2 research outputs found

    Approaching the Matched-Filter Bound Using Iterated-Decision Equalization with Frequency-Interleaved Encoding

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    We propose a new low-complexity strategy for approaching the matched filter bound on most practical ISI channels. At the transmitter, a form of channel-independent precoding is introduced to perform frequency-interleaving, which appropriately conditions the channel. At the receiver, a very lowcomplexity iterated-decision equalizer [1] is used. As an illustration, we use the system to effectively attain the matched filter bound on the 1+D channel without the use of error-control coding

    Approaching the Matched-Filter Bound Using Iterated-Decision Equalization with Frequency-Interleaved Encoding

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    AbsfrmI- We propose a new low-complexity strategy for ap proaching the matched filter hound on most practical IS1 channels. At the transmitter, a form of channel-independent precoding is intmdieed to perform frequency-interleaving, which ap pmpriately conditions the channel. At the receiver, a very lowcomp~erity iterate&decision equal&er 111 is used. an illustration, we use the system to effectively attain the matched filter hound on the 1 + D channel without the use of error-contml coding. I