397 research outputs found

    Software for efficient file elimination in computer forensics investigations

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    Computer forensics investigators, much more than with any other forensic discipline, must process an ever continuing increase of data. Fortunately, computer processing speed has kept pace and new processes are continuously being automated to sort through the voluminous amount of data. There exists an unfulfilled need for a simple, streamlined, standalone public tool for automating the computer forensics analysis process for files on a hard disk drive under investigation. A software tool has been developed to dramatically reduce the number of files that an investigator must individually examine. This tool utilizes the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) National Software Reference Library (NSRL) database to automatically identify files by comparing hash values of files on the hard drive under investigation to known good files (e.g., unaltered application files) and known bad files (e.g., exploits). This tool then provides a much smaller list of unknown files to be closely examined

    Digital evidence bags

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    This thesis analyses the traditional approach and methodology used to conduct digital forensic information capture, analysis and investigation. The predominant toolsets and utilities that are used and the features that they provide are reviewed. This is used to highlight the difficulties that are encountered due to both technological advances and the methodologies employed. It is suggested that these difficulties are compounded by the archaic methods and proprietary formats that are used. An alternative framework for the capture and storage of information used in digital forensics is defined named the `Digital Evidence Bag' (DEB). A DEB is a universal extensible container for the storage of digital information acquired from any digital source. The format of which can be manipulated to meet the requirements of the particular information that is to be stored. The format definition is extensible thereby allowing it to encompass new sources of data, cryptographic and compression algorithms and protocols as developed, whilst also providing the flexibility for some degree of backwards compatibility as the format develops. The DEB framework utilises terminology to define its various components that are analogous with evidence bags, tags and seals used for traditional physical evidence storage and continuity. This is crucial for ensuring that the functionality provided by each component is comprehensible by the general public, judiciary and law enforcement personnel without detracting or obscuring the evidential information contained within. Furthermore, information can be acquired from a dynamic or more traditional static environment and from a disparate range of digital devices. The flexibility of the DEB framework permits selective and/or intelligent acquisition methods to be employed together with enhanced provenance and continuity audit trails to be recorded. Evidential integrity is assured using accepted cryptographic techniques and algorithms. The DEB framework is implemented in a number of tool demonstrators and applied to a number of typical scenarios that illustrate the flexibility of the DEB framework and format. The DEB framework has also formed the basis of a patent application

    Bloom Filters for Filesystem Forensics

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    Digital forensics investigations become more time consuming as the amount of data to be investigated grows. Secular growth trends between hard drive and memory capacity just exacerbate the problem. Bloom filters are space-efficient, probabilistic data structures that can represent data sets with quantifiable false positive rates that have the potential to alleviate the problem by reducing space requirements. We provide a framework using Bloom filters to allow fine-grained content identification to detect similarity, instead of equality. We also provide a method to compare filters directly and a statistical means of interpreting the results. We developed a tool--md5bloom--that uses Bloom filters for standard queries and direct comparisons. We provide a performance comparison with a commonly used tool, md5deep, and achieved a 50% performance gain that only increases with larger hash sets. We compared filters generated from different versions of KNOPPIX and detected similarities and relationships between the versions

    Tree-formed Verification Data for Trusted Platforms

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    The establishment of trust relationships to a computing platform relies on validation processes. Validation allows an external entity to build trust in the expected behaviour of the platform based on provided evidence of the platform's configuration. In a process like remote attestation, the 'trusted' platform submits verification data created during a start up process. These data consist of hardware-protected values of platform configuration registers, containing nested measurement values, e.g., hash values, of loaded or started components. Commonly, the register values are created in linear order by a hardware-secured operation. Fine-grained diagnosis of components, based on the linear order of verification data and associated measurement logs, is not optimal. We propose a method to use tree-formed verification data to validate a platform. Component measurement values represent leaves, and protected registers represent roots of a hash tree. We describe the basic mechanism of validating a platform using tree-formed measurement logs and root registers and show an logarithmic speed-up for the search of faults. Secure creation of a tree is possible using a limited number of hardware-protected registers and a single protected operation. In this way, the security of tree-formed verification data is maintained.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, v3: Reference added, v4: Revised, accepted for publication in Computers and Securit

