3,679 research outputs found

    Standards as a platform for innovation and learning in the global economy: a case study of Chilean salmon farming industry

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    Conventionally, standards are considered as a governance tool in the production system in a one-directional and hierarchical relationship between foreign trans-national corporations (TNCs) or global buyers on one hand and subsidiaries and producers on the other. They were considered as transmitting necessary specifications of goods (codified knowledge) to the producers. Despite the fact that this process begins with a one-way power relationship and associated flow of knowledge and standards, such one-way flows may become consolidated into two-way interlinkages when power balances themselves reverse with the development of collective capability in catching-up countries. In such a context, standards increasingly act as a catalyst for creating collective interfaces where diverse knowledge from horizontal and vertical relationships (local and global, tacit and codified, and buyer and producer) intercept and converge to promote interactions and learning for those involved. The Chilean salmon farming industry is examined to understand how standards compliance enhanced collective capability.Standards, Industrial standards, Capability, Governance, Fishing industry, Chile, Catching up

    Environmental Law, Governance, and Management- the Need for Environmental Management Systems for Cities

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    Human activities damage the environment. They deplete natural resources, generate pollution and wastes, accelerate the loss of forests and biological diversity, as well as threaten the water supply. As populations increase, these problems are exacerbated. Cities bear the brunt of increased human activities on limited land space with limited resources. It is therefore essential that cities adopt a system of environmental governance that will help ensure sustainability. As each city has its own mix of geographic, social, economic, political and environmental problems, it would be simplistic to suggest that there is a formula for sustainability that would fit every city. What is clear is that every city needs an effective environmental management system (EMS) to manage its many activities, to ensure that development is controlled, environmental damage is minimized, natural areas are preserved and its citizens have an enhanced quality of life. This paper examines the ingredients for sound environmental management in cities, particularly cities in the developing world. It submits that a sound EMS for a city must first start with sound environmental policies, land use planning and good environmental laws. It emphasizes that the best environmental laws will not work if it is not integrated with sound management policies and implementation, starting with the building of the environmental infrastructure, both physical and institutional. This paper then looks at ISO 14001 certification, in the context of a city and asserts that environmental management systems in their current context, focus largely on resolving problems of pollution. There is a clear lack of ecological dimensions in environmental management systems as exemplified by the ISO 14000 series. This paper submits that environmental stewardship and ecological sustainability is at the heart of sustainable development, and the integration of the natural environment within the city has been largely overlooked. It advocates bringing the natural environment back to our cities and the incorporation of this dimension into environmental management systems. The paper introduces the Singapore Index on Cities\u27 Biodiversity, adopted at the CBD\u27s COP-10 Meeting in Nagoya, Japan, 2010

    City indicators : now to Nanjing

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    This paper provides the key elements to develop an integrated approach for measuring and monitoring city performance globally. The paper reviews the role of cities and why indicators are important. Then it discusses past approaches to city indicators and the systems developed to date, including the World Bank's initiatives. After identifying the strengths and weaknesses of past experiences, it discusses the characteristics of optimal indicators. The paper concludes with a proposed plan to develop standardized indicators that emphasize the importance of indicators that are measurable, replicable, potentially predictive, and most important, consistent and comparable over time and across cities. As an innovative characteristic, the paper includes subjective measures in city indicators, such as well-being, happy citizens, and trust.Cultural Policy,City Development Strategies,Cultural Heritage&Preservation,ICT Policy and Strategies,Housing&Human Habitats

    Environmental Risk Management and the Business Firm

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    This chapter considers three matters that business firms whose activities can be dangerous for human health and the environment increasingly have to deal with: public disclosure of all health and environmental risks, direct involvement of stakeholders in the management of operations, and integration of health and environmental risk management with the management of other business risks. It summarizes recent managerial economics research on those matters and suggests some promising research areas. Ce chapitre considÚre trois questions qui préoccupent de plus en plus les firmes dont les activités font peser certains risques sur la santé humaine et l'environnement, soit la révélation au public de ces risques, l'implication directe de parties externes (assureurs, banquiers, représentants du public, etc.) dans la gestion des opérations, voire la planification stratégique, et la gestion intégrée de tous les risques d'affaires. On résume les récentes percées de l'économie managériale sur ces sujets, et l'on indique certaines pistes de recherche particuliÚrement prometteuses.Environmental risk disclosures, extended liability, integrated risk management, Bilan environnemental, responsabilité étendue, gestion intégrée des risques

    Postcards from the Edge: A Review of the Business and Environment Literature

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    Environmental issues, while of growing interest, have been outside the main focus of business scholarship. This position on the periphery may have been a good thing. It allowed scholars of business and the environment to consider unusual theories and evaluate overlooked phenomenon. In doing so, they created a body of research that provides new insights on two topics of mainstream interest -- the sources of competitive advantage and the origin and function of self-regulatory institutions.competitive advantage;business and environment;environmental issues

    Uneven geographies of organizational practice: explaining the cross-national transfer and adoption of ISO 9000

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    There is growing recognition that organizational innovations can have a major influence on the geography of economic activity. Yet, very little is known about the mechanisms and geographic preconditions underlying their diffusion, particularly at the global level. In this paper we seek to fill this gap using the example of ISO 9000, the internationally- recognized set of standards for quality management. We develop a series of hypotheses about the conditions under which organizations are most likely to adopt ISO 9000. These hypotheses are then tested using panel data for 130 countries over the period 1995-2001. Our findings support the idea that transnational network ties linking countries to the wider global community influence adoption decisions. Thus, exports to the EU and Japan, local involvement of transnational corporations (TNCs), colonial ties to Europe and the availability of telecommunications, all emerge as statistically significant determinants of ISO 9000 counts. Our results also underscore the importance of national environmental conditions. Low regulatory burden, a high share of manufacturing activity, high rates of secondary school enrolment and low levels of productivity are positively associated with a high number of certificates. We conclude that globalization has increased the mobility of organizational innovations across national borders. Yet, country- level variations in (a) transnational network linkages and (b) environmental conditions influencing the receptiveness of organizations to new economic practices, suggest that spatial unevenness is an inevitable feature of organizational diffusion at the global level.ISO 9000, standards, cross-national diffusion, globalization, institutionalism

    The Impact of ISO 9000 Diffusion on Trade and FDI: A New Institutional Analysis

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    The effects of ISO 9000 diffusion on trade and FDI have gone understudied. We employ panel data reported by OECD nations over the 1995-2002 period to estimate the impact of ISO adoptions on country-pair economic relations. We find ISO diffusion to have no effect in developed nations, but to positively pull FDI (i.e., enhancing inward FDI) and positively push trade (i.e., enhancing exports) in developing nations
