3 research outputs found


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    Konten internet dapat berupa pornografi atau jebakan pornografi dengan tujuankorban anak di bawah umur. Tahun 2010 sebesar 97% remaja pernah mengaksescontent pronografi, dimana hal terebut berpengaruh negatif terhadap perkembangananak dan remaja. Dengan demikian akses terhadap pornografi oleh anak perlu dijaga.Beberapa penelitian telah menghasilkan aplikasi pendeteksi pornografi denganberbagai metode, seperti model warna YCbCr, shape descriptor yang saling mandiri.Dalam tulisan ini kami menyajikan klasifikasi citra porno dengan menggunakanalgoritma C 4.5 dan Shape descriptor berbasis model warna YCbCr. Klasifikasi denganC 4.5 merupakan tambahan metode perbaikan pada Shape Descriptor dan model warnaYCbCr dan di harapkan dapat secara presisi mengklasifikasikan citra porno dan bukan.Hasil dari percobaan terhadap 40 citra 8 bit dengan dimensi 256X256 yang terbagimenjadi citra porno, berbikini, mug shots dan non-porno, metode di atas dapatmengklasifikasikan True Positives (TP) 16, False Positives (FP) 10, False Negatives (FN) 4,True Negatives (TN) 10 dengan akurasi 65%, error rate 35%, precision 0,615, recall 0,8 sertanilai Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) 0,59.Semakin banyak data training semakin akurathasil dari testingnya, walaupun dalam beberapa kasus metode di atas belum akurat danhanya mengenail 3 dari 10 citra mug shots atau sebesar 43%.Kata Kunci: c 4.5, shape descriptor, model warna ycbcr, citra pornograf

    Survey On Nudity Detection: Opportunities And Challenges Based On ‘Awrah Concept In Islamic Shari’a

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    The nudity or nakedness which known as awrah in Islam is part of the human body which in principle should not be seen by other people except those qualified to be her or his mahram or in an emergency or urgent need.Nudity detection technique has long been receiving a lot of attention by researchers worldwide due to its importance particularly to the global Muslim community. In this paper, the techniques were separated into four classifications namely methods based on body structure, image retrieval, the features of skin region, and bag-of-visual-words (BoVW). All of these techniques are applicable to some areas of skin on the body as well as on the sexual organs that should be visible to determine nude or not. While the concept of nakedness in Islamic Shari'a has different rules between men and women, such as the limit of male ‘awrah is between the navel and the knees, while the limit of female ‘awrah is the entire body except the face and hands which should be closed using the hijab. In general, existing techniques can be used to detect nakedness concerned bythe Islamic Shari'a. The selection ofhese techniques are employed based on the areas of skin on the body as well as or the sexual organs to indicate whether it falls to thenude category or not. While in Islamic Shari'a, different 'awrah rules are required for men and women such as the limit 'awrah, the requirements of clothes as cover awrah, and kinds of shapes and shades of Hijabs in various countries (for women only). These problems are the opportunities and challenges for the researcher to propose an ‘awrah detection technique in accordance with the Islamic Shari'a

    Approach of RSOR Algorithm Using HSV Color Model for Nude Detection in Digital Images

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