    WARDOG: Awareness detection watchbog for Botnet infection on the host device

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    Botnets constitute nowadays one of the most dangerous security threats worldwide. High volumes of infected machines are controlled by a malicious entity and perform coordinated cyber-attacks. The problem will become even worse in the era of the Internet of Things (IoT) as the number of insecure devices is going to be exponentially increased. This paper presents WARDOG – an awareness and digital forensic system that informs the end-user of the botnet’s infection, exposes the botnet infrastructure, and captures verifiable data that can be utilized in a court of law. The responsible authority gathers all information and automatically generates a unitary documentation for the case. The document contains undisputed forensic information, tracking all involved parties and their role in the attack. The deployed security mechanisms and the overall administration setting ensures non-repudiation of performed actions and enforces accountability. The provided properties are verified through theoretic analysis. In simulated environment, the effectiveness of the proposed solution, in mitigating the botnet operations, is also tested against real attack strategies that have been captured by the FORTHcert honeypots, overcoming state-of-the-art solutions. Moreover, a preliminary version is implemented in real computers and IoT devices, highlighting the low computational/communicational overheads of WARDOG in the field

    Discord Server Forensics: Analysis and Extraction of Digital Evidence

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    In recent years we can observe that digital forensics is being applied to a variety of domains as nearly any data can become valuable forensic evidence. The sheer scope of web-based investigations provides a vast amount of information. Due to a rapid increase in the number of cybercrimes the importance of application-specific forensics is greater than ever. Criminals use the application not only to communicate but also to facilitate crimes. It came to our attention that the gaming chat application Discord is one of them. Discord allows its users to send text messages as well as exchange image, video, and audio files. While Discord’s community is not as large as that of the most popular messaging apps the stable growth of its userbase and recent incidents indicate that it is used by criminals. This paper presents our research into the digital forensic analysis of Discord client-side artefacts and presents experimental development of a tool for extraction, analysis, and presentation of the data from Discord application. The work then proposes a solution in form of a tool, ‘DiscFor’, that can retrieve information from the application’s local files and cache storage

    A Holistic Systems Security Approach Featuring Thin Secure Elements for Resilient IoT Deployments

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    © 2020 by the authors. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.IoT systems differ from traditional Internet systems in that they are different in scale, footprint, power requirements, cost and security concerns that are often overlooked. IoT systems inherently present different fail-safe capabilities than traditional computing environments while their threat landscapes constantly evolve. Further, IoT devices have limited collective security measures in place. Therefore, there is a need for different approaches in threat assessments to incorporate the interdependencies between different IoT devices. In this paper, we run through the design cycle to provide a security-focused approach to the design of IoT systems using a use case, namely, an intelligent solar-panel project called Daedalus. We utilise STRIDE/DREAD approaches to identify vulnerabilities using a thin secure element that is an embedded, tamper proof microprocessor chip that allows the storage and processing of sensitive data. It benefits from low power demand and small footprint as a crypto processor as well as is compatible with IoT 29 requirements. Subsequently, a key agreement based on an asymmetric cryptographic scheme, namely B-SPEKE was used to validate and authenticate the source. We find that end-to-end and independent stand-alone procedures used for validation and encryption of the source data originating from the solar panel are cost-effective in that the validation is carried out once and not several times in the chain as is often the case. The threat model proved useful not so much as a panacea for all threats but provided the framework for the consideration of known threats, and therefore appropriate mitigation plans to be deployed.Peer reviewe

    Tamper detection of qur'anic text watermarking scheme based on vowel letters with Kashida using exclusive-or and queueing technique

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    The most sensitive Arabic text available online is the digital Holy Qur’an. This sacred Islamic religious book is recited by all Muslims worldwide including the non-Arabs as part of their worship needs. It should be protected from any kind of tampering to keep its invaluable meaning intact. Different characteristics of the Arabic letters like the vowels ( أ . و . ي ), Kashida (extended letters), and other symbols in the Holy Qur’an must be secured from alterations. The cover text of the al-Qur’an and its watermarked text are different due to the low values of the Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR), Embedding Ratio (ER), and Normalized Cross-Correlation (NCC), thus the location for tamper detection gets low accuracy. Watermarking technique with enhanced attributes must therefore be designed for the Qur’an text using Arabic vowel letters with Kashida. Most of the existing detection methods that tried to achieve accurate results related to the tampered Qur’an text often show various limitations like diacritics, alif mad surah, double space, separate shapes of Arabic letters, and Kashida. The gap addressed by this research is to improve the security of Arabic text in the Holy Qur’an by using vowel letters with Kashida. The purpose of this research is to enhance Quran text watermarking scheme based on exclusive-or and reversing with queueing techniques. The methodology consists of four phases. The first phase is pre-processing followed by the embedding process phase to hide the data after the vowel letters wherein if the secret bit is ‘1’, insert the Kashida but do not insert it if the bit is ‘0’. The third phase is extraction process and the last phase is to evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme by using PSNR (for the imperceptibility), ER (for the capacity), and NCC (for the security of the watermarking). The experimental results revealed the improvement of the NCC by 1.77 %, PSNR by 9.6 %, and ER by 8.6 % compared to available current schemes. Hence, it can be concluded that the proposed scheme has the ability to detect the location of tampering accurately for attacks of insertion, deletion, and reordering