99 research outputs found

    A Lightweight Stemmer for Gujarati

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    Gujarati is a resource poor language with almost no language processing tools being available. In this paper we have shown an implementation of a rule based stemmer of Gujarati. We have shown the creation of rules for stemming and the richness in morphology that Gujarati possesses. We have also evaluated our results by verifying it with a human expert

    Improving the quality of Gujarati-Hindi Machine Translation through part-of-speech tagging and stemmer-assisted transliteration

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    Machine Translation for Indian languages is an emerging research area. Transliteration is one such module that we design while designing a translation system. Transliteration means mapping of source language text into the target language. Simple mapping decreases the efficiency of overall translation system. We propose the use of stemming and part-of-speech tagging for transliteration. The effectiveness of translation can be improved if we use part-of-speech tagging and stemming assisted transliteration.We have shown that much of the content in Gujarati gets transliterated while being processed for translation to Hindi language

    HCU400: An Annotated Dataset for Exploring Aural Phenomenology Through Causal Uncertainty

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    The way we perceive a sound depends on many aspects-- its ecological frequency, acoustic features, typicality, and most notably, its identified source. In this paper, we present the HCU400: a dataset of 402 sounds ranging from easily identifiable everyday sounds to intentionally obscured artificial ones. It aims to lower the barrier for the study of aural phenomenology as the largest available audio dataset to include an analysis of causal attribution. Each sample has been annotated with crowd-sourced descriptions, as well as familiarity, imageability, arousal, and valence ratings. We extend existing calculations of causal uncertainty, automating and generalizing them with word embeddings. Upon analysis we find that individuals will provide less polarized emotion ratings as a sound's source becomes increasingly ambiguous; individual ratings of familiarity and imageability, on the other hand, diverge as uncertainty increases despite a clear negative trend on average

    On the Impact of Entity Linking in Microblog Real-Time Filtering

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    Microblogging is a model of content sharing in which the temporal locality of posts with respect to important events, either of foreseeable or unforeseeable nature, makes applica- tions of real-time filtering of great practical interest. We propose the use of Entity Linking (EL) in order to improve the retrieval effectiveness, by enriching the representation of microblog posts and filtering queries. EL is the process of recognizing in an unstructured text the mention of relevant entities described in a knowledge base. EL of short pieces of text is a difficult task, but it is also a scenario in which the information EL adds to the text can have a substantial impact on the retrieval process. We implement a start-of-the-art filtering method, based on the best systems from the TREC Microblog track realtime adhoc retrieval and filtering tasks , and extend it with a Wikipedia-based EL method. Results show that the use of EL significantly improves over non-EL based versions of the filtering methods.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, 1 table. SAC 2015, Salamanca, Spain - April 13 - 17, 201

    Beyond Stemming and Lemmatization: Ultra-stemming to Improve Automatic Text Summarization

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    In Automatic Text Summarization, preprocessing is an important phase to reduce the space of textual representation. Classically, stemming and lemmatization have been widely used for normalizing words. However, even using normalization on large texts, the curse of dimensionality can disturb the performance of summarizers. This paper describes a new method for normalization of words to further reduce the space of representation. We propose to reduce each word to its initial letters, as a form of Ultra-stemming. The results show that Ultra-stemming not only preserve the content of summaries produced by this representation, but often the performances of the systems can be dramatically improved. Summaries on trilingual corpora were evaluated automatically with Fresa. Results confirm an increase in the performance, regardless of summarizer system used.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figures, 9 table

    Hash2Vec: Feature Hashing for Word Embeddings

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    In this paper we propose the application of feature hashing to create word embeddings for natural language processing. Feature hashing has been used successfully to create document vectors in related tasks like document classification. In this work we show that feature hashing can be applied to obtain word embeddings in linear time with the size of the data. The results show that this algorithm, that does not need training, is able to capture the semantic meaning of words.We compare the results against GloVe showing that they are similar. As far as we know this is the first application of feature hashing to the word embeddings problem and the results indicate this is a scalable technique with practical results for NLP applications.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Filtration in OSN for Personalized Message

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    In recent year’s online social network (OSN) is popularly increased day by day in the form of sharing, commenting, posting, tagging messages or other data. Today’s condition about unwanted post or unwanted messages in social networking is very bad thing happens when peoples work on social networking then unwanted malicious data is post by any person on their wall. System provides a safety by providing the variety of filtering method for data. Also system gives security to user when someone is repeatedly post or share unwanted data. Reliability is provided by system to user by giving offline security that reduce user’s efforts in always online to safe from unwanted data from OSN wall. For user provide the facility to create a blacklist (BL) which is for block a person for particular duration when he/she irritate from that person’s vulgar messages. Whenever user sends a message or comment on another user wall against his/her wish then recipient user does him/her in blacklist. All this things also covered by Undo function and User can able to undo message. System include two sections that for both peoples in this way those who don’t like unwanted or malicious data and those who want malicious data. Short text classification method is use for finding or filtering malicious data. Stemmer algorithm is use filtered data for word comparison and finding unnecessary data and stop word algorithm use for blocking unwanted words from user OSN wall
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