11 research outputs found

    An overview of evaluation methods in TREC ad hoc information retrieval and TREC question answering

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    Abstract This chapter gives an overview of the current evaluation strategies and problems in the fields of information retrieval (IR) and question answering (QA), as instantiated in the Text Retrieval Conference (TREC). Whereas IR has a long tradition as a task, QA is a relatively new task which had to quickly develop its evaluation metrics, based on experiences gained in IR. This chapter will contrast the two tasks, their difficulties, and their evaluation metrics. We will end this chapter by pointing out limitations of the current evaluation strategies and potential future developments

    Relation based models for passage retrieval in open domain question answering

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    Topic indexing and retrieval for open domain factoid question answering

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    Factoid Question Answering is an exciting area of Natural Language Engineering that has the potential to replace one major use of search engines today. In this dissertation, I introduce a new method of handling factoid questions whose answers are proper names. The method, Topic Indexing and Retrieval, addresses two issues that prevent current factoid QA system from realising this potential: They can’t satisfy users’ demand for almost immediate answers, and they can’t produce answers based on evidence distributed across a corpus. The first issue arises because the architecture common to QA systems is not easily scaled to heavy use because so much of the work is done on-line: Text retrieved by information retrieval (IR) undergoes expensive and time-consuming answer extraction while the user awaits an answer. If QA systems are to become as heavily used as popular web search engines, this massive process bottle-neck must be overcome. The second issue of how to make use of the distributed evidence in a corpus is relevant when no single passage in the corpus provides sufficient evidence for an answer to a given question. QA systems commonly look for a text span that contains sufficient evidence to both locate and justify an answer. But this will fail in the case of questions that require evidence from more than one passage in the corpus. Topic Indexing and Retrieval method developed in this thesis addresses both these issues for factoid questions with proper name answers by restructuring the corpus in such a way that it enables direct retrieval of answers using off-the-shelf IR. The method has been evaluated on 377 TREC questions with proper name answers and 41 questions that require multiple pieces of evidence from different parts of the TREC AQUAINT corpus. With regards to the first evaluation, scores of 0.340 in Accuracy and 0.395 in Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR) show that the Topic Indexing and Retrieval performs well for this type of questions. A second evaluation compares performance on a corpus of 41 multi-evidence questions by a question-factoring baseline method that can be used with the standard QA architecture and by my Topic Indexing and Retrieval method. The superior performance of the latter (MRR of 0.454 against 0.341) demonstrates its value in answering such questions

    Fine-grained Arabic named entity recognition

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    This thesis addresses the problem of fine-grained NER for Arabic, which poses unique linguistic challenges to NER; such as the absence of capitalisation and short vowels, the complex morphology, and the highly in infection process. Instead of classifying the detected NE phrases into small sets of classes, we target a broader range (i.e. 50 fine-grained classes 'hierarchal-based of two levels') to increase the depth of the semantic knowledge extracted. This has increased the number of classes, complicating the task, when compared with traditional (coarse-grained) NER, because of the increase in the number of semantic classes and the decrease in semantic differences between fine-grained classes. Our approach to developing fine-grained NER relies on two different supervised Machine Learning (ML) technologies (i.e. Maximum Entropy 'ME' and Conditional Random Fields 'CRF'), which require annotated training data in order to learn by extracting informative features. We develop a methodology which exploit the richness of Arabic Wikipedia (A W) in order to create a scalable fine-grained lexical resource and a corpus automatically. Moreover, two gold-standard created corpora from different genres were also developed to perform comparable evaluation. The thesis also developed a new approach to feature representation by relying on the dependency structure of the sentence to overcome the limitation of traditional window-based (i.e. n-gram) representation. Furthermore, by exploiting the richness of unannotated textual data to extract global informative features using word-level clustering technique was also achieved. Each contribution was evaluated via controlled experiment and reported using three commonly applied metrics, i.e. precision, recall and harmonic F-measure

    A text mining approach for Arabic question answering systems

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    As most of the electronic information available nowadays on the web is stored as text,developing Question Answering systems (QAS) has been the focus of many individualresearchers and organizations. Relatively, few studies have been produced for extractinganswers to “why” and “how to” questions. One reason for this negligence is that when goingbeyond sentence boundaries, deriving text structure is a very time-consuming and complexprocess. This thesis explores a new strategy for dealing with the exponentially large spaceissue associated with the text derivation task. To our knowledge, to date there are no systemsthat have attempted to addressing such type of questions for the Arabic language.We have proposed two analytical models; the first one is the Pattern Recognizer whichemploys a set of approximately 900 linguistic patterns targeting relationships that hold withinsentences. This model is enhanced with three independent algorithms to discover thecausal/explanatory role indicated by the justification particles. The second model is the TextParser which is approaching text from a discourse perspective in the framework of RhetoricalStructure Theory (RST). This model is meant to break away from the sentence limit. TheText Parser model is built on top of the output produced by the Pattern Recognizer andincorporates a set of heuristics scores to produce the most suitable structure representing thewhole text.The two models are combined together in a way to allow for the development of an ArabicQAS to deal with “why” and “how to” questions. The Pattern Recognizer model achieved anoverall recall of 81% and a precision of 78%. On the other hand, our question answeringsystem was able to find the correct answer for 68% of the test questions. Our results revealthat the justification particles play a key role in indicating intrasentential relations

