from their use is – given a query image portion represented as a point in some high dimensional space – find a subspace near to the query. This paper presents an efficient solution to the approximate nearest subspace problem for both linear and affine subspaces. Our method is based on a simple reduction to the problem of nearest point search, and can thus employ tree based search or locality sensitive hashing to find a near subspace. Further speedup may be achieved by using random projections to lower the dimensionality of the problem. We provide theoretical proofs of correctness and error bounds of our construction and demonstrate its capabilities on synthetic and real data. Our experiments demonstrate that an approximate nearest subspace can be located significantly faster than the exact nearest subspace, while at the same time it can find better matches compared to a similar search on points, in the presence of variations due to viewpoint, lighting etc. 1