6 research outputs found

    Distillation-based training for multi-exit architectures

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    Multi-exit architectures, in which a stack of processing layers is interleaved with early output layers, allow the processing of a test example to stop early and thus save computation time and/or energy. In this work, we propose a new training procedure for multi-exit architectures based on the principle of knowledge distillation. The method encourage searly exits to mimic later, more accurate exits, by matching their output probabilities. Experiments on CIFAR100 and ImageNet show that distillation-based training significantly improves the accuracy of early exits while maintaining state-of-the-art accuracy for late ones. The method is particularly beneficial when training data is limited and it allows a straightforward extension to semi-supervised learning,i.e. making use of unlabeled data at training time. Moreover, it takes only afew lines to implement and incurs almost no computational overhead at training time, and none at all at test time

    A survey of cost-sensitive decision tree induction algorithms

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    The past decade has seen a significant interest on the problem of inducing decision trees that take account of costs of misclassification and costs of acquiring the features used for decision making. This survey identifies over 50 algorithms including approaches that are direct adaptations of accuracy based methods, use genetic algorithms, use anytime methods and utilize boosting and bagging. The survey brings together these different studies and novel approaches to cost-sensitive decision tree learning, provides a useful taxonomy, a historical timeline of how the field has developed and should provide a useful reference point for future research in this field

    IST Austria Thesis

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    Deep learning is best known for its empirical success across a wide range of applications spanning computer vision, natural language processing and speech. Of equal significance, though perhaps less known, are its ramifications for learning theory: deep networks have been observed to perform surprisingly well in the high-capacity regime, aka the overfitting or underspecified regime. Classically, this regime on the far right of the bias-variance curve is associated with poor generalisation; however, recent experiments with deep networks challenge this view. This thesis is devoted to investigating various aspects of underspecification in deep learning. First, we argue that deep learning models are underspecified on two levels: a) any given training dataset can be fit by many different functions, and b) any given function can be expressed by many different parameter configurations. We refer to the second kind of underspecification as parameterisation redundancy and we precisely characterise its extent. Second, we characterise the implicit criteria (the inductive bias) that guide learning in the underspecified regime. Specifically, we consider a nonlinear but tractable classification setting, and show that given the choice, neural networks learn classifiers with a large margin. Third, we consider learning scenarios where the inductive bias is not by itself sufficient to deal with underspecification. We then study different ways of ‘tightening the specification’: i) In the setting of representation learning with variational autoencoders, we propose a hand- crafted regulariser based on mutual information. ii) In the setting of binary classification, we consider soft-label (real-valued) supervision. We derive a generalisation bound for linear networks supervised in this way and verify that soft labels facilitate fast learning. Finally, we explore an application of soft-label supervision to the training of multi-exit models