74 research outputs found

    Approximations from Anywhere and General Rough Sets

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    Not all approximations arise from information systems. The problem of fitting approximations, subjected to some rules (and related data), to information systems in a rough scheme of things is known as the \emph{inverse problem}. The inverse problem is more general than the duality (or abstract representation) problems and was introduced by the present author in her earlier papers. From the practical perspective, a few (as opposed to one) theoretical frameworks may be suitable for formulating the problem itself. \emph{Granular operator spaces} have been recently introduced and investigated by the present author in her recent work in the context of antichain based and dialectical semantics for general rough sets. The nature of the inverse problem is examined from number-theoretic and combinatorial perspectives in a higher order variant of granular operator spaces and some necessary conditions are proved. The results and the novel approach would be useful in a number of unsupervised and semi supervised learning contexts and algorithms.Comment: 20 Pages. Scheduled to appear in IJCRS'2017 LNCS Proceedings, Springe

    Deciding definability in FO2(<h,<v) on trees

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    We provide a decidable characterization of regular forest languages definable in FO2(<h,<v). By FO2(<h,<v) we refer to the two variable fragment of first order logic built from the descendant relation and the following sibling relation. In terms of expressive power it corresponds to a fragment of the navigational core of XPath that contains modalities for going up to some ancestor, down to some descendant, left to some preceding sibling, and right to some following sibling. We also show that our techniques can be applied to other two variable first-order logics having exactly the same vertical modalities as FO2(<h,<v) but having different horizontal modalities

    Consistency in Fuzzy Description Logics over Residuated De Morgan Lattices

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    Fuzzy description logics can be used to model vague knowledge in application domains. This paper analyses the consistency and satisfiability problems in the description logic SHI with semantics based on a complete residuated De Morgan lattice. The problems are undecidable in the general case, but can be decided by a tableau algorithm when restricted to finite lattices. For some sublogics of SHI, we provide upper complexity bounds that match the complexity of crisp reasoning
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