2,954 research outputs found

    Extended Object Tracking: Introduction, Overview and Applications

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    This article provides an elaborate overview of current research in extended object tracking. We provide a clear definition of the extended object tracking problem and discuss its delimitation to other types of object tracking. Next, different aspects of extended object modelling are extensively discussed. Subsequently, we give a tutorial introduction to two basic and well used extended object tracking approaches - the random matrix approach and the Kalman filter-based approach for star-convex shapes. The next part treats the tracking of multiple extended objects and elaborates how the large number of feasible association hypotheses can be tackled using both Random Finite Set (RFS) and Non-RFS multi-object trackers. The article concludes with a summary of current applications, where four example applications involving camera, X-band radar, light detection and ranging (lidar), red-green-blue-depth (RGB-D) sensors are highlighted.Comment: 30 pages, 19 figure

    On Gibbs Sampling Architecture for Labeled Random Finite Sets Multi-Object Tracking

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    Gibbs sampling is one of the most popular Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms because of its simplicity, scalability, and wide applicability within many fields of statistics, science, and engineering. In the labeled random finite sets literature, Gibbs sampling procedures have recently been applied to efficiently truncate the single-sensor and multi-sensor δ\delta-generalized labeled multi-Bernoulli posterior density as well as the multi-sensor adaptive labeled multi-Bernoulli birth distribution. However, only a limited discussion has been provided regarding key Gibbs sampler architecture details including the Markov chain Monte Carlo sample generation technique and early termination criteria. This paper begins with a brief background on Markov chain Monte Carlo methods and a review of the Gibbs sampler implementations proposed for labeled random finite sets filters. Next, we propose a short chain, multi-simulation sample generation technique that is well suited for these applications and enables a parallel processing implementation. Additionally, we present two heuristic early termination criteria that achieve similar sampling performance with substantially fewer Markov chain observations. Finally, the benefits of the proposed Gibbs samplers are demonstrated via two Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: Accepted to the 2023 Proc. IEEE 26th Int. Conf. Inf. Fusio

    Random finite sets in multi-target tracking - efficient sequential MCMC implementation

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    Over the last few decades multi-target tracking (MTT) has proved to be a challenging and attractive research topic. MTT applications span a wide variety of disciplines, including robotics, radar/sonar surveillance, computer vision and biomedical research. The primary focus of this dissertation is to develop an effective and efficient multi-target tracking algorithm dealing with an unknown and time-varying number of targets. The emerging and promising Random Finite Set (RFS) framework provides a rigorous foundation for optimal Bayes multi-target tracking. In contrast to traditional approaches, the collection of individual targets is treated as a set-valued state. The intent of this dissertation is two-fold; first to assert that the RFS framework not only is a natural, elegant and rigorous foundation, but also leads to practical, efficient and reliable algorithms for Bayesian multi-target tracking, and second to provide several novel RFS based tracking algorithms suitable for the specific Track-Before-Detect (TBD) surveillance application. One main contribution of this dissertation is a rigorous derivation and practical implementation of a novel algorithm well suited to deal with multi-target tracking problems for a given cardinality. The proposed Interacting Population-based MCMC-PF algorithm makes use of several Metropolis-Hastings samplers running in parallel, which interact through genetic variation. Another key contribution concerns the design and implementation of two novel algorithms to handle a varying number of targets. The first approach exploits Reversible Jumps. The second approach is built upon the concepts of labeled RFSs and multiple cardinality hypotheses. The performance of the proposed algorithms is also demonstrated in practical scenarios, and shown to significantly outperform conventional multi-target PF in terms of track accuracy and consistency. The final contribution seeks to exploit external information to increase the performance of the surveillance system. In multi-target scenarios, kinematic constraints from the interaction of targets with their environment or other targets can restrict target motion. Such motion constraint information is integrated by using a fixed-lag smoothing procedure, named Knowledge-Based Fixed-Lag Smoother (KB-Smoother). The proposed combination IP-MCMC-PF/KB-Smoother yields enhanced tracking

    State space reparametrization for approximating nonlinear models in Bayesian state estimation

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    Recursive Bayesian state estimation is a powerful methodology which is useful for the integration of data about a process of interest while considering all the sources of uncertainty which are present in the observations and in modeling inaccuracies. However, in its general form it is intractable and approximations need to be made in order to use it in real life applications. The most widely used algorithm to perform recursive state estimation is the Kalman filter, which assumes that the probability distributions that it propagates are Gaussian and that the measurement and dynamical processes are linear. If these assumptions are satisfied, the Kalman filter is optimal. In most applications, however, this proves to be an oversimplification, due to which several techniques have arisen to handle model non-linearity and different types of distributions. In this thesis, a novel method for the estimation of distributions with nonlinear dynamical and measurement models is presented, which uses a reparametrization of the state space of the distributions in order to exploit the linear properties of the Kalman filter. This involves the mapping of the distribution into a different space, and a subsequent approximation as a Gaussian distribution. An analysis of the adequacy of this transformation is presented, which shows that it is a valid approach in a number of practically interesting filtering problems. The proposed approach is applied to the estimation of the state of Earth-orbiting objects, as it is a challenging estimation scenario which can benefit from the use of filter. Space situational awareness is increasingly important as near-Earth space becomes cluttered with satellites and debris. In this work, the sensors that are most commonly used to track objects in orbit, radars and telescopes, are modeled and a filter based on the previously discussed ideas is proposed. Finally, a multi-object estimation filter based on a recent estimation framework is presented which propagates high amounts of information while maintaining low computational complexity. This is important as there are many challenges to tracking large amounts of orbiting objects in a principled way using ground-based sensors, and naturally extends the single object filter described above to the multi-sensor, multi-object case