29,148 research outputs found

    Object detection via a multi-region & semantic segmentation-aware CNN model

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    We propose an object detection system that relies on a multi-region deep convolutional neural network (CNN) that also encodes semantic segmentation-aware features. The resulting CNN-based representation aims at capturing a diverse set of discriminative appearance factors and exhibits localization sensitivity that is essential for accurate object localization. We exploit the above properties of our recognition module by integrating it on an iterative localization mechanism that alternates between scoring a box proposal and refining its location with a deep CNN regression model. Thanks to the efficient use of our modules, we detect objects with very high localization accuracy. On the detection challenges of PASCAL VOC2007 and PASCAL VOC2012 we achieve mAP of 78.2% and 73.9% correspondingly, surpassing any other published work by a significant margin.Comment: Extended technical report -- short version to appear at ICCV 201

    Going Deeper into First-Person Activity Recognition

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    We bring together ideas from recent work on feature design for egocentric action recognition under one framework by exploring the use of deep convolutional neural networks (CNN). Recent work has shown that features such as hand appearance, object attributes, local hand motion and camera ego-motion are important for characterizing first-person actions. To integrate these ideas under one framework, we propose a twin stream network architecture, where one stream analyzes appearance information and the other stream analyzes motion information. Our appearance stream encodes prior knowledge of the egocentric paradigm by explicitly training the network to segment hands and localize objects. By visualizing certain neuron activation of our network, we show that our proposed architecture naturally learns features that capture object attributes and hand-object configurations. Our extensive experiments on benchmark egocentric action datasets show that our deep architecture enables recognition rates that significantly outperform state-of-the-art techniques -- an average 6.6%6.6\% increase in accuracy over all datasets. Furthermore, by learning to recognize objects, actions and activities jointly, the performance of individual recognition tasks also increase by 30%30\% (actions) and 14%14\% (objects). We also include the results of extensive ablative analysis to highlight the importance of network design decisions.

    Don't Look Back: Robustifying Place Categorization for Viewpoint- and Condition-Invariant Place Recognition

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    When a human drives a car along a road for the first time, they later recognize where they are on the return journey typically without needing to look in their rear-view mirror or turn around to look back, despite significant viewpoint and appearance change. Such navigation capabilities are typically attributed to our semantic visual understanding of the environment [1] beyond geometry to recognizing the types of places we are passing through such as "passing a shop on the left" or "moving through a forested area". Humans are in effect using place categorization [2] to perform specific place recognition even when the viewpoint is 180 degrees reversed. Recent advances in deep neural networks have enabled high-performance semantic understanding of visual places and scenes, opening up the possibility of emulating what humans do. In this work, we develop a novel methodology for using the semantics-aware higher-order layers of deep neural networks for recognizing specific places from within a reference database. To further improve the robustness to appearance change, we develop a descriptor normalization scheme that builds on the success of normalization schemes for pure appearance-based techniques such as SeqSLAM [3]. Using two different datasets - one road-based, one pedestrian-based, we evaluate the performance of the system in performing place recognition on reverse traversals of a route with a limited field of view camera and no turn-back-and-look behaviours, and compare to existing state-of-the-art techniques and vanilla off-the-shelf features. The results demonstrate significant improvements over the existing state of the art, especially for extreme perceptual challenges that involve both great viewpoint change and environmental appearance change. We also provide experimental analyses of the contributions of the various system components.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures, ICRA 201

    Place recognition: An Overview of Vision Perspective

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    Place recognition is one of the most fundamental topics in computer vision and robotics communities, where the task is to accurately and efficiently recognize the location of a given query image. Despite years of wisdom accumulated in this field, place recognition still remains an open problem due to the various ways in which the appearance of real-world places may differ. This paper presents an overview of the place recognition literature. Since condition invariant and viewpoint invariant features are essential factors to long-term robust visual place recognition system, We start with traditional image description methodology developed in the past, which exploit techniques from image retrieval field. Recently, the rapid advances of related fields such as object detection and image classification have inspired a new technique to improve visual place recognition system, i.e., convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Thus we then introduce recent progress of visual place recognition system based on CNNs to automatically learn better image representations for places. Eventually, we close with discussions and future work of place recognition.Comment: Applied Sciences (2018

    DAP3D-Net: Where, What and How Actions Occur in Videos?

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    Action parsing in videos with complex scenes is an interesting but challenging task in computer vision. In this paper, we propose a generic 3D convolutional neural network in a multi-task learning manner for effective Deep Action Parsing (DAP3D-Net) in videos. Particularly, in the training phase, action localization, classification and attributes learning can be jointly optimized on our appearancemotion data via DAP3D-Net. For an upcoming test video, we can describe each individual action in the video simultaneously as: Where the action occurs, What the action is and How the action is performed. To well demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed DAP3D-Net, we also contribute a new Numerous-category Aligned Synthetic Action dataset, i.e., NASA, which consists of 200; 000 action clips of more than 300 categories and with 33 pre-defined action attributes in two hierarchical levels (i.e., low-level attributes of basic body part movements and high-level attributes related to action motion). We learn DAP3D-Net using the NASA dataset and then evaluate it on our collected Human Action Understanding (HAU) dataset. Experimental results show that our approach can accurately localize, categorize and describe multiple actions in realistic videos
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