1,573 research outputs found

    Graph Laplacian for Image Anomaly Detection

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    Reed-Xiaoli detector (RXD) is recognized as the benchmark algorithm for image anomaly detection; however, it presents known limitations, namely the dependence over the image following a multivariate Gaussian model, the estimation and inversion of a high-dimensional covariance matrix, and the inability to effectively include spatial awareness in its evaluation. In this work, a novel graph-based solution to the image anomaly detection problem is proposed; leveraging the graph Fourier transform, we are able to overcome some of RXD's limitations while reducing computational cost at the same time. Tests over both hyperspectral and medical images, using both synthetic and real anomalies, prove the proposed technique is able to obtain significant gains over performance by other algorithms in the state of the art.Comment: Published in Machine Vision and Applications (Springer

    Robust Linear Spectral Unmixing using Anomaly Detection

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    This paper presents a Bayesian algorithm for linear spectral unmixing of hyperspectral images that accounts for anomalies present in the data. The model proposed assumes that the pixel reflectances are linear mixtures of unknown endmembers, corrupted by an additional nonlinear term modelling anomalies and additive Gaussian noise. A Markov random field is used for anomaly detection based on the spatial and spectral structures of the anomalies. This allows outliers to be identified in particular regions and wavelengths of the data cube. A Bayesian algorithm is proposed to estimate the parameters involved in the model yielding a joint linear unmixing and anomaly detection algorithm. Simulations conducted with synthetic and real hyperspectral images demonstrate the accuracy of the proposed unmixing and outlier detection strategy for the analysis of hyperspectral images

    Low-Rank and Sparse Decomposition for Hyperspectral Image Enhancement and Clustering

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    In this dissertation, some new algorithms are developed for hyperspectral imaging analysis enhancement. Tensor data format is applied in hyperspectral dataset sparse and low-rank decomposition, which could enhance the classification and detection performance. And multi-view learning technique is applied in hyperspectral imaging clustering. Furthermore, kernel version of multi-view learning technique has been proposed, which could improve clustering performance. Most of low-rank and sparse decomposition algorithms are based on matrix data format for HSI analysis. As HSI contains high spectral dimensions, tensor based extended low-rank and sparse decomposition (TELRSD) is proposed in this dissertation for better performance of HSI classification with low-rank tensor part, and HSI detection with sparse tensor part. With this tensor based method, HSI is processed in 3D data format, and information between spectral bands and pixels maintain integrated during decomposition process. This proposed algorithm is compared with other state-of-art methods. And the experiment results show that TELRSD has the best performance among all those comparison algorithms. HSI clustering is an unsupervised task, which aims to group pixels into different groups without labeled information. Low-rank sparse subspace clustering (LRSSC) is the most popular algorithms for this clustering task. The spatial-spectral based multi-view low-rank sparse subspace clustering (SSMLC) algorithms is proposed in this dissertation, which extended LRSSC with multi-view learning technique. In this algorithm, spectral and spatial views are created to generate multi-view dataset of HSI, where spectral partition, morphological component analysis (MCA) and principle component analysis (PCA) are applied to create others views. Furthermore, kernel version of SSMLC (k-SSMLC) also has been investigated. The performance of SSMLC and k-SSMLC are compared with sparse subspace clustering (SSC), low-rank sparse subspace clustering (LRSSC), and spectral-spatial sparse subspace clustering (S4C). It has shown that SSMLC could improve the performance of LRSSC, and k-SSMLC has the best performance. The spectral clustering has been proved that it equivalent to non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) problem. In this case, NMF could be applied to the clustering problem. In order to include local and nonlinear features in data source, orthogonal NMF (ONMF), graph-regularized NMF (GNMF) and kernel NMF (k-NMF) has been proposed for better clustering performance. The non-linear orthogonal graph NMF combine both kernel, orthogonal and graph constraints in NMF (k-OGNMF), which push up the clustering performance further. In the HSI domain, kernel multi-view based orthogonal graph NMF (k-MOGNMF) is applied for subspace clustering, where k-OGNMF is extended with multi-view algorithm, and it has better performance and computation efficiency

    Hyperspectral Image Analysis through Unsupervised Deep Learning

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    Hyperspectral image (HSI) analysis has become an active research area in computer vision field with a wide range of applications. However, in order to yield better recognition and analysis results, we need to address two challenging issues of HSI, i.e., the existence of mixed pixels and its significantly low spatial resolution (LR). In this dissertation, spectral unmixing (SU) and hyperspectral image super-resolution (HSI-SR) approaches are developed to address these two issues with advanced deep learning models in an unsupervised fashion. A specific application, anomaly detection, is also studied, to show the importance of SU.Although deep learning has achieved the state-of-the-art performance on supervised problems, its practice on unsupervised problems has not been fully developed. To address the problem of SU, an untied denoising autoencoder is proposed to decompose the HSI into endmembers and abundances with non-negative and abundance sum-to-one constraints. The denoising capacity is incorporated into the network with a sparsity constraint to boost the performance of endmember extraction and abundance estimation.Moreover, the first attempt is made to solve the problem of HSI-SR using an unsupervised encoder-decoder architecture by fusing the LR HSI with the high-resolution multispectral image (MSI). The architecture is composed of two encoder-decoder networks, coupled through a shared decoder, to preserve the rich spectral information from the HSI network. It encourages the representations from both modalities to follow a sparse Dirichlet distribution which naturally incorporates the two physical constraints of HSI and MSI. And the angular difference between representations are minimized to reduce the spectral distortion.Finally, a novel detection algorithm is proposed through spectral unmixing and dictionary based low-rank decomposition, where the dictionary is constructed with mean-shift clustering and the coefficients of the dictionary is encouraged to be low-rank. Experimental evaluations show significant improvement on the performance of anomaly detection conducted on the abundances (through SU).The effectiveness of the proposed approaches has been evaluated thoroughly by extensive experiments, to achieve the state-of-the-art results

    Detecting anomalies in remotely sensed hyperspectral signatures via wavelet transforms

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    An automated subpixel target detection system has been designed and tested for use with remotely sensed hyperspectral images. A database of hyperspectral signatures was created to test the system using a variety of Gaussian shaped targets. The signal-to-noise ratio of the targets varied from -95dB to -50dB. The system utilizes a wavelet-based method (discrete wavelet transform) to extract an energy feature vector from each input pixel signature. The dimensionality of the feature vector is reduced to a one-dimensional feature scalar through the process of linear discriminant analysis. Signature classification is determined by nearest mean criterion that is used to assign each input signature to one of two classes, no target present or target present. Classification accuracy ranged from nearly 60% with target SNR at -95dB without any a priori knowledge of the target, to 100% with target SNR at -50dB and a priori knowledge about the location of the target within the spectral bands of the signature