10,506 research outputs found

    Dynamic Load Balancing for Compressible Multiphase Turbulence

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    CMT-nek is a new scientific application for performing high fidelity predictive simulations of particle laden explosively dispersed turbulent flows. CMT-nek involves detailed simulations, is compute intensive and is targeted to be deployed on exascale platforms. The moving particles are the main source of load imbalance as the application is executed on parallel processors. In a demonstration problem, all the particles are initially in a closed container until a detonation occurs and the particles move apart. If all processors get an equal share of the fluid domain, then only some of the processors get sections of the domain that are initially laden with particles, leading to disparate load on the processors. In order to eliminate load imbalance in different processors and to speedup the makespan, we present different load balancing algorithms for CMT-nek on large scale multi-core platforms consisting of hundred of thousands of cores. The detailed process of the load balancing algorithms are presented. The performance of the different load balancing algorithms are compared and the associated overheads are analyzed. Evaluations on the application with and without load balancing are conducted and these show that with load balancing, simulation time becomes faster by a factor of up to 9.979.97.Comment: This paper has been accepted by ACM International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS) 201

    Load Balancing Scientific Applications

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    The largest supercomputers have millions of independent processors, and concurrency levels are rapidly increasing. For ideal efficiency, developers of the simulations that run on these machines must ensure that computational work is evenly balanced among processors. Assigning work evenly is challenging because many large modern parallel codes simulate behavior of physical systems that evolve over time, and their workloads change over time. Furthermore, the cost of imbalanced load increases with scale because most large-scale scientific simulations today use a Single Program Multiple Data (SPMD) parallel programming model, and an increasing number of processors will wait for the slowest one at the synchronization points. To address load imbalance, many large-scale parallel applications use dynamic load balance algorithms to redistribute work evenly. The research objective of this dissertation is to develop methods to decide when and how to load balance the application, and to balance it effectively and affordably. We measure and evaluate the computational load of the application, and develop strategies to decide when and how to correct the imbalance. Depending on the simulation, a fast, local load balance algorithm may be suitable, or a more sophisticated and expensive algorithm may be required. We developed a model for comparison of load balance algorithms for a specific state of the simulation that enables the selection of a balancing algorithm that will minimize overall runtime. Dynamic load balancing of parallel applications becomes more critical at scale, while also being expensive. To make the load balance correction affordable at scale, we propose a lazy load balancing strategy that evaluates the imbalance and computes the new assignment of work to processes asynchronously to the main application computation. We decouple the load balance algorithm from the application and run it on potentially fewer, separate processors. In this Multiple Program Multiple Data (MPMD) configuration, the load balance algorithm can execute concurrently with the application and with higher parallel efficiency than if it were run on the same processors as the simulation. Work is reassigned lazily as directions become available, and the application need not wait for the load balance algorithm to complete. We show that we can save resources by running a load balance algorithm at higher parallel efficiency on a smaller number of processors. Using our framework, we explore the trade-offs of load balancing configurations and demonstrate a performance improvement of up to 46%

    The work/exchange model: a generalized approach to dynamic load balancing

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    A crucial concern in software development is reducing program execution time. Parallel processing is often used to meet this goal. However, parallel processing efforts can lead to many pitfalls and problems. One such problem is to distribute the workload among processors in such a way that minimum execution time is obtained. The common approach is to use a load balancer to distribute equal or nearly equal quantities of workload on each processor. Unfortunately, this approach relies on a naive definition of load imbalance and often fails to achieve the desired goal. A more sophisticated definition should account for the affects of additional factors including communication delay costs, network contention, and architectural issues. Consideration of additional factors led us to the realization that optimal load distribution does not always result from equal load distribution. In this dissertation, we tackle the difficult problem of defining load imbalance. This is accomplished through the development of a parallel program model called the Generalized Work/Exchange Model. Associated with the model are equations for a restricted set of deterministically balanced programs that characterize idle time, elapsed time, and potential speedup. With the aid of the model, several common myths about load imbalance are exposed. A useful application called a load balancer enhancer is also presented which is applicable to the more general, quasi-static load unbalanced program

    Optimisation of patch distribution strategies for AMR applications

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    As core counts increase in the world's most powerful supercomputers, applications are becoming limited not only by computational power, but also by data availability. In the race to exascale, efficient and effective communication policies are key to achieving optimal application performance. Applications using adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) trade off communication for computational load balancing, to enable the focused computation of specific areas of interest. This class of application is particularly susceptible to the communication performance of the underlying architectures, and are inherently difficult to scale efficiently. In this paper we present a study of the effect of patch distribution strategies on the scalability of an AMR code. We demonstrate the significance of patch placement on communication overheads, and by balancing the computation and communication costs of patches, we develop a scheme to optimise performance of a specific, industry-strength, benchmark application

    A Framework to Analyze the Performance of Load Balancing Schemes for Ensembles of Stochastic Simulations

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    Ensembles of simulations are employed to estimate the statistics of possible future states of a system, and are widely used in important applications such as climate change and biological modeling. Ensembles of runs can naturally be executed in parallel. However, when the CPU times of individual simulations vary considerably, a simple strategy of assigning an equal number of tasks per processor can lead to serious work imbalances and low parallel efficiency. This paper presents a new probabilistic framework to analyze the performance of dynamic load balancing algorithms for ensembles of simulations where many tasks are mapped onto each processor, and where the individual compute times vary considerably among tasks. Four load balancing strategies are discussed: most-dividing, all-redistribution, random-polling, and neighbor-redistribution. Simulation results with a stochastic budding yeast cell cycle model is consistent with the theoretical analysis. It is especially significant that there is a provable global decrease in load imbalance for the local rebalancing algorithms due to scalability concerns for the global rebalancing algorithms. The overall simulation time is reduced by up to 25%, and the total processor idle time by 85%

    Adaptive Parallel Iterative Deepening Search

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    Many of the artificial intelligence techniques developed to date rely on heuristic search through large spaces. Unfortunately, the size of these spaces and the corresponding computational effort reduce the applicability of otherwise novel and effective algorithms. A number of parallel and distributed approaches to search have considerably improved the performance of the search process. Our goal is to develop an architecture that automatically selects parallel search strategies for optimal performance on a variety of search problems. In this paper we describe one such architecture realized in the Eureka system, which combines the benefits of many different approaches to parallel heuristic search. Through empirical and theoretical analyses we observe that features of the problem space directly affect the choice of optimal parallel search strategy. We then employ machine learning techniques to select the optimal parallel search strategy for a given problem space. When a new search task is input to the system, Eureka uses features describing the search space and the chosen architecture to automatically select the appropriate search strategy. Eureka has been tested on a MIMD parallel processor, a distributed network of workstations, and a single workstation using multithreading. Results generated from fifteen puzzle problems, robot arm motion problems, artificial search spaces, and planning problems indicate that Eureka outperforms any of the tested strategies used exclusively for all problem instances and is able to greatly reduce the search time for these applications