    Questions-Réponses en domaine ouvert (sélection pertinente de documents en fonction du contexte de la question)

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    Les problématiques abordées dans ma thèse sont de définir une adaptation unifiée entre la sélection des documents et les stratégies de recherche de la réponse à partir du type des documents et de celui des questions, intégrer la solution au système de Questions-Réponses (QR) RITEL du LIMSI et évaluer son apport. Nous développons et étudions une méthode basée sur une approche de Recherche d Information pour la sélection de documents en QR. Celle-ci s appuie sur un modèle de langue et un modèle de classification binaire de texte en catégorie pertinent ou non pertinent d un point de vue QR. Cette méthode permet de filtrer les documents sélectionnés pour l extraction de réponses par un système QR. Nous présentons la méthode et ses modèles, et la testons dans le cadre QR à l aide de RITEL. L évaluation est faite en français en contexte web sur un corpus de 500 000 pages web et de questions factuelles fournis par le programme Quaero. Celle-ci est menée soit sur des documents complets, soit sur des segments de documents. L hypothèse suivie est que le contenu informationnel des segments est plus cohérent et facilite l extraction de réponses. Dans le premier cas, les gains obtenus sont faibles comparés aux résultats de référence (sans filtrage). Dans le second cas, les gains sont plus élevés et confortent l hypothèse, sans pour autant être significatifs. Une étude approfondie des liens existant entre les performances de RITEL et les paramètres de filtrage complète ces évaluations. Le système de segmentation créé pour travailler sur des segments est détaillé et évalué. Son évaluation nous sert à mesurer l impact de la variabilité naturelle des pages web (en taille et en contenu) sur la tâche QR, en lien avec l hypothèse précédente. En général, les résultats expérimentaux obtenus suggèrent que notre méthode aide un système QR dans sa tâche. Cependant, de nouvelles évaluations sont à mener pour rendre ces résultats significatifs, et notamment en utilisant des corpus de questions plus importants.This thesis aims at defining a unified adaptation of the document selection and answer extraction strategies, based on the document and question types, in a Question-Answering (QA) context. The solution is integrated in RITEL (a LIMSI QA system) to assess the contribution. We develop and investigate a method based on an Information Retrieval approach for the selection of relevant documents in QA. The method is based on a language model and a binary model of textual classification in relevant or irrelevant category. It is used to filter unusable documents for answer extraction by matching lists of a priori relevant documents to the question type automatically. First, we present the method along with its underlying models and we evaluate it on the QA task with RITEL in French. The evaluation is done on a corpus of 500,000 unsegmented web pages with factoid questions provided by the Quaero program (i.e. evaluation at the document level or D-level). Then, we evaluate the methodon segmented web pages (i.e. evaluation at the segment level or S-level). The idea is that information content is more consistent with segments, which facilitates answer extraction. D-filtering brings a small improvement over the baseline (no filtering). S-filtering outperforms both the baseline and D-filtering but not significantly. Finally, we study at the S-level the links between RITEL s performances and the key parameters of the method. In order to apply the method on segments, we created a system of web page segmentation. We present and evaluate it on the QA task with the same corpora used to evaluate our document selection method. This evaluation follows the former hypothesis and measures the impact of natural web page variability (in terms of size and content) on RITEL in its task. In general, the experimental results we obtained suggest that our IR-based method helps a QA system in its task, however further investigations should be conducted especially with larger corpora of questions to make them significant.PARIS11-SCD-Bib. électronique (914719901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Representation and Inference for Open-Domain Question Answering: Strength and Limits of two Italian Semantic Lexicons

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    La ricerca descritta nella tesi è stata dedicata alla costruzione di un prototipo di sistema di Question Answering per la lingua italiana. Il prototipo è stato utilizzato come ambiente di valutazione dell’utilità dell’informazione codificata in due lessici semantici computazionali, ItalWordNet e SIMPLE-CLIPS. Il fine è quello di metter in evidenza ipunti di forza e ilimiti della rappresentazione dell’informazione proposta dai due lessici

    Enhancing factoid question answering using frame semantic-based approaches

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    FrameNet is used to enhance the performance of semantic QA systems. FrameNet is a linguistic resource that encapsulates Frame Semantics and provides scenario-based generalizations over lexical items that share similar semantic backgrounds.Doctor of Philosoph