104,979 research outputs found

    Investing in Youth Media: A Guide for Grantmakers

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    Investing in Youth Media is a compilation of success stories, lessons, and guidance for grantmakers interested in being part of the vibrant and growing field of youth media. It is a tool to help funders consider the value of youth media in connection to program areas such as civic engagement, the arts, education, youth development, and journalism.Why are funders becoming interested in youth media? Youth media organizations offer a broad impact that belies their often small sizes and even smaller budgets. They bring together youth development and social justice in a way that is both energizing and authentic. They offer new models for educating young people who have lost interest in school, bring youth voices to public attention, and offer opportunities for artistic exploration and career experiences.Programs are built on the best practices of positive youth development, teaching young people new skills and empowering them to make smart decisions, explore new horizons, and work toward their goals. Program graduates leave with skills in interviewing, researching, and storytelling. They learn how to develop an idea and stick with it until they get the project done. These skills become important for their professional and personal lives.At the same time, youth media organizations can engage young people in social justice issues that are important to them. Whether it's inequity in education, foster care conditions, or the politics of immigration, young people explore the landscape, develop opinions, and share those opinions, along with their personal experiences, through film, radio, and the printed word. Although they are still too young to vote, these young people have found a way to impact the issues that affect their lives.While most funders do not have a defined youth media program, many find that youth media is an effective component of their grantmaking strategy. The case studies that follow introduce youth media programs supported by a variety of small local funders and large international philanthropies. They illustrate the links between youth media and six other program areas: youth development, social change, youth voice, education, journalism, media arts, and field building.The resource list at the end of this publication includes contact information for all of the youth media organizations listed here as well as intermediaries and others who can help you consider, develop, and launch a youth media philanthropy program

    Towards Scalable Beaconing in VANETs

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    Beaconing is envisioned to build a cooperative awareness in future intelligent vehicles, from which many ITS applications can draw their inputs. The problem of scalability has received ample attention over the past years and is primarily approached using power control methods. We reason power control alone will not be sufficient if we are to meet application requirements; the rate at which beacons are generated must also be controlled. Ultimately, adaptive approaches based on actual channel and traffic state can tune MAC and beaconing properties to optimal values in the dynamic VANET environment

    Transport in developing countries and climate policy: suggestions for a Copenhagen agreement and beyond

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    Also in the global South, transport already significantly contributes to climate change and has high growth rates. Further rapid motorisation of countries in Asia and Latin America could counteract any climate efforts and aggravate problems of noxious emissions, noise and congestion. This Paper aims at connecting the need for transport actions in developing countries to the international negotiations on a post-2012 climate change agreement. It outlines the decisions to be taken in Copenhagen and the preparations to adequately implement these decisions from 2013. Arguing, that a sustainable transport approach needs to set up comprehensive policy packages, the paper assesses the substance of current climate negotiations against the fit to sustainable transport. It concludes that the transport sector's importance should be highlighted and a significant contribution to mitigation efforts required. Combining the two perspectives lead to several concrete suggestions: Existing elements of the carbon market should be improved (e.g. discounting), but an upscale of the carbon market would not be an appropriate solution. Due to a lack of additionality, offsetting industrialised countries' targets would finally undermine the overall success of the climate agreement. Instead, a mitigation fund should be established under the UNFCCC and financed by industrialised countries. This fund should explicitly enable developing countries to implement national sustainable development transport and mobility policies as well as local projects. While industrialized countries would set up target achievement plans, developing countries should outline low carbon development strategies, including a section on transport policy. -- Die rasante Motorisierung Asiens und Lateinamerikas könnte die Klimaschutzerfolge konterkarieren. Bis 2030, so Prognosen der IEA, werden im Verkehrssektor 2,5 Gigatonnen CO2 mehr emitiert als heute; 80 Prozent davon in den Ländern des Südens. Das Papier soll die Notwendigkeit verdeutlichen, dass in den Entwicklungsländern im Verkehrssektor heute schon Maßnahmen ergriffen werden müssen und die Klimaverhandlungen für die Post-Kyoto-Phase eine wichtige Gelegenheit sind. Die Ansätze in den gegenwärtigen Klimaverhandlungen werden den Anforderungen einer nachhaltigen Verkehrspolitik gegenübergestellt und dafür plädiert, den Stellenwert des Verkehrssektors zu den Klimaschutzanstrengungen zu erhöhen. Dafür werden mehrere konkrete Vorschläge gemacht: So sollten vorhandene Elemente des Emissionshandels verbessert werden, die eigentlich angemessene Lösung sei jedoch ein neues Instrument: Um die Entwicklungsländer in die Lage zu versetzen Maßnahmen in der Verkehrspolitik umzusetzen und Politiken und Projekte vor Ort zu fördern, sollte ein von den Industrieländern finanzierter Klimaschutzfonds unter dem UN-Klimaregime eingerichtet werden. In Strategien für eine kohlenstoffarme Entwicklung sind dabei die Politikinstrumente einer nachhaltigen Verkehrsentwicklung zu integrieren.
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