25,614 research outputs found

    Recognition of 3-D Objects from Multiple 2-D Views by a Self-Organizing Neural Architecture

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    The recognition of 3-D objects from sequences of their 2-D views is modeled by a neural architecture, called VIEWNET that uses View Information Encoded With NETworks. VIEWNET illustrates how several types of noise and varialbility in image data can be progressively removed while incornplcte image features are restored and invariant features are discovered using an appropriately designed cascade of processing stages. VIEWNET first processes 2-D views of 3-D objects using the CORT-X 2 filter, which discounts the illuminant, regularizes and completes figural boundaries, and removes noise from the images. Boundary regularization and cornpletion are achieved by the same mechanisms that suppress image noise. A log-polar transform is taken with respect to the centroid of the resulting figure and then re-centered to achieve 2-D scale and rotation invariance. The invariant images are coarse coded to further reduce noise, reduce foreshortening effects, and increase generalization. These compressed codes are input into a supervised learning system based on the fuzzy ARTMAP algorithm. Recognition categories of 2-D views are learned before evidence from sequences of 2-D view categories is accumulated to improve object recognition. Recognition is studied with noisy and clean images using slow and fast learning. VIEWNET is demonstrated on an MIT Lincoln Laboratory database of 2-D views of jet aircraft with and without additive noise. A recognition rate of 90% is achieved with one 2-D view category and of 98.5% correct with three 2-D view categories.National Science Foundation (IRI 90-24877); Office of Naval Research (N00014-91-J-1309, N00014-91-J-4100, N00014-92-J-0499); Air Force Office of Scientific Research (F9620-92-J-0499, 90-0083

    Impact of Ground Truth Annotation Quality on Performance of Semantic Image Segmentation of Traffic Conditions

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    Preparation of high-quality datasets for the urban scene understanding is a labor-intensive task, especially, for datasets designed for the autonomous driving applications. The application of the coarse ground truth (GT) annotations of these datasets without detriment to the accuracy of semantic image segmentation (by the mean intersection over union - mIoU) could simplify and speedup the dataset preparation and model fine tuning before its practical application. Here the results of the comparative analysis for semantic segmentation accuracy obtained by PSPNet deep learning architecture are presented for fine and coarse annotated images from Cityscapes dataset. Two scenarios were investigated: scenario 1 - the fine GT images for training and prediction, and scenario 2 - the fine GT images for training and the coarse GT images for prediction. The obtained results demonstrated that for the most important classes the mean accuracy values of semantic image segmentation for coarse GT annotations are higher than for the fine GT ones, and the standard deviation values are vice versa. It means that for some applications some unimportant classes can be excluded and the model can be tuned further for some classes and specific regions on the coarse GT dataset without loss of the accuracy even. Moreover, this opens the perspectives to use deep neural networks for the preparation of such coarse GT datasets.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables, The Second International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Education Applications (ICCSEEA2019) 26-27 January 2019, Kiev, Ukrain

    Data-Driven Segmentation of Post-mortem Iris Images

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    This paper presents a method for segmenting iris images obtained from the deceased subjects, by training a deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) designed for the purpose of semantic segmentation. Post-mortem iris recognition has recently emerged as an alternative, or additional, method useful in forensic analysis. At the same time it poses many new challenges from the technological standpoint, one of them being the image segmentation stage, which has proven difficult to be reliably executed by conventional iris recognition methods. Our approach is based on the SegNet architecture, fine-tuned with 1,300 manually segmented post-mortem iris images taken from the Warsaw-BioBase-Post-Mortem-Iris v1.0 database. The experiments presented in this paper show that this data-driven solution is able to learn specific deformations present in post-mortem samples, which are missing from alive irises, and offers a considerable improvement over the state-of-the-art, conventional segmentation algorithm (OSIRIS): the Intersection over Union (IoU) metric was improved from 73.6% (for OSIRIS) to 83% (for DCNN-based presented in this paper) averaged over subject-disjoint, multiple splits of the data into train and test subsets. This paper offers the first known to us method of automatic processing of post-mortem iris images. We offer source codes with the trained DCNN that perform end-to-end segmentation of post-mortem iris images, as described in this paper. Also, we offer binary masks corresponding to manual segmentation of samples from Warsaw-BioBase-Post-Mortem-Iris v1.0 database to facilitate development of alternative methods for post-mortem iris segmentation
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