3 research outputs found

    A Systematic Literature Review Method On AES Algorithm for Data Sharing Encryption On Cloud Computing

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    Cloud computing is one revolution in information technology (IT) that can share resources, services and data through a network among users. Because users have same rights on the network to transfer data, data are vulnerable to be attacked by unauthorized person. Lately, data security in a system only concentrates on data storage on cloud by utilizing internet security, but a little concentration is found during data transfer. By considering security as a serious problem, an encryption-based proposed system is presented to secure during data transfer. Authors propose an approach to boost system security during data transfer in order to prevent data theft by unauthorized person. To prevent an attack by unauthorized person, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) will be proposed to secure data transfer and storage in cloud computing. For better future, authors will propose Systematic Literature Review (SLR) to generate suggestions and opportunities in AES cloud computing

    Pengamanan Pesan E-Complaint Fasilitas dan Kinerja Civitas Akademika Menggunakan Algoritma RSA

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    Keluhan merupakan suatu bentuk pengaduan yang muncul karena ketidakpuasan produk atau layanan perusahaan.  ISB Atma Luhur tidak terlepas dari adanya keluhan mengenai fasilitas kampus, serta kinerja dosen dan karyawan.  Meskipun keluhan identik dengan hal negatif dan sulit ditangani, namun harus diselesaikan karena menyangkut kredibilitas perusahaan.  Kebanyakan mahasiswa memilih untuk tidak melaporkan keluhan, khususnya mengenai kinerja dosen dan karyawan, karena takut terjadi kebocoran pada keluhan yang disampaikan.  Hal tersebut bisa mengakibatkan pengurangan nilai akademik dan pelayanan yang buruk ketika mengurus administrasi perkuliahan.  Penggunaan teknik kriptografi dengan algoritma RSA dijadikan sebagai solusi untuk mencegah kebocoran pesan.  Kriptografi digunakan untuk menerjemahkan pesan ke dalam bentuk kode sehingga isi pesan sebenarnya tidak dapat diketahui secara langsung.  Pemilihan RSA sebagai algoritma kriptografi karena sulitnya pemfaktoran bilangan prima dalam pembuatan kunci.  Pemfaktoran tersebut akan menghasilkan kunci publik untuk proses enkripsi pesan, dan kunci privat untuk proses dekripsi pesan.  Proses enkripsi menghasilkan ciphertext dan proses dekripsi menghasilkan plaintext.  Pengujian brute force menghasilkan bahwa dengan panjang kunci sebesar 24 bit, maka waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk menemukan kunci privat sebanyak 16.777.216 adalah selama 16,77 detik/106 percobaan. Berdasarkan pengujian tersebut, peluang untuk menemukan kunci privat yang tepat membutuhkan waktu yang lama, sehingga kebocoran pesan pada aplikasi e – complaint dapat dicegah dengan baik. AbstractA grievance is a complaint that arises because of the emergence of the company's products or services. ISB Atma Luhur is inseparable from complaints about campus facilities and the performance of lecturers and employees. Because complaints can be company problems, so must be correct. Most students choose not to report their grievances, especially regarding lecturers and employees, for fear of leaks in the complaints submitted. However, it can decrease academic grades and poor service when taking care of lecture administration. This study proposes the application of cryptography, which converts messages into code, so the actual message is not known. The use of cryptographic techniques with the RSA algorithm is used as a solution to prevent message leakage. The choice of RSA as a cryptographic algorithm is due to the difficulty of factoring prime numbers in key generation. This factoring will generate a public key for the message encryption process and a private key for the message decryption process. The encryption process produces ciphertext, and the decryption process produces plaintext. Brute force testing results that with a key length of 24 bits, the time required to find the private key of 16,777,216 is 16.77 seconds/106 attempts. Based on these tests, the opportunity to find the right private key in a long time so that there is no message on the e-complaint application can result in good.