5 research outputs found

    On component-oriented access control in lightweight virtualized server environments

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    2017 Fall.Includes bibliographical references.With the advancements in contemporary multi-core CPU architectures and increase in main memory capacity, it is now possible for a server operating system (OS), such as Linux, to handle a large number of concurrent services on a single server instance. Individual components of such services may run in different isolated runtime environments, such as chrooted jails or related forms of OS-level containers, and may need restricted access to system resources and the ability to share data and coordinate with each other in a regulated and secure manner. In this dissertation we describe our work on the access control framework for policy formulation, management, and enforcement that allows access to OS resources and also permits controlled data sharing and coordination for service components running in disjoint containerized environments within a single Linux OS server instance. The framework consists of two models and the policy formulation is based on the concept of policy classes for ease of administration and enforcement. The policy classes are managed and enforced through a Lightweight Policy Machine for Linux (LPM) that acts as the centralized reference monitor and provides a uniform interface for regulating access to system resources and requesting data and control objects. We present the details of our framework and also discuss the preliminary implementation and evaluation to demonstrate the feasibility of our approach

    DATS - data containers for web applications

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    Data containers enable users to control access to their data while untrusted applications compute on it. However, they require replicating an application inside each container - compromising functionality, programmability, and performance. We propose DATS - a system to run web applications that retains application usability and efficiency through a mix of hardware capability enhanced containers and the introduction of two new primitives modeled after the popular model-view-controller (MVC) pattern. (1) DATS introduces a templating language to create views that compose data across data containers. (2) DATS uses authenticated storage and confinement to enable an untrusted storage service, such as memcached and deduplication, to operate on plain-text data across containers. These two primitives act as robust declassifiers that allow DATS to enforce non-interference across containers, taking large applications out of the trusted computing base (TCB). We showcase eight different web applications including Gitlab and a Slack-like chat, significantly improve the worst-case overheads due to application replication, and demonstrate usable performance for common-case usage

    Enabling software security mechanisms through architectural support

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    Over the past decades, there has been a growing number of attacks compromising the security of computing systems. In the first half of 2020, data breaches caused by security attacks led to the exposure of 36 billion records containing private information, where the average cost of a data breach was $3.86 million. Over the years, researchers have developed a variety of software solutions that can actively protect computing systems against different classes of security attacks. However, such software solutions are rarely deployed in practice, largely due to their significant performance overhead, ranging from ~15% to multiple orders of magnitude. A hardware-assisted security extension can reduce the performance overhead of software-level implementations and provide a practical security solution. Hence, in recent years, there has been a growing trend in the industry to enforce security policies in hardware. Unfortunately, the current trend only implements dedicated hardware extensions for enforcing fixed security policies in hardware. As these policies are built in silicon, they cannot be updated at the pace at which security threats evolve. In this thesis, we propose a hybrid approach by developing and deploying both dedicated and flexible hardware-assisted security extensions. We incorporate an array of hardware engines as a security layer on top of an existing processor design. These engines are in the form of Programmable Engines (PEs) and Specialized Engines (SEs). A PE is a minimally invasive and flexible design, capable of enforcing a variety of security policies as security threats evolve. In contrast, an SE, which requires targeted modifications to an existing processor design, is a dedicated hardware security extension. An SE is less flexible than a PE, but has lower overheads. We first propose a PE called PHMon, which can enforce a variety of security policies. PHMon can also assist with detecting software bugs and security vulnerabilities. We demonstrate the versatility of PHMon through five representative use cases, (1) a shadow stack, (2) a hardware-accelerated fuzzing engine, (3) information leak prevention, (4) hardware accelerated debugging, and (5) a code coverage engine. We also propose two SEs as dedicated hardware extensions. Our first SE, called SealPK, provides an efficient and secure protection key-based intra-process memory isolation mechanism for the RISC-V ISA. SealPK provides higher security guarantees than the existing hardware extension in Intel processors, through three novel sealing features. These features prevent an attacker from modifying sealed domains, sealed pages, and sealed permissions. Our second SE, called FlexFilt, provides an efficient capability to guarantee the integrity of isolation-based mechanisms by preventing the execution of various instructions in untrusted parts of the code at runtime. We demonstrate the feasibility of our PE and SEs by providing a practical prototype of our hardware engines interfaced with a RISC-V processor on an FPGA and by providing the full Linux software stack for our design. Our FPGA-based evaluation demonstrates that PHMon improves the performance of fuzzing by 16X over the state-of-the-art software-based implementation while a PHMon-based shadow stack has less than 1% performance overhead. An isolated shadow stack implemented by leveraging SealPK is 80X faster than an isolated implementation using mprotect, and FlexFilt incurs negligible performance overhead for filtering instructions.2021-11-15T00:00